Eller Chronicles Nov 93 p- 2

The Eller Chronicles


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From: Lynn Eller, J. Gerald Eller, and Charlotte Eller Marshall -

Members are urged to study the report and send comments, suggestions, and questions directly to President Lynn Eller, 42nd 28th St., N.W., Atlanta, GA 30309.


This report was the result of an intense period of long-range planning conducted over several weeks during which many ideas, letters, draft documents, and telephone calls were exchanged. The major objective of the planning process was to reflect on ways to improve EFA operations, identify what might be done more effectively, identify new problems and future needs, and prepare recommendations for submission to the President and Board of Directors.

Many members during the past two years have become active on behalf of the organization, and several new members have joined during the past year. Word about the existence of an Eller Family Association has now spread to most parts of the country. More Ellers are beginning to perceive that the Association is not a fly-by-night operation, that the leadership is striving to build a permanent organization based on the belief that the preservation and dissemination of family history is important. For these reasons, the Committee thinks now is the time to reaffirm our goals and redouble our efforts to achieve them.

Project areas addressed in this report include:.
  1. New Proposed By-Laws
  2. Recruitment
  3. Research,
  4. EFA Computer-User Group
  5. Publications
  6. Archives.
  7. EFA Handbook

Comment: As the planning process began, it was apparent that the first basic need was a revision of the By-laws to reflect what has been learned about the operational needs of the EFA during the past four years. Proposed revisions were coordinated by Charlotte Eller Marshall and appear below. Proposed plans were completed for By-laws, Research and Publications in time for Conf. III, but plans for Recruitment, Computers, Restoration and Archive Projects were not completed; for these, only recommendations for further policy development by the Board of Directors are included in this report.

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ACTION OF THE EFA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: On July 14,1993 the Board of Directors in session in Portland, Oregon approved the following By-Laws tentatively until, circulated to the full membership. The President then, taking into consideration input from the membership, will draft final recommendations to the Board whose actions will be final.

Article I - NAME

The name of this non-profit association shall be THE ELLER FAMILY ASSOCIATION.


The purposes of the ELLER FAMILY ASSOCIATION shall be:

  1. To promote a sense of kinship and a consciousness of ELLER Family History and tradition

  2. To promote and publicize local family reunions.

  3. To hold a biennial family conference open to all ELLER and allied family members world wide.

  4. To encourage the restoration and maintenance of cemeteries or other sites of meaning to various ELLER families.

  5. To encourage and aid genealogical and historical research on ELLER and allied families world wide.

  6. To encourage and assist in the publication of ELLER family histories and ELLER related genealogies.

  7. To publish THE ELLER CHRONICLES, which shall be the official publication of the Association.

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  1. Membership in the ELLER FAMILY ASSOCIATION (hereafter EFA) shall be open to all persons and organizations subscribing to its purposes and paying annual dues.

  2. Any member may withdraw from membership by filing a resignation with the Secretary of the EFA, or by non-payment of dues.

  3. Any member may be removed, with or without cause, at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members in attendance at a duly constituted general membership meeting.

  1. Annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and shall be payable November 1st of each year. Membership dues shall include four quarterly issues of THE ELLER CHRONICLES for the following year. Dues for members joining during the year shall be for the full year, without proration. Prior issues of THE ELLER CHRONICLES for the current year will be mailed to new members.

    Back issues of THE ELLER CHRONICLES shall be made available to members and non-members at a cost set by the Board of Directors.

  2. Charter members are those who were accepted for membership prior to November 1, 1988.

  3. Donor members are those who contribute $35.00 annually.

  4. Sustaining members are those who pay $100.00 annually.

  5. Honorary Life Members are those recognized by the Board of Directors for outstanding contributions to the EFA. They are exempt from annual dues.

  6. Contributions other than dues shall be acceptable at any time. Contributions may be designated by the donor for any EFA approved project of the donor's choice.

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  1. Regular meetings of the EFA membership shall be held every other year in conjunction with the Eller Family Conference, the time and place designated by the Board of Directors. The goal will be to hold conferences in the East, West and middle regions of the U.S.

  2. Any meeting of the EFA membership shall be duly constituted when the following criteria are met:
    1. At least 30 members are present, 10 of whom shall be Ellers by birth.

    2. No less than 4 states are represented.

    3. A quorum shall consist of 30 members, plus at least 3 members of the Board.
  3. The general membership meeting of the EFA shall include the election 'of officers and board members, the President's annual report, and other business as may properly come before the meeting.

