Edwards & Hartman Drug Store

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Edwards & Hartman Drug Store

[From the CARROLL COUNTY BIOGRAPHY & BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Mirror Democrat NOW, Mt. Carroll IL November 24, 1922, as appearing in GenealogyTrails.com]

Edwards & Hartman - Drug Store

One of the most prominent stores in Mt. Carroll is the Edwards & Hartman drug store, its proprietors being F. G. Edwards, a veteran druggist and his son-in-law, Charles E. Hartman. Mr. Hartman was in the business before the world war; when the call for U. S. Soldiers came he did not wait for the draft but enlisted, leaving a bride and a drug store behind. He was one of the boys who developed rapidly and it was not long until he was "ever there." Happily, he was spared to return, and after getting home, found that he would have to have a pharmacist, as the law requires a licensed pharmacist to sell drugs of any kind.

F. G. Edwards has for years been a licensed pharmacist, and it was finally decided that he would go into partnership with Mr. Hartman, although he had retired from active business. The store has prospered. It has a large trade in every branch of the business, and its ice cream and soft drinks are acknowledged to have no peer. Their fountain is one of the most modern and up-to-date in the city.

Mr. Hartman is a civic hustler, and is always looking for something that will be for the benefit of the city. He is a loyal, leading member of the American Legion, and there is nothing he will not do to put it into the clear when it undertakes anything of a civic nature. The American Legion members have been making history and will continue doing so for years to come and Mr. Hartman is one of the foremost members.

This store carries a large stock of paints, oils, drugs, books, patent medicine, sporting goods, in fact anything that should be found in a fleet class drug store can be found here. Both the proprietors are as popular as any men in the city. Mr. Edwards has been a director in the Commercial Club, and is a level headed business man in city affairs, and his experience, coupled with the youth, ambition and executive ability of Mr. Hartman makes a team that is bound to be the leaders they are.

F. G. Edwards is the father-in-law of Mr. Hartman, and has always been in business here. He is one of the most popular business men Mt. Carroll ever had, and one of the hustlers. A former director in the Commercial Club, always ready and willing to do his share in any enterprise that looks for the upbuilding of the city. As a young man he was always in the front ranks and he has never lagged.