Harold Davis Biggs is the son of
Nola Frances Ellis and Vaughan Davis Biggs.
He was born 13 September 1915 in Panhandle, Carson, Texas. He died 18 December 2001 at age 86 in Panhandle, Carson, Texas.
20 December 2001, he was buried at Panhandle Cemetery, Panhandle, Carson, Texas.
- On 3 July 1936, at age 20, he married Vivian Jaunice O'Neal, who was age 19,
in Panhandle, Carson, Texas.
She is the daughter of Lenard O'Neal and Ola.
She was born 26 May 1917 in Texico, Curry, New Mexico.
She died 25 February 2003 at age 85.
On 1 March 2003, she was buried at Panhandle Cemetery, Panhandle, Carson, Texas.
Children of Harold Davis Biggs and Vivian Jaunice O'Neal:
- Ella Jean Biggs was born in 1945 in Texas.
- Jerry Davis Biggs was born in 1946 in Texas.
- Birth and Death from the Social Security Death Index [Name: Harold D.
Biggs; SSN: 456-07-1676; Last Residence: 79068 Panhandle, Carson, Texas;
Born: 13 Sep 1915; Died: 18 Dec 2001; SSN issued: Texas (Before 1951)].
- Birth, Marriage, Death and Burial from his
- Birth, Marriage, Death and Burial from her
Census Listings
The individuals in this family appear in the following census listings.