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German Jews at Stutthof Concentration Camp

Stutthof is one of the lesser-known concentration camps. It is located in the eastern suburbs of Gdansk, Poland (formerly Danzig), in the town now known as Sztutowo, Poland. Stutthof has the dubious distinction of being the first concentration camp located outside of Germany. Initially used to hold political prisoners from the city of Danzig, it gradually came to incarcerate prisoners from further away. It remained relatively small through 1940-41, with about 12,000 prisoners.

Beginning in 1942, prisoners of various nationalities were transferred to Stutthof from other camps, such as Mauthausen and Flossenburg. In 1943, the camp grew larger and established an extensive system of sub-camps, with prisoners primarily from Poland, but also substantial numbers from Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia and elsewhere. The major influx of prisoners began in 1944, when 75,000 prisoners, especially Hungarian and Polish Jews, were sent there. Another large number of Jewish prisoners were sent to Stutthof from Riga, Latvia. Altogether, about 120,000 individuals passed through or died in Stutthof.

Surname Given Name Maiden Name Born Birth Place Residence Camp
Salomons Selma ABESHAUS 27/7/24 Bochum Muenster Riga/Stutthof

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