  4. Notice of any meeting shall.-

    1. Be announced in THE ELLER CHRONICLES.

    2. Be postmarked at least 60 days before the scheduled date if sent by mail.

    3. Include a proposed budget, and an agenda approved by the Board of Directors. The agenda shall be adhered to at all general membership meeting.

  5. Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held as provided in Article VII.

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  1. The officers of the EFA shall consist of a President, Vice-President, and Secretary / Treasurer.

  2. Officers shall be members in good standing and shall also serve as members of the Board of Directors. They shall serve for a term of two years, and may be reelected for two additional terms, but thereafter shall be eligible for the same office only after two intervening years.

  3. Nominees for offices shall:
    1. Be made by a committee of three or more members appointed by the President six months prior to the regular biennial meeting.

    2. Be made from the floor at the general membership meeting.

    3. Be made by any member contacting the President, in writing, with a petition signed by five (5) members requesting a named member be placed in nomination and included on the ballot.

    4. A nominee must sign a statement agreeing to serve prior to being nominated from the floor or by written petition.
  4. A vacancy in any office may be filled by the Board of Directors pending the next meeting.

  5. The duties of the officers shall be substantially as provided herein, with such other duties as may be assigned by the board.

    The President shall:
    1. Preside over the general meeting of the EFA membership.

    2. Carry out the policies of the EFA as established by the board of directors.

    3. Appoint project coordinators and support their efforts.

    4. Appoint committees and send a complete list of all committees to the secretary to be in the minute book.

    5. Publish an annual report to the membership in the February issue of THE ELLER CHRONICLES.

    6. Submit a proposed budget to the Board of Directors for approval by January 1st, a copy to be published the February issue of THE ELLER CHRONICLES.

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    The Vice-President shall:
    1. Fulfill the duties of the President, in the latter's absence;

    2. Promote the policies and projects of the EFA.
    The Secretary/Treasurer shall:

    1. Record and transcribe the minutes of all general membership meetings of the EFA, and maintain a permanent minute book.

    2. Maintain a current roster of the membership of the EFA and provide mailing labels to the printer of THE ELLER CHRONICLES.

    3. Be the custodian of all official records exclusive of those pertaining to the responsibilities of the Editor of THE ELLER CHRONICLES.

    4. Receive all inquiries to the EFA other than those specifically directed to other officers or members of the Board.

    5. Be the principal accounting and financial officer of the Association. Shall have charge of and be responsible for the maintenance of adequate books of account, have charge and custody of all funds and securities received for and in the name of the EFA from any source and be responsible for the disbursement thereof. Any exception to this procedure shall require unanimous consent of the Board of Directors.

    6. Make annual financial reports to the EFA membership in THE ELLER CHRONICLES.

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  1. The officers, elected or appointed directors, and the Editor of THE ELLER CHRONICLES shall constitute the Board of Directors.

  2. The term of service governing officers shall apply to all members of the Board of Directors.

  3. The Board of Directors shall:
    1. Meet once a year, if feasible, or every other year in conjunction with the general meeting.

    2. Elect from its members a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary. The President of the EFA may not fill any of these positions.

    The, Chairman shall:
    1. preside over Board meetings;

    2. coordinate and expedite the formation of all policies of the EFA and transmit them through the President to the general membership.
    The Vice-Chairman shall:
    1. fulfill the duties of the chairman in the latter's absence;

    2. help formulate the policies of the EFA.
    The Secretary shall:
    1. maintain a file of all correspondence of the Board;

    2. keep minutes of all Board meetings and forward a copy of these minutes to the secretary of the EFA. A copy shall be sent to the Editor to be published in THE ELLER CHRONICLES.

    3. c. Establish policies that govern all matters that pertain to the business and operation of the EFA. and approve all programs and projects that advance the purposes of the EFA.

    4. Authorize the expenditure of monies for duly approved projects to further the purposes of the EFA.
  4. A quorum of the Board shall consist of four elected Board members plus one Officer. Notice of all Board meetings shall be published in THE ELLER CHRONICLES. Board meetings shall be open to members of the EFA.

  5. Minutes of all board meetings shall be published in THE ELLER CHRONICLES.

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A committee shall be defined as a group appointed by the President or Board of Directors to accomplish a specific goal, such as the "Nominating Committee."

