Eller Chronicles Aug 92 p-6

The Eller Chronicles


Page - 193


THE BAVARIAN ALGAU REGION OF GERMANY - from Lt. Col. Thomas H. Eller, 520 Hwy. #1 N., Camden Military Academy, Camden, SC 25020 - while in Germany he visited this region to do research on Eller families. See picture on back cover of the house which he is convinced was the birth place of George Michael Eller, immigrant to the U.S. in 1743.

MISCELLANEOUS ELLER REFERENCES, Rowan CO.,NC Library, Salisbury, N.C...... J. G. Eller

Index of Rev. War Pension Applications in the National Archives, Nat. Geneal. Soc., Washington, D.C. 1976.

p. 172: ELLER, JOHN N.Y. (wife) Elizabeth

ELLER,JOHN McKOR/MELCKER N.C. [This was John Melchior Eller, son of Jacob Eller, the immigrant , Rowan Co., N.C.]

Index to War of 1812. Pension Files Vol. I: A-F, trans. by Virgil D. White, The Nat. Hist. Publ. Co., Waynesboro, TN, 1989.

p. 663: ELLER, COONROD, Eliza, WO 44510; ser Col. Pearson's Regt. N.C. Mil.

ELLER, DAVID, Sarah (Leonard) WC-3008, m. 1 Febr 1815, Rowan Cty, NC, sd 21 Oct 1860,, Putnam City, IN; srv Thomas M Nelson's Co. 10th U.S. Infantry, livedk Putnam City, IN.

JOHN OR JOHN EALER OR EIL-ER, Elizabeth, Old War WF-#3856, Rej also WF # 33245, srv as Pvt in PA mil

p.664: ELLER, JACOB, Elizabeth (Grimes) WC-17980; m. 23 Nov 1826, Frederick Cty., MD, sd 8 Dec 1867 Calloway Cty. MO, wd 17 Jan 1887, srv Barton Hackney's MD Mil, lived Calloway cty., MO

ELLER, JACOB, Eliza, WO-45388, srv Capt Martin's Co. (NC?) Mil., alledged.

ELLER, JOHN OR JOHN EALER, wc-33245, srv Capt Abraham Rink's Co. PA Mil.

ELLERS, JAMES alias James Suthers, SO-34681, srv Capt Marshall's Co. VA Mil.

Peter Wilson Coldham, The Cornplete Book of Emigrants 1661-1699, Geneal. Publ. Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1990. ,

p. 357: 27 Jan-11 Mar & 24th Sept-8 Oct 1680. Shippers by the Dolphin, Mr. John Foye, bound from London for New England ... among those listed.... JOHN ELLERS (Pro: E190/91/1

p. 366: 17 Aug- 4 Sept 1680. Shippers by the Charles, Mr. Samuel Phillips, bound from London for Virginia... among 6 listed ... THOMAS ELLERS (Pro: E 190/19 1 / 1)

Pro: = Public Records Office, Chancery Lane, London, WC2AlLR followed by reference number of the document)

ELLER CHRONICLES Vol. VI:3,   August. 1992 pp. 195

MISCELLANEOUS ELLER REFERENCES, Grayson Co., VA Library, Independence, VA............ J. G. Eller

Militia fo Montgomery Co., VA 1777-1793, comp. Mary B. Kegley, n.d., p. 37: "Jeremiah Pearce's Company, April 5, 1781, Richd Eller.

1850 Census VA:

Eller, Abraham, Roanoke Co. 323 57th Dist.
Eller, George, Grayson Co. 216 ___Dist.
Eller, John, Roanoke Co. 323 57th Dist.
Eller, Peter, Marshall Co. 268 33rd Dist.

Cemetery Records of Carroll Co., VA, comp. Carroll Co. H-ist. Soc., edit. Suzanne Buron, 1990, p. 258:

Fries Pentecostal Holiness Church Cemetery-
Eller, Ira H. 1906-1988
Eller, Nora E. 1907-1978

John Perry Alderman, Carroll/ Grayson Marriages, 1987


(Eds. Readers might question the value of publishing such a miscellaneous list; but if everyone would make such a list when they are in libraries and send the list in for publication, someone somewhere may find the long lost relative for whom they have been searching. Also, new interesting records may be found; for example, Richard Eller's record in the Rev. War for 1781 (Who was this Richard Eller?, Also, two more Ellers who arrived in the 1600's were found. There is far more to the Eller story than what we now know.

ELLER CHRONICLES Vol. VI:3,   August. 1992 pp. 196

Located in the Bavarian Algau Region, near Scheidegg.

Picture made by Lt. Col. Thomas H., Eller., U.S. Army
House .# 94- Unterstein, W. Germany.. Home:of Micheal Eller and Agatha Wucherin (1659).. Home of Jacob Eller and Anna Rustlinin (1699).. Picture taken 10 October 1983.

(The text that goes with this photo, as best as I can make it out, [ADE])



8999 Scheidegg im Allg�u Telefon (0 83 87) 636

Famille Ludwig und Gerdi Eller bieten lhnen einen erholsamen Urlaub.

