Descendants of Ebenezer Cummings
Fred Charles Young is the son of Pearl Mabel Cummings and Joseph Charles Young. He was born 26 Jun 1913 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He died 26 Aug 1989 at age 76 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan. He is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery, Alpine Twp., Kent, Michigan. He married Eleanor J. Cooper. She was born 28 Aug 1919. She died 14 Jan 1970 at age 50 in Kent County, Michigan. She is buried at Pine Grove Cemetery, Alpine Twp., Kent, Michigan. Child of Fred Charles Young and Eleanor J. Cooper:
SourcesMost information for this family provided by Jill Stone. Fred:
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seeking more information on the individuals listed here (and their descendants).
If you have any additional information, photographs or documents to share:
please e-mail me ([email protected]). Last Updated: Thursday, November 17, 2011.