Purpose and Goals My Database at WorldConnect and my web used to be interconnected prior to mid 2019. There were links from my database to pages or images/documents from my web or my web had links to people in my database. However, Ancestry.com/Rootsweb are doing a compete rewrite of the delivery software that display a GED file and it no longer allows any links in the notes or from a page unless the link was placed there by Ancestry.com/Rootsweb. Goals and Purpose of Database The complete data base contains the ancestral trees of our children and also many others that are not related in any way to our family. If anyone is related through blood or marriage, then I enter the data into my data base. This gives a total tree that is similar to the graphic program called "Life" were branches continue to grow from any main branch just like any genealogy relationship. The ancestors of my grandson are found in Tyler Krause's Ancestors. Family Trees: Krause, Knickrehm, Zielke, Andrews, Coe, Lange,
Corning, and many others. Forest of Hodgins (Clan1 - Clan21 from HODGINS ...
KINDRED FOREVER). More Forest Trees -- Persons that lived or are living in the
Parkbeg, Mortlach, Eskbank, Lake Valley, Caron, and Boharm area of Saskatchewan,
Canada. Data taken from Community History Books. The trees keep growing! Much of the work lately has been on
attempting to produce the trees of any and all the people of Charlotte Co., NB
and much of Washington Co., ME. Since many of the families from this area are
descendants of the Loyalists who came to the Canadian side of the St. Croix
River in 1783 and had come from the New England area of the USA then the Roots
of these trees reach across the border. Family ties know no bounds. Maybe you have that vital piece of information for a family line that will allow the proper connections to be made and make the tree(s) more compete. This just happened a few days ago (Jan 19, 2004) when a person saw that I had the children of a family that contained some additional names. They had a document that had been produced prior to 1902 that gave the children of the son who had the same name as the father. Subsequent checking of Church, Cemetery, and other records together with the names from this vital document allowed the corrections to be made to this family line (dates of birth for these members were in the late 1700's to early 1800's). If you look in my database, you will see names like Abraham Lincoln, and the Bush family who are Presidents of the USA. Those family lines descend from lines the my wife and family also descend from. In the case of the Bush family they descend from a Family on the Mayflower. When doing a Pedigree for myself, my wife, or my children, I only use one database and try to find the ancestral lines and descendants of those lines. the other thing is that I do the same thing for any of my Aunts and Uncles. This has lead to contributing to documents and reports that are now available in the Public Archives of New Brunswick on the family of Samuel John Austin who was a Loyalist. Previous to my document, the information available at PANB had Samuel coming from Virginia but my report shows that he came from Connecticut as it was proven by DNA results that the family in VA was wrong and the family in CT was correct. This took the lineage of this line back several generations, not by speculation but by proof that the proper connection had been found as one of Samuel's sons had the same middle name as his mother's maiden name. A special Pseudo-Family called 00ReadMeFirst is included in the database and the notes show some of the pseudo-family naming that I use to allow multiple families to be included that are not related in any known relationship at the present time. Don't be confused by this naming pattern, it is only for my benefit when dealing with a very large database with many families. the database is now over 254,000 individuals Goals and Purpose of Web This web started off as a small web that consisted if a few pages that were meant to allow me to include access images and documents from my database. It has grown over the years to be to a much larger and diverse web as the purpose started to include teaching features as I would receive many emails requesting information on how to do something and after sending a reply to someone and the receiving another request for the same information, I decided to write the reply and put it on my web so that all I needed to do was to include a link in my reply and 90% of the work was done. Teaching has also extended into the area of DNA genealogy and how the use of DNA tests can be used to prove true or prove false, connections that people assume are correct. The other major addition to the web happened when I came into possession of documents that were not publicly available or easily available unless you visited the library where they were located. An example for this is the Kirk McColl Church records that are at the St. Croix Public Library in St. Stephen, NB. I made a hardcopy of the images on that microfilm and used it to add data on families in Charlotte Co., NB and Calais, Washington Co., ME. I had access to my hardcopy but nobody else had any benefit so I decided to make a web of these documents. I am also in possession of many old photographs that came from my paternal grandparents and many of the photos had no information as to who the people were. A web was added to hold these old photos and as a result, many of the photos have been identified and new lines added to my database of relatives that I never knew existed. The size of this web shows that it has over 4000 files that require over 500 MB of storage space. This is approximately 100+ HTML web pages, 3750 images, and 140 PDF documents. Last updated: 29 April, 2020 |