[From the Central Kansas Democrat, Lyons, Kansas, Friday,
October 28, 1904.] Obituary Mrs. Isabel Floyd Cassingham was born Feb 9, 1832 in Muskingum county, Ohio, and died Oct 17, 1904, at her home in Mitchell, Kans. She was married to G. B. Cassingham, Dec 17, 1854; making nearly fifty years of married life. Ten children were born to them, six of whom are still living, a daughter in Cuba, Ill., a son in Montana, one in Pratt county, Kans., two in Missouri and one here. Mrs. Cassingham was converted in 1858 and united with the M. E. church, holding such relation until she was transferred from the church militant tot the church triumphant. She had been a great sufferer for many years, but was remarkably patient through it all. The funeral services were conducted at the M.E. church in Mitchell, by the pastor, after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Lyons to await the summons of the children of God. The bereaved certainly have the sympathy of the entire community. |
[From the Lyons Republican, Lyons, Kansas, October 21,
1904.] Died Death has invaded the home of one of the early settlers of Rice county and taken Mrs. Isabell Lloyd Cassingham of Mitchell from our midst. Mrs. Cassingham died Monday, October 17th, 1904, aged 72 years, 8 months and 8 days. She had been sick several years, but bore her suffering with great patience. The funeral services were held at Mitchell Tuesday and the remains laid to rest in the Graceland Cemetery, Lyons. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved husband and family in their sorrow. |