Marion Egolf Obituary

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Marion Egolf Obituary

Marion Egolf, 73, 303 North line street, died last night at 6:30 o'clock in Linvill Memorial Hospital. He had been ill for the past several weeks of a heart ailment. Mr. Egolf became sheriff of Whitley county January 1, 1913 and served for two terms. He later served as deputy sheriff for several years.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wynkoop of Fort Wayne were at Mr. Egolf's bedside when death came; Mrs. Wynkoop is a cousin and a number of years made her home with the Egolf's.

He was a native of Thorncreek township and was born to Henry and Malinda Garrison Egolf on December 26, 1871. His marriage to Cora Baum occurred December 23, 1894. Mrs. Egolf died August 2, 1942. After locating in Columbia City Mr. Egolf was engaged in the real estate bussiness with George Shriver for a number of years. A resident of North Line street, he had for a number of years spent the summer months at his Tri-Lakes cottage.

The Knight Templars of which Mr. Egolf was a member will attend the funeral rites in a body and will be in charge of the committal service in Greenhill cemetery following rites to be held at Smith Funeral Home at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, the Rev. G. L. Kleespie of Grace Lutheran church officiating.

Friends will be received at the Smith Funeral Home after 7:30 o'clock tonight.