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NOTE: At the present time, many links are broken as has changed their method of identifying people in any WorldConnect database. This may change with time if reverts back to the original system. Please help me!! If you find any broken Links when viewing pages associated with this web then please send me an email with "Broken Link" as the subject. The easiest way to report the information is to copy the URL address shown for the page that you were viewing and paste this into the email and also do a copy and paste of the text where the link was found. Thank you. NOTE: Translate to other Languages: Use the following -- Copy the following: and when you click on the link to Babel Fish, paste the copied information to the Translate a Web Page. Set the language selection as English to whatever language you desire. Good Luck. NOTE!! Translation is not mine so please excuse the grammar. The link to Babel Fish no longer works and I don't know of any equivalent facility. Please let me know of any equivalent operation. ANMERKUNG: Übersetzen Sie zu anderen Sprachen: Verwenden Sie das folgende -- copy das folgende: und wenn Sie an die Verbindung zu den Babel Fischen klicken , kleben die kopierten Informationen zu übersetzen eine Webseite. Stellen Sie die Sprachenvorwähler als Englisch auf ein, was Sprache Sie wünschen. Viel Glueck. Welcome to my web. The Goals and Purpose of my Web may be of interest as it gives a broad picture of what you will find. If you are not sure how a web works then you are invited to a short explanation of Webs Topics:
Search Engine: Search this site for possible connections to your Roots. Database is at WorldConnect, see St. Croix Valley Families
A more extensive Search Engine for the names used to be in my database at WorldConnect or use the Global Search Engine for the total WorldConnect Database. These link will be restored if WC ever gets them working again. GenealogyA new method is being tested for how I am going to make my database available to the public. WorldConnect appears to be a total failure as it appears that is making it impossible to access any useful information. This new method is to make a privatized version of my GED file publicly available so that anyone can download the GED file and produce a database using whatever genealogy program that they use. New method Arnie's Database For anyone with a membership with, I have a very small database that is located at the following link. This database only shows a limited number of people in my Pedigree but it does contain links back to this web that gives full details on what has been achieved in the last twenty-five years of research. The links are only found when viewing the "Profile" information or the Facts pages. The link shown above is for my father and his Fact page shows the links. Additional links are found for my mother, Hilda Andrews. The database at WorldConnect has been removed and what remains is a file with only 12 individuals that are to see if WC is ever going to achieve what was available with the old system. The notes available for the person shown on the screen are important information as well as the notes for the father of this pseudo person.If you wish to visit my Genealogy database at WorldConnect then you have to go through the following convoluted process. First you go to the link shown for World Connect then enter my Gedcom Name as aek740a in the box then click GO. WorldConnect. WARNING: The new format at WorldConnect has additional links that are shown for any location of birth, marriage, or death. The accuracy of the location is not very good for places that were present years ago and some from the late 1800's are hundreds of Km/miles in error. If you don't already know where the place is located then be very careful in your use of what is shown. There may be links in the notes for people that are associated with these locations and the link will be shown in HTML code with the actual link shown between the quote marks. To use this link just hi-lite the text between the quote marks then right click on your mouse and select "Open in a new window/screen" and you will see what my link used to show. The webpages at RootsWeb are nolonger maintained as they pointed to WorldConnect which is also no longer in use. The old page at RootsWeb info is shown in the link. The Book "Forest of Trees" that was available at FTM could not be updated so has been removed and is now available from the PDF Books section of this page. Presently some of the reports are:
00Root-Name Other chapters that cover other major and minor family lines. These genealogy reports are an attempt to help other people that might be searching their "ROOTS". Beware!! the data, in many cases has not been verified. If you find errors, then please contact me. Back to TopPrivatized PDF eBooks & PDF eBooks for all to see
Privatized PDF eBooks:(no password required)
PDF eBooks:(password or private link required to access
eBook) Back to Top
SportsSome memorable photos of achievements of our grandchildren. Given the chance and good coaching nothing will limit their achievements.
Back to TopGeneral Information & Genealogy NotesMany people interested in tracing their ROOTS find it difficult to know where to start. As an aid to those in need of help the following link on tracing your Ancestors and Cousins is provided. The main item for the beginner is the section on "Getting Started".Back to TopAustin PhotosIf your Austin relatives look like either one of these two members of the Austin line, you are asked to email me Put "Gen3:" in the Subject area
Back to TopPurpose of this Data BaseForest of TreesThe title shown at WorldConnect is: Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others. Since I receive many emails from people saying their ancestors were not Loyalists then why do I have them in my database. Well the title tries to cover all of this by the last part that says "Plus Others". Some families had both Loyalist and Patriots in the same family. That Revolutionary War was ended long ago and our ancestors fought on whatever side they thought best and some even ended up on both sides as evidence is now showing. Forest of Trees is a more appropriate title but it tells nothing of the area, or time-frame as explained in the page on Purpose and Goals in the link shown below. Newest information: Scanned version of "Hodgins...Kindred Forever(HKF)". I am planning on making a new version of HKFbLH available in both a PDF eBook and hardcopy. The original HKFbLH was 395 pages and the version now called HKF-LV, Last version, is 1760 pages. It is a last version since I cannot add new individuals to the database because the genealogy program that is used to produce the last version is not the one that is currently used for my database. If anyone knows of a publisher that will publish either a one or two volume hardcopy of the book that also includes a disk which contains the scanned pages of the original HKFbLH and a PDF version of HKF-LV, then please send me an email. Put "HKF-LVpublisher" in the subject area NEW: See the NEW Additions. The Purpose and Goals of my database and Web are explained in the link just shown. You are highly advised to visit that page as you may find my web or database contains information that may assist you greatly if the people you are tracing, or their ancestors, come from the same area that I cover which is very wide and diverse. See information in General Information for assistance in . PDF books are also available for some families. (Note: Credits to all of those that have contributed and done the research that went into the the genealogy of those in the database. If all were listed, it would be in the thousands.) If you click on the link shown below, it will take you to the start of my webpage which will allow you to see the extent of this web that consists of over 4000 files. If you click on your back icon in your browser you will go back to how you got to this page. or You may now use the return button to go back to the previous page. Last updated: 16 February, 2022. Changed to FTP publish |