Truth or Fiction

Truth or Fiction

This page is the most difficult one that I have ever written as you are going to think that I have gone of my rocker by what I am about to divulge. Bear with me because what I have to say may have been given to me to help mankind.

Many years ago in the mid to late 1960's, one night I had a situation that I have never had before or since, I was not dreaming, I was not asleep or awake but in some state that was completely foreign to me. I had not been thinking or working on anything related to what I am about to divulge. The experience I had was as follows. I could visualize that time was like a pendulum swinging back and forth, when the pendulum swung forward time was positive and the maximum speed was the speed of light as all Scientific knowledge shows today but when the pendulum swung backwards, then time did not move ahead but rather moved backwards and the maximum speed was greater than the speed of light.. For those with knowledge of Physics and or Electrical Engineering, a parallel tuned circuit with a pure/ideal inductor and capacitor has a resonant frequency and this Characteristic frequency was like the speed of light. When you increase the frequency from zero up to the characteristic frequency the circuit looks inductive. However, in the case of electrical circuits, you can exceed this characteristic frequency and the circuit looks capacitive. Time and speed had the same kind of relationship but when you exceeded the speed of light time went backwards and not ahead.

What I have just stated in the above paragraph should have been looked into but If I had tried to do so, I would have most likely lost my job as being mentally deranged so I just kept it within myself; however, maybe God was trying to tell me something that I was to share with mankind that would advance science. I have tried to find any material that might help to explain this and some of it has been before our eyes in the Bible and I think that we missed the real meaning when we read or heard the words. These words were "God will raise us from the dead at the end and we will be with him in Heaven" We/I looked at this and thought that is impossible but you accepted it if you were a faithful and religious person. In the end of time when time stops increasing and starts to go in reverse the everything will be like watching a video played in reverse where the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. The dead will arise from the ashes or grave, become living beings again and decrease in age and go back into the womb again with everything going in reverse. This will continue until the complete system is energy where the big bang started from and the cycle will repeat again.

When Time is going in reverse and the speed exceeds the speed of light then our universe will be a black hole that does not allow light to escape as it is moving faster than the speed of light.

I don't want to add to much here as some might start to be speculation but I feel the I need to tell the world about this and have done so. Now it is up to others to take the ball and carry on.


Last edited: 17 July 2021