Project coordinators shall be defined as one member appointed by the President or the Board of Directors to perform a specific task, such as "coordinate the biennial conference." A project coordinator may seek the advice and help of any other member of the EFA in carrying out an assignment.

  1. The President shall:
    1. establish such committees as he or the board deem necessary. He shall assign their mission, and limit their size and tenure. A committee shall be dissolved when its mission has been accomplished, or upon expiration of its designated tenure;

    2. appoint project coordinators to coordinate the efforts of many members to accomplish an assigned task that might require more than the efforts of a committee.
  2. The Chairman of the Board shall:
    1. establish committees of board members as becomes necessary to formulate policies to advance the purposes of the EFA;

    2. appoint a board member as project coordinator for any duty required to formulate policy, such as revise the By-laws, write a handbook for officers and board members, or any matter regarding policy of the EFA;
  3. The President shall include in the proposed budget funds necessary to accomplish the assigned purpose of said committee or project coordinator for approval by the Board.

The By-Laws may be amended by the Board of Directors and presented at the following general meeting for approval by the membership.

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Upon the dissolution of THE ELLER FAMILY ASSOCIATION and/or the final completion of it's business affairs, the remaining assets of the Association shall be disbursed to one of the following:

  1. The National Genealogical Society.

  2. An organization engaged in research of the Germanic migration to the United States, such as the AUGUSTAN SOCIETY, INC. If possible the stipulation to use those funds for researching the migration of ELLERS to the United States.

  3. The upkeep of the ELLER FAMILY ASSOCIATION ARCHIVES, if an archives has been established....... End of By-Laws


Comment: The Long Range Planning Committee believes the EFA needs a more systematic approach to the recruitment of new members. Without an organized recruitment plan, the EFA has grown to over 200 members, but the committee believes that many more members could be recruited by 1995 if a sound plan is developed and implemented with the support and assistance of every EFA member. The committee hopes ideas for such a systematic recruitment plan will be discussed at Conference III, and that the new officers and board will be able to develop and put in place an effective plan by 1994.

RECOMMENDATION: that the Chairman of the Board appoint a coordinator to help develop guidelines and policies for addressing this need and that the President make plans to carry out the policies.

Comment: Suggestions that emerged at the conference, relative to the above, included the need for the development of computer data-bases including data on each member of the EFA and on potential EFA members that may be recruited. See IV. Computers below.

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III. Research

Comments: The life blood of any family history and genealogical organization is research. The EFA has depended in the past entirely upon independent research conducted by individual members, or by deceased Eller descendants who left behind a body of compiled information. Since individual contributions have already been made to the EFA research fund, and additional fund-raising projects for this purpose have been successful, research is expected to be included as a line item in the next EFA budget.

While funds for research is increasing, the number of projects to be funded must be limited because research can be an expensive matter; therefore, sound budgeting must be exercised from the outset in order not to set bad precedents and arouse unrealistic expectations. The committee believes that any EFA-funded research should be restricted to specific problems which serve the interest of the broadest possible segment of EFA members.

RECOMMENDATION 1: that the EFA continue to depend upon its members to conduct all research on specific branches of family lines without direct EFA monetary support.

Comment: The EFA has many members researching different Eller family branches. To attempt to partition limited research funds among so many potential applicants on a fair and equitable basis is impossible. Therefore, EFA- sponsored research should, for the foreseeable future, be directed to the types of problems recommended in #2 below. The committee believes that the EFA can contribute immeasurably to the research on individual family lines by organizing an EFA Computer-user Group (See IV, below) that would begin a systematic compilation of all Eller records for use in tracing individual family lines. Providing computer, editorial assistance, publicity, and publishing research results in the The Eller Chronicles must continue as the chief way the EFA can assist the research of individual members on their particular family research and publication.

RECOMMENDATION 2: that the Board of Directors approve as the first EFA funded research project a search for the place and family of origin of Eller immigrants to U.S. who arrived prior to 1800.

Comment: Annette K. Burgert, a preeminent American genealogist says the the first basic rule in finding places of origin in Germany is to search for clues among extant records in the U.S. before beginning research in Germany.

Comment:. A clue to the European place of origin of early Ellers may be found at any time, or only after a long period of searching; in fact, a clue may never be found, in which case, the only hope is through research of records in Germany, where, without clues, such a search may take a very long time and without any assurance of success. The possibility that the place and family of origin of these early Eller immigrants may never be found must be faced, but the EFA should never give up without a thorough search. Because prior searches in Germany have proved negative the records being sought, if they still exist, may be in some obscure church book in a remote German village.

