Ella Edwards Ward is the daughter of Nettie Elizabeth Cassingham and John Guinn Ward. She was born 17 Feb 1905 in Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, California. She died 21 Jan 1962 at age 56 in Newport Beach, Orange, California and was buried 26 Jan 1962 at Augusta Cemetery, Augusta, Butler, Kansas.
Child of Ella Edwards Ward and Robert Charles Dahm:
Child of Ella Edwards Ward and Minor Jesse Emm:
SourcesMost of the basic information for this family comes from the personal knowledge of Judy (Emm) Canfield. Ella: Birth from the family Bible. What's In A Name?Ella was one of only two Ward children born during the family's stay in California when they lived with or near Nettie's sister, Ella May (Cassingham) Edwards. Ella Edwards Ward was named for this beloved aunt.
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If you have any additional information, photographs or documents to share:
please e-mail me ([email protected]). Last Updated: Thursday, November 17, 2011.