Krause NewsletterTopicsThis page and the links to Krause Newsletters are to provide a means by which members of the different Krause branches can share information and research findings. The contents are password protected. You must be a member of a special Krause mailing list to receive the password. Send email to receive password. Please put "KrauseNLpw" in the subject area. Other links that may be of use to those searching the surname Krause or the various spellings is the Krause GenForum website. Note: see link on the Krause Genforum page to the other forms of the Kraus/Krauss/Kruse/Crouse/etc. name. A message on that forum that links back to this page is being provided to allow those who are searching the name to also have access to this page. By working together and sharing information we will be able to expand the knowledge of our Krause ancestors. If you are new to this listing and are unaware if your Krause ancestors maybe already listed in either my database at WorldConnect or the total database at WorldConnect then you should do a search for the ancestor and determine what Branch they have been allocated to in my database. An explanation on how to search my database at WorldConnect is found on a page that has been prepared for my wife's ancestral lines but it covers all of the persons in my database, this link and title is St. Croix Valley Families . As an example of how you would go about searching if your ancestor was a Ferdinand Krause. Go to my database via the link to St. Croix Valley Families as shown above. When the page comes up then click on Advanced Search and enter the surname of Krause and given name of Ferdinand. When you click the search button then all persons by the name of Ferdinand Krause are listed. Using the one born 6 May 1901 as an example and clicking on his name the page opens with his information. To find what Branch this Krause is from just do a Register report for the person known as Otto Franz Ferdinand Krause and you will see the following output on your screen:
The information that you need for his ancestral line is shown immediately after his name which shows his father, grand-father, etc back to an ancestral name which is shown as Branch-One-C Krause who is a descendant of the line Branch-One Krause. Since there is a name in the line of lineage that is shown as a ? Krause or in this case, ?-32 Krause then those names to the left of the ? Krause are only to show what Branch this Krause member has been assigned. If your Ferdinand Krause is not displayed in the names in my database then you should do a Global Search of the WorldConnect Database. This search will find a much larger number of persons who meet the search criterion and you may want to limit the number shown by entering known information about your member like the name of wife, year of birth, year of death, etc. This will yield a reduced list which may locate your ancestral member if they are in the total database at WorldConnect. NOTE: You do not have to be a registered member of to search the WorldConnect database so don't fall into the trap of joining when you don't need to or complain to me that you had to pay money to find information that you had provided to me. I have had cases of this and that is why this notice is given. Special NOTE: Don't speculate about who your ancestral lines are. Use proven research methods to find your ancestral lines and proof is the major item that is the hardest to find. By using Y-Chromosome DNA testing as one of the proof methods then you can determine if you are a descendant of a particular branch or maybe a totally new branch. The challenge is yours to help determine your ancestry. This table shows all of the branches and where they immigrated to in the USA or Canada. A couple are in other lands (Luxembourg, West Africa, and Germany). The background color shows those branches that have had Y-Chromosome testing where the color indicates the Haplogroup that has been determined. The second table shows the Haplogroup and associated color. If you are from a branch that is known and have had Y-Chromosome DNA testing done then please send me an email so that your branch might be included. Please include in the subject line of your email the following: Krause Br-xx where the xx is the number for your branch. If you don't have a branch number and would like to have one designated then leave the xx and send information on your lineage and what state/province that your ancestor first settled in. Email The lineages of all of these Branches are shown at WorldConnect under the Pseudo-Person called 00Root-Krause where the descendants are the actual Branch-numbers as shown in the table below. Anyone who wants more information on the Kraus/Krause Surname DNA Project should go to this link. If you want to order a Y-Chromosome test and join the Kraus/Krause Surname group then go to the following link: Join
Y-Chromosome DNA Results
If you want more information on DNA testing and the Krause Surname Project then go to the following DNA explanation.