The problem of finding their European place and family of origin is somewhat unique for the Eller "families. Unlike most families searching for their ancestral base in Europe, the Ellers are plagued by too many Eller families on each side of the Atlantic. Some individuals have been involved in research in Germany for a long time. J.W. Hook was probably the first, followed by Madeline Fletcher, Lynn Eller, J. Gerald Eller and Thomas H. Eller. Since the EFA was organized, J. Gerald Eller has written numerous letters to different archives and persons in Germany known to be interested in Eller genealogy. Some interesting information has resulted and one possible clue to a connection between American Eller immigrants and families in Germany, investigated by Earnest Thode for J. Gerald Eller, has proved negative. EFA member Thomas H. Eller of Huntsville, Alabama, has conducted Eller research among Ellers in the Bavarian Algau region. He reports records found there are promising with respect to a connection with George Michael Eller. He is expected to report his research results in an early issue of the Chronicles.

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More than one dozen different Ellers are listed among ship passengers arriving in Pennsylvania before 1800; others are known to have arrived in the 1600's, and still others apparently arrived for whom arrival records have not been found.. We find in Europe, especially in Germany, many different Eller family lines during the same period listed in many different villages and principalities, some Protestant and some catholic. For many of these families, kinship has not been established. In fact, some German genealogists think kinship may never have existed among some of the European Eller lines, that the surname of Eller arose independently in different areas. Of course other explanations may be nearer the mark; for example, the numerous changes in political boundaries and the destruction of records during the many wars may have fragmented what may have been a single, or only a few, family lines. Even in the German Palatinate, where at least some of our Ellers were born, there exists today different family lines not known to be related one to another. We now know Ellers were in England in the 1500's and some are known to have come to America in the 19th century. A recent letter from an Eller in North Carolina claims an ancestoral Eller came from Scotland.

Warning! From time to time information is sent to The Eller Chronicles purporting to show a linkage between early Ellers and certain German Eller families. Some of this information comes form erroneous information filed with the LDS Library in Salt Lake City. J. W. Hook and Madeline Fletcher encountered this problem years ago and refuted some of the material. Some beginning genealogists are inclined to get excited when they find references to an Eller family in Germany and leap to the conclusion that they must be related to the U.S. Ellers. This is another reason why the EFA needs a systematic research project conducted with professional help.

RECOMMENDATION 3: that the President appoint a Research Coordinator and a Research Advisory Committee of at least three individuals whose duties shall include: preparation of all specific research plans and recommendations for submission to the President; conducting negotiations with professionals (this to include the preparation of a Memorandum of Understanding between the EFA and each employed professional which includes an outline of the the scope and specific targets for research and a synopsis of all known information about each targeted individual).

RECOMMENDATION 4: that in the search for the European place and family of origin that first priority for funding go to the search of American Records for information or clues that may lead to the location of the place and family of origin of pre-1800 Eller immigrants to America and that, until clues are found among extant American records, research among German records receive second priority in research funds.

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RECOMMENDATION 5: that funding for all EFA sponsored research be in increments of $100 per site, and that for purposes of funding Germany be considered a single site.

Comment: professional genealogists charge by the hour ($10-18) but most require one upfront deposit of $25-100. This recommendation will allow research to be initiated at several sites at the same time with an expenditure of only a few hundred dollars per year.

Recommendation 6: that among U.S. records to be searched are those located at the following sites: Harrisburg and Philadelphia, PA, the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, and National Archives and Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. On advice of the coordinator and Advisory Committee, the President may authorize searches among records at other sites in the U.S. as funds are available.

RECOMMENDATION 7: that for all U.S. research conducted by professionals either in the U.S. or Germany be funded in increments of $100.00 per site; that increments after the first be funded on the basis of results and the recommendation of the EFA research coordinator and the Advisory Research Committee to the President.


Comment: Leon Korte's computer demonstration at Conf III attracted much attention and confirms the view of the committee that a sufficient number of EFA members are currently using computers that effort should be made to organize an EFA Computer-user Group.

RECOMMENDATION 9: that a temporary coordinator be appointed by the President to contact all known computer users among EFA members and facilitate an exchange of ideas among them concerning the formation of an EFA Computer user group; that when planning reaches an appropriate state of development a permanent coordinator (or group of coordinators- possibly one for each major Eller family line) be appointed by the President.

