Carson Maurice Linton


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Carson Maurice Linton is the son of Harvey M. Linton and Mary Ann Dennis. He was born 6 Sep 1907 in Mt. Hope, Grant, Wisconsin. He died 21 May 1974 at the age of 66 in Eastman, Crawford, Wisconsin and was buried there at National Cemetery.

On 2 Jun 1934, he married Eldora Mae Campbell in Eastman, Crawford, Wisconsin. She is the daughter of John Campbell and Estella. She was born 27 Aug 1909. She died 24 Aug 1983 -- just 3 days short of her 74th birthday -- in Eastman, Crawford, Wisconsin. She is buried at National Cemetery, Eastman, Crawford, Wisconsin.

Children of Carson Maurice Linton and Eldora Mae Campbell:

  1. Mary Ann Linton was born in 1936 in Wisconsin.
  2. Virginia Linton was born in 1938 in Wisconsin.
  3. Francis Linton was born 15 Jun 1944 in Prairie du Chien, Grant, Wisconsin and died 28 Feb 1967 at the age of 22. He is buried at National Cemetery, Eastman, Crawford, Wisconsin.


All information for this family provided by Stuart Voeck.


  • Birth and Death from Social Security Death Index (SSN 354-28-2295). Last residence is assumed to be the deathplace.
  • Death and Burial from his obituary in an unknown newspaper.

Eldora: Birth and Death from Social Security Death Index (SSN 388-36-4717).


We are actively seeking more information on the individuals listed here (and their descendants). If you have any additional information, photographs or documents to share: please e-mail me ([email protected]).
Daniel Edwards

Last Updated: Thursday, November 17, 2011.