Cycle of Life

Cycle of Life

This presentation will attempt to show that we as humans are just another cycle in the big plan of the universe. We start off as a small seed, are fertilized, develop, are born, grow with nourishment that is obtained from the air and soil, mature, have offspring, grow old, die, our flesh either rots away or is burned which turns our body back into ashes and chemicals that were part of our body that would not burn. This is a cycle that has been going on since the beginning of human-kind.
We may bury our dead but if all of the persons that have born were buried and that space was reserved for no other purpose than a grave, the complete surface of the earth would be on complete grave yard with no space between the graves left for a walkway. Right now, I know what you are thinking, "This is impossible" Well, just do a little math and it can be shown if a living female gives birth to a single child once a year like most other animals then the rate of growth is one per year per female that is in her productive years. The mathematical equation that shows this is exponential growth. The resulting equation would be: Population= e to the power (t) where t is in years. This equation may not be exact but the small difference is over shadowed by the magnitude of the values when one considers that t is millions of years since the beginning of modern humans. All those that have died and returned back to dust make up the ground that we walk on. they came from the chemicals and retuned to the chemicals  that they came from.

Modern day humans and Christianity or other religions have the ritual of burial but if all those that were born were buried then the complete surface of the earth would be one but grave yard. Only a select few were given a select burial spot that remains today, the remaining masses were disposed of upon death in a different way that let no trace that they existed. No grave, no grave markers, only memories for those still living that could remember them. As time went on they were soon forgotten and were just part of the great cycle of life that we are part of today.

If we look around us today at how we dispose of our dead, we will very quickly realize that we cannot continue this method as there will be no room available to grow the food that is required to nourish the hungry mouths and empty stomachs of human-kind if we use all the space for a cemetery.

The actual growth of any population in controlled by many factors. The net growth rate is determined by birth rate minus death rate. The death rate depends on many factors, in the animal world, most of the deaths occur in the young and the same is true for humans. There is a chart that shows the death rate of children under the age of 5 from 1830 to 2020 and  from 1830 to roughly 1900 approximately one out of three children died from diseases like Pneumonia, TB, and and other childhood diseases because modern day medicine was not available. Today with modern medical care and medicines, this death rate has been reduced dramatically. Now our world population is on a run away path that is causing other problems like pollution that is cause by humans, not by carbon dioxide from fossil fuels but by total pollution caused by humans themselves.

This page will have more added as time goes on and people come forward with other information.


Last edited: 17 July 2021