Miriam Joan Johnson Obituary

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Miriam Joan Johnson Obituary

[From Van Wert Times-Bulletin, Van Wert, OH, 31 Dec 1951]

Miss Miriam Joan Johnson, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Johnson of Lima, residents of Ridge Township until about two years ago, died at 1 A. M. today in Lima St. Rita's Hospital where she had been a poliomyelitis patient since last August 18.

Miss Johnson had been confined in an iron lung and her condition had improved to the extent that she was taken from the breathing apparatus November 14. Her condition became critical following Christmas.

She was born in Ridge Township and attended Ridge Centralized School until the family moved near Lima. She was graduated from Lima Shawnee High School last spring.

Besides her parents, she is survived by two sisters and a brother, Vera, Janie and John Paul, all at home; her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stemen of Ridge Township and County Commissioner and Mrs. L. A. Johnson, Sr., of Ridge Township.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 P.M. Wednesday at the Middle Point Methodist Church and burial will be in Ridge cemetery. The body is at the Childs Funeral Home on West Wayne Street in Lima.