Orda Ordell Hare Obituary

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Orda Ordell Hare Obituary

[From an unknown newspaper]

ORDA [Bill] HARE, Dies Here Tuesday Night

Orda [Bill] Hare, 71, of 206 Broad Street, South Whitley, died At 9:00 p.m. Tuesday at the Alfran Nursing Home Columbia City, In.

Mr. Hare retired in 1965 after 21 years of employment with Penn-Central Railroad. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and attended the United Methodist Church at South Whitley.

He was a North Manchester native, was born on June 06,1901, a son of Heber and Veletta [Clark] Hare.

Surviving are his wife, Gertrude, two daughters, Mrs. Gene [Bonnie] Heindenreich, R#4, and Mrs. Phil [Patricia] Gardner, Hanna, In. Three sons, Joe, Ted, and Bill Hare, all of Columbia City, In. Three step-daughters, Mrs. [Flossie] Guy Linn, Jr. Mrs. Asa [Mary] Bollinger, and Mrs. Don [Betty] Stouder, all of South Whitley. 13 grand-children, and two great-grand-children; one brother, James [Vicky] Hare, Sarasota, Fla. five sisters, Mrs. [Betty] Bob McKee, Mrs. Dick Anderson, Mrs. Josephine Middleton, Mrs Ethel Marvin, all of North Manchester, In. Mrs. Carl [Mary] Quinn of Monroeville, In. Two brothers and and a sister preceded him in death.

Calling will be after 6:00 P.M. today at the Miller Funeral Home in South Whitley.

The Rev. Robert Milburn, pastor of the South Whitley, United Methodist Church, will conduct the funeral service in the funeral homeat 2 p.m. Friday. Burial will be in South Whitley Cemetery.