Eva Marie Linton is the daughter of Harvey M. Linton and Mary Ann Dennis. She was born 7 Feb 1910 in Mt. Hope, Grant, Wisconsin. She died 14 Jul 1987 at the age of 77 in Monroe, Green, Wisconsin and is buried at St. Wenceslaus Cemetery, Eastman, Crawford, Wisconsin. On 30 Jun 1932, she married John Adolph Polodna in La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin. He is the son of John A. Polodna and Anna Mezera. He was born 19 Apr 1908 in Prairie du Chien, Crawford, Wisconsin. He died 9 Feb 1962 at age 53 in Prairie du Chien, Crawford, Wisconsin. He is buried at St. Wenceslaus Cemetery, Eastman, Crawford, Wisconsin. Children of Eva Marie Linton and John Adolph Polodna:
SourcesAll information for this family provided by Stuart Voeck or David Lee Polodna.
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please e-mail me ([email protected]). Last Updated: Thursday, November 17, 2011.