Henry S. Egolf Obituary

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Henry S. Egolf Obituary

Columbia City Commercial Mail and Columbia City Post, 09 Dec. 1910 and 03 Dec. 1910, respectively
(Not complete obituary -- from "Digest of Obituaries Published in Newspapers of Columbia City, Whitley Co., Indiana 1856-1910" by Nellie M. Raber)

EGOLF, Henry S. was born 12 Feb. 1832 in Licking Co. Ohio; died Wednesday aged 78 years, 9 months and 18 days; was about 4 years old when his parents, Mr. and Mrs Adam Egolf settled in Thorncreek Tp., Whitley Co., Ind.; married Malinda Garrison on 7 Sep. 1855; four of their 13 children are living. They are: Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Lore, Columbia City, Ind.; Zilpah Fisher and Marion Egolf of Thorncreek Tp. and Alonzo Egolf of Smith Tp. this county. Three brothers survive him: Joseph of Columbia City, Ind.; Benjamin just north of town and John of Muskegon Mich. Mrs. William Gaff of Smith Tp. Whitley Co., Ind. is a sister. He donated the land on which the Egolf Church stands. The funeral was held in this church and burial was in the adjoining cemetery.