Clarence Arthur Rathbun, Sr. Obituary


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Clarence Arthur Rathbun, Sr. Obituary

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[From the La Harpe, Illinois newspaper, Feb. 25, 1959]

Last Rites for C. A. Rathbun Held Saturday

In Failing Health, He Had Been in Hospital For Only a Few Days

Funeral services for Clarence Arthur Rathbun, retired Durham township farmer, were held on Saturday afternoon in the Banks funeral home, with Rev. James R. Poe of the Methodist church officiating.

Mr. Rathbun passed away in the Mary Davier hospital here at 3:15 a. m. on Thursday, February 19, 1959 after only a few days' treatment and just three days before he would have observed his 77th birthday.

Clarence Arthur Rathbun, son of' William and Bonita (Padgett) Rathbun, was born on a farm near Memphis, Missouri on February 22, 1882 and grew up in that community. As a young man he worked a short time in the silver mines at Cripple Creek Colorado but he later came to Illinois to work on a farm.

Here he met and married Miss Myrtle B. McEndree. They were married in Carthage on June 7, 1906. Except for a few months in Dallas City, his entire active married life was spent farming in Durham township, near La Harpe. In October, 1957 he was forced by failing health to leave the farm life he loved so well and to move into town. He departed this life at the LaHarpe Hospital on February 19, 1959.

His marriage was blessed with three children, Violet May, Clarence A., Jr. and Luretta Merle. After the death of the son, he and his wife took their grand-daughter, Margaret Ann, into their home and reared her as their own.

Arthur was a devoted husband and father and his life centered in his family and his home. He was a good neighbor, always ready to do a favor or lend a helping hand to those in need. Always thoughtful of others, he never missed a chance to do a kind deed or speak a friendly word. These traits won him a host of friends. He was a member of the LaHarpe Methodist church and loyally attended its services as long as his health permitted.

He was preceded in death by his daughter, Violet, son Junior, two sisters and two brothers.

Left to mourn him are his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Merle Patterson of LaHarpe, four grandchildren, Carol and Cindy Patterson, Mrs. Margaret Jones, of Des Moines, Iowa and Marvin Rathbun, stationed with the Marines at Memphis, Tennessee, also one dearly beloved great grandson, Dennis Jones. There are three brothers, Arville, Canon City, Colorado, Victor of El Cajon, California and one sister, Mrs. Blanche Kress, Mt. Vernon, Washington.

Arthur is surely one to whom the Lord has said, well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys prepared for thee.