Oletha (Tarman) Haskin Obituary


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Oletha (Tarman) Haskin Obituary

(From the Quill, Dec 10 1901, LaHarpe Historical Society - courtesy of Judy O'Flaherty)

Died-At her home, Weaver, Ia., Thursday, Dec. 5, 1901, Mrs. Oletha Hoskins, aged 36 years, and 17 days.

Mrs. Hoskins had not been sick long but her condition became so serious that her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Tarman of this city, were called to her bedside. Everything known to medical science was called into practice to preserve her life but proved of no avail. She was well-known in LaHarpe and vicinity and many hearts are saddened at her death, because of her value as a friend, wife and as a good woman who lived a short but exemplary life.

She was the only surviving child of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Tarman, two daughters having preceded her to the grave, one 22 and the other 5 years ago. She was married to James Hoskins, June 28, 1894, and to them was born one child which passed away in infancy. They resided in this county until about three years ago when they removed to Weaver, where the deceased gained a place in the hearts of all acquaintances. The remains were brought to LaHarpe Friday and the funeral occurred at the M. P. church Sunday, Rev. Evans, conducting the services. The burial occurred in the LaHarpe cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Tarman and the bereaved husband have the fullest sympathy of our people in their bereavement.