Comment: The work of the Computer-user group should be coordinated closely with EFA projects in the areas of both Publication and Research.

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Comments: The Eller Chronicles, as the official publication of the EFA, provides the glue that holds the EFA together and helps create incentives for continued research by individual members. The Eller Chronicles serves as the principal means for attracting and retaining membership, and, as such, has been the chief fund-raiser for the EFA. Without the Chronicles, EFA membership would be quite low.

As a part of the long-range planning process, the committee has considered a number of possible new directions for future publication work of the EFA. A basic premise of this planning is that any EFA-sponsored publications, apart from the The Eller Chronicles, must be evaluated carefully in terms of any possible adverse impact on the Chronicles because this could translate into reduced membership. Also, the committee felt that funds accruing from the membership fee should not be used, except in very exceptional circumstances, to fund publications other than The Eller Chronicles since the cost of each issue of the Chronicles is expected to increase in the future due to the need to increase the size of each issue to accommodate new material already in hand or expected in the coming year. Funding of other EFA- sponsored publications for the foreseeable future will require other fund raising activities.

RECOMMENDATION 1. : That the following be approved as the long range objectives for all EFA publications.
  1. ) To publish family history and genealogy of the highest quality and in conformity with standards acceptable to the Eller Family Association for all Eller families and their collateral branches.

  2. ) To publish as research-aids all records of Eller families and their collateral branches available in the U.S. and Europe, at least as abstracts of records of birth, death, marriage, wills, land, census, etc. Note: this should be a project for the Computer-user group.

RECOMMENDATION 2: That an Advisory Editorial Committee of at least three be appointed by the President to assist the Editors of The Eller Chronicles in planning and implementation of a program of quality control for any EFA sponsored publications.

Comments On The Status of Present Publication Activities

The Eller Chronicles. New computer, printer and software, obtained over a year ago, has led to improvement in the general appearance of the Chronicles. Your editors hope this will translate into greater creditability for the Chronicles as a family history and genealogical publication. Many members say how pleased they are with the Chronicles, but the editors insist that additional improvements are yet needed. To this end, they continue to seek criticisms, corrections, and suggestions from the membership. As the "Official Publication of the Eller Family Association" every effort should be made to produce the most attractive and creditable work possible.

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The past two years have brought a great increase in material submitted for publication in the Chronicles. A backlog of unpublished information has accumulated and the editors are beginning to worry about delays in getting new information to the membership. Also, they hate to delay publication and risk disappointing those who submit material, but they no longer can provide assurance that submitted material will appear in the very next issue. Concern about this matter led to the consideration of new possible plans.

RECOMMENDATION 3. (Back issues of The Eller Chronicles): That a designated number of back issues of The Eller Chronicles be reprinted and bound using acid free paper. At least two copies should be placed in the Eller Archive at the Public Library in Salisbury, NC, and other copies made available for sale. (Note a few back issues were bound in advance of Conf. III and quickly sold).

RECOMMENDATION 4. ((Binding future issues of the Eller Chronicles beginning with Vol. VIII-1 (Feb. 1, 1993):

That Closson Press print and retain copies of the four issues in each volume for each year and at the end of the year bind into a single volume. (Closson agrees to do this). The number, designated by the Board, should be printed and bound using acid-free paper.

(Note: In the future, material from past issues may be consolidated according to family line and subject and published as a Special Edition of The Eller Chronicles see # 8 next below).

RECOMMENDATION 5: (Special Editions of The Eller Chronicles):

That consideration be given to publishing Special Editions of The Eller Chronicles (at least one per year). Each to be printed on acid-free paper have durable covers and bindings and to be offered for sale at prices compatible with that of similar genealogical publications. Funding for this new series to be, determined by the Board of Directors.

Comments: Examples of special editions of The Eller Chronicles - Past issues of The Eller Chronicles (Vol. I-VII) reedited, reformatted, bound and published as singles volumes - each to consolidate information already published on a given Eller family line; examples: George Michael Eller, Jacob Eller, Henry Eller, etc.. Another example, a specific subject such as Ellers in the Civil War. If approved by the Board the current Editors volunteer to coordinate this project with the Computer-user Group.

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Special Editions of The Eller Chronicles will help enhance the EFA's image as an association that produces attractive and creditable genealogy and family history in the most cost-effective manner. Also, to retains the title, The Eller Chronicles, for this series is good marketing strategy since the publication already is becoming widely known and gaining credibility with each new issue. This plan can produce handsome volumes of work that will grow with time into a valuable collection of Eller Family History and Genealogy.