Wir w�rden uns �ber lhren Besuch freuen!

ELLER CHRONICLES Vol. VI:3,   August. 1992 pp. 197

Paul J. Phipps
836 So- Harman Way #49
Orting, WA 98360

6 July 1992

J. Gerald Eller
Rt- 2 Box 145-D
Whittier, NC 28789

Dear Gerald,

Enclosed is my application for membership in the Eller Family Association and a check for $15.00 for the dues. I have also enclosed some pertinent Pedigree Charts to show you who I am.

I became interested in the Eller name a couple of years ago, when I volunteered to do the pedigree for a cousin. I purchased J. W. Hook's book, �George Michael Eller- - - -�, to help my quest. My cousin's grandfather was Lowery Eller, which was all she knew. There was only one Lowery in Hook's book, but he was born 10 years too late per the census data in the book. After a number of letters to Bill Eller, it was found the census data for Lowery in the book was wrong. The census data in the book was for 1870 instead of 1860, as it should have been.

The reason for giving you this information, is to let you know that in the process of finding the census error, I became an expert (ha) on the Eller name. I have enclosed an Overview Chart on my cousin, Ida Mae Boling of Bristol, TN.

Recently I found the parents of my gggg grandfather, Peter Graybeal Sr., Peter and Mary Grabill I have enclosed a FGR of Peter and Mary Grabill- You will note that two of their the children are married to Ellers. These two Ellers are Joseph and Henry Eller Jr., children of Henry and Elizabeth (Bigler) Eller.

At this point, I wrote to Bill Eller for information on Henry Eller Sr. and an application to join the EFA. Bill sent me a lot of data and the application, and here I am.

In the future, I probably will be ordering some back issues of the Eller Chronicles that will assist me.

I am a relatively newcomer to this fascinating subject of genealogy, but I am an avid seeker- Will be awaiting your reply.



ELLER CHRONICLES Vol. VI:3,   August. 1992 pp. 198

I got lazy with the following Family Group Sheet and Pedigree Charts. I entered the data into my favorite Genealogy program, Family Origins For Windows, and let it make the charts for me, I modified them a little.

There is also a GEDCOM file of this data that you can download and import into a Genealogy program of your own. Just be sure to import it into a new and empty database first to see if there is any of it that you really want it in your main database. The individual numbers from Paul Phipps charts were entered as name suffixes so they would look like his charts were printed.

Since the photocopies are nearly unreadable, and my hand generated charts are so awkward, I intend to handle the charts in this manner from here forward, unless I hear some strong objections from readers.

E-Mail A Note To Alfred

Family Group Sheet

HUSBAND Peter "Old" Grabill -16911
  Birthabt 1730 
Deathbef 11 Mar 1811Johnsville, Frederick Co., MD
Burial  Johnsville *, Frederick Co. MD
Marriage abt 1750 
WIFE Mary ? - 16912
 Birthabt 1730 
Death bef 1815Johnsville, Frederick Co., MD
Burial Johnsville ?, Frederick Co., MD


Elizabeth Grabel - 16916
  Birthabt 1754 
Marriage  Joseph Eller - 16922


John Grabill - 16921
 Birth 13 Mar 1758 
Death 13 Feb 1844Johnsville, Frederick Co., MD
Marriage Anna Garber - 16921


Saree Grabel - 16913
  Birthabt 1760 
Marriage7 Feb 1811 Adam Smith Jr - 16919


Peter John Grabeal Sr - 6009
  Birth3 Oct 1762, Lancaster Co., PA
Death11 May 1842 Vega, Jackson Co., OH, Bloomfield Twp
Marriage abt 1779Chrisina Wampler - 6010; , Frederick Co., MD


Francy Grabel - 16917
  Birthabt 1765 
Deathabt 1838  
Marriage  Henry Eller Jr. - 16923


Joseph Grable - 16918
  Birthabt 1770, Frederick Co., MD
Death1844W. Bethlehem Twp., Washington Co., PA
Marriage abt 1792Barbara Garber - 16926; , Frederick Co., MD

ELLER CHRONICLES Vol. VI:3,   August. 1992 pp. 199

Pedigree chart of Paul John Phipps.

The following individuals do not fit neatly on the charts:
Paul had listed children of Peter J Graybeal Sr. - 6009 and Christina Wampler - 6010, as:
And the children of W. Boling (Bowling) - 6217 and Margaret V. Eller - 6225, as:

ELLER CHRONICLES Vol. VI:3,   August. 1992 pp. 199

Pedigree Charts submitted by Paul J. Phipps

Table of Contents

#*# Paul John Phipps, Ancestors

#*# Ida Mae Boling, Ancestors

#*# Download a GEDCOM file of this data (28260 bytes)

Data from charts submitted July 6, 1992 by:
Paul J Phipps
836 S. Harman Way #49
Orting, WA. 98360

Phone (206) 893-5399

Created 1 Jun 2001 with Family Origins 9.0

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