"The Abenaki Language"

Words in ITALICS are the literal meanings for the words...

Say      the days      of the week.

from one Sunday

Ida        kisokol      negwedsandak.

Say the days of the week.

Ida kisokol negwedsandak.

Sanda                  Sunday      

Kizsanda     Monday     (after Sunday)

Nisda Alokan     Tuesday     (two times working)

Nsida Alokan     Wednesday     (three times working)

Iawda Alokan     Thursday     (four times working)

Skawatukwikisgad     Friday     (day of the Crucifix)

Kadawsanda     Saturday     (wants to be Sunday)

There are        seven        days        in a week.

Adoji        t�baw�z        kisokol        sandaiwi.

Adoji t�baw�z kisokol sandaiwi.

There are     fifty-two     weeks     in one year.

Adoji     n�nninska taba nis     negwedsandaal     negwedjigadenwaiwi.

Adoji n�nninska taba nis negwedsandaal negwedjigadenwaiwi.

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