In no case will an order be placed for rebinding and printing a special edition in this series without the approval of the the Advisory Editorial Committee, and the President. Any funds beyond that already approved for such projects must be approved by the Board.

Volume 11 series of hardback volumes: The idea, first broached by A. Wm. Eller, for this series has yet to become an EFA-approved project although effort to organize a committee to work on the project was launched. The planning committee has chosen not to attempt to address this idea, leaving the matter for later developments. Some questions about this project have been raised which the committee feels should receive attention before such a project is officially approved as an EFA-sponsored project. (Note: the idea for this series arose first from discussions of the need for a revision and updating of J. W. Hook's 1957 book. The need for such a revision still exists.)


Comments: Informal discussions have taken place over the past several years about the need for an Eller Family Archive - a central place for the proper maintenance and use of Eller Family genealogical and family history publications, pictures, documents, and even 3 -dimensional family heirlooms of value. A broad consensus has developed among many EFA members that the proper location for the Archive is at the Public Library in Salisbury, NC. J. Gerald and Vance Eller have met with officials at Salisbury and found them enthusiastically supportive.

RECOMMENDATION 1: That the Public Library at Salisbury, Rowan County, NC be approved as the official site of the Eller Family Archive provided agreements can be worked out to the satisfaction of both parties.

RECOMMENDATION 2: that the President appoint an EFA Archive Committee to assist in the negotiations with the library and formulation of further recommendations for submission to the Board of Directors. An interim coordinator for this project may be appointed by the President.

Comment: Eloise Eller Sperati made an excellent suggestion at Conf III relative to the need for consideration of the use of acid-free paper for printing and binding documents etc. for the Archives. For example, many loose family documents should be photocopied on acid-free paper before placement in the Archive.

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Comments: The 4th stated purpose of the EFA in the revised By-Laws is "to encourage the restoration and maintenance of cemeteries or other sites of meaning to various ELLER families." During 1992 three such projects were initiated with EFA support:

  1. ) Gertrude Eller Waddel Memorial Project, Phoenix Baptist Church, Ashe County, NC. ($200.00 contributed by the EFA)

  2. ) The Mary Biffle Eller Project in Buncombe County, NC ($100.00 contributed by the EFA toward a permanent grave stone)

  3. ) The Joseph Eller Cemetery Project in Buncombe County, NC ($100 contributed by the EFA toward a permanent marker for the grave of Joseph Eller and the cemetery)

    (Note: The $400.00 contributed by the EFA was quickly restored to the EFA budget by private contributions)

Comment: The dedication of all three projects is scheduled as part of the 1995 conference in Asheville, NC)

Comment: At Conf III, Myrrel Baldwin and Lynn Eller reported on their plans for restoration of Eller grave stones at the New Hope Baptist Church in Wilkes County, NC. They have already raised and deposited with the EFA Sec./Treas $760.00. Their goal is $1000.00 and the dedication ceremonies will be held following Conf IV in July 1995. The request that this be approved and funded as an official EFA- sponsored project is expected to be included in the 1994 EFA budget that will become effective January 1, 1994. (See Lynn Eller's presentation on this project elsewhere herein which serves as a model on how local restoration projects may be handled)

Comment: The August 1993 issue of The Eller Chronicles carries a story about the restoration of the Eller Cemetery near Bloomington, Indiana by Marjorie Barker McCormick, a descendant of Christian Eller. Also, at Conference III we heard from Van Eller of plans to restore the Leonard Eller Cemetery in Hamilton County, Indiana. There are other needs in other areas.

RECOMMENDATION: That the Chairman of the Board of Directors appoint a coordinator to help develop policies and guidelines to meet the expressed goal of the EFA relative to restoration projects and that the President make plans to carry out the policies.


Charlotte Marshall is coordinating the compilation of an EFA Handbook that will contain the final By-laws and other policy statements approved by the Board of Directors.

Other items of continuing usefulness to the operations of the Eller Family Association and its several projects will be included. Suggestions are sought from all members.


The assistance of Rev. John C. Eller (of the Roanoke Virginia Ellers) in the development of these plans is gratefully acknowledged.

The Board has directed that the preceding report be submitted to the full, membership for their comments, suggestions etc. Please send your views by Nov. 15, 1993 to: Lynn Eller, 28th 42nd St., Atlanta, GA 30309.

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