Umberto `Bianca Mano' Count of Aosta, Marienne & Savoy %Humbert the Whitehanded Comte de Salmourenc, puis Comte de Noyon, puis Comte d'Aoste et de Maurienne Blazon LINK - LINK - LINK Italian biography Italian biography LINK - [rt6] � 972/980 � 1 Jul 1047-1048 Hermillon was buried in the cathedral of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne
Auxilia of Lenzburg~
Otto of Savoy Count of Maurienne Marquis of Susa, Count of Chablais, % Oddone, Eudes Comte de Savoie, Margrave de Turin et de Suse Blazon LINK - LINK - LINK [rt9;45-23] � 1010 � 1 Mar/22May 1060 Ad�la�de di Susa Heiress of Turin in Peidmont
Was born in 1010, brother of Amedeo. He was the third husband of Adelaide di Susa, daughter of Ulrich Manfred (Oderico Manfredi), marquis of Turin (with annexed Susa and Pinerolo), and she brought with her dowry lands transalpine and the title of marquis in Italy. It is said that Adelaide governed in fact, in place of her husband and of the two sons who succeeded him & the grandson UMBERTO II.
The dominions sabaudi at that time went from the Alps& comprised Ventimiglia, Giaveno and perhaps part of vallley of the Sangone. They had four (or five) children: PIETRO I , first heir, AMEDEO II , successor of PIETRO I, ODDONE, bishop of Asti, BERTA who married emperor Enrico IV di Franconia, then humiliated? herself to Canossa and ADELAIDE, who married emperor Rodolfo di Rheinfeld, then married the Count of Aubon. The relationships with the emperor were decidedly good, that it allowed him to maintain and to strengthen his rights on the Piemonte. He founded the Abbey of Saint Maria di Pinerolo. He cast coins with his effigie in Aiguebelle and that strengthened his authority. He died in 1060 (1057) and it is believed is buried in the Cathedral of Saint Giovanni of Turin.
Amadeus II Count of Savoy Margrave de Turin et de Suse Blazon LINK b 1034 d 26 JAN 1080
He married Johanna of Genf
Was born in Montmelian, he at first governed along with his brother, then alone making politically wise marriages for his children. He married Giovanna of Geneva who brought the Genevese dowry with her and she gave four children to him, ADELAIDE, AUXILIA, who married Umberto di Beaujeau and two males: the heir UMBERTO II and BRASS. He was buried in the cathedral Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne c1080, near his ancestor Umberto Biancamano .
Bertha of Savoy
b 21 SEP 1051
d 27 DEC 1087
She married Emperor Henry IV [rt9;45-23] King of Germany 1056-1084, Emperor 1084-1106 b 11 NOV 1050 Goslar d 7 AUG 1106 Liege, Belgium
Humbert II 'Le Renforce' "the fat" Count of Savoy Aka:Umberto Margrave de Turin et de Suse - Blazon LINK b c1070 d 18 Sep/14 Oct 1103
He married Gisela of Burgundy Aka: GISLE (Guille)
Umberto II "the reinforced one" (in an English text "the fat", in French "the gros") not to be confused with Umberto II the" king of May ". His nickname would have to indicate "sturdy" or "aitante". He married Gisella di Borgogna sister of Pope Callisto III & had seven children:
Ad�laide who married
Luigi VI, king of France, ( he was already married and he had to cancel the wedding)
and he founded an abbey in Monmartre:
Amedeo III, his successor,
Guglielmo bishop of Liegi,
Guy, canonical Abbot
Renaud priore of a abbey
Agnese who married a Borbone.
He consolidated his authority in the county, in Susa and in the region of Pinerolo but his dominion in Piemonte and, especially in Turin was often tenuous. He continued matrimoniale politics of the Savoia making "to marry" the greater part of his sons with the church and one political of favorable agreements with the abbeys, between which that one of Chiusa San Michele, in strategic position for the control of the Val di Susa, who donated territory of Abbey Giaveno that divenne center (in the church of Saint Lorenzo still is conserved �la cattedra Abbaziale�); all parishes and churches of the Val Sangone and countries limitrofi? passed therefore all'Abbazia of Saint Michele della Chiusa. He cast currency in Susa. Died 19 October 1103 in Mo�tiers, where he is buried.
Amadeus III "Conte Crociato", le Crois� Count of Savoy, Margrave de Turin et de Suse Blazon LINK b c1092 d 30 AUG 1148 Crusader Amedeo III is buried to Nicosia. m 1123
Mathilde of Vienna % Matilde d�Albon
Adelaide of Savoy
aka: Adelheid; Adelaide de Maurienne;
Adele (Alix) De Savoy De Maurien
b c1092/1100
d 18 NOV 1154
She married Louis VI Capet "le Gros" King of France 1108-1137 aka: "the Fat" [rt9;101-24;117-24][rt5,6][S810] [S1570] Crusader b 1077-78/1081 Ende d 1 AUG 1137
Mathilde of Savoy (Daughter of Amadeus III.)
b c1125
d 4 NOV 1157
She married Affonso I 1st King of Portugal 1139-1185 [rt13] Encarta Bio b ?.7.1094/1109 d (6.11./9.12.)1185
Humbert III "Il Beato" Count of Savoy (Son of Amadeus III.) %"The Blessed soul" Margrave de Turin et de Suse LINK Blazon LINK b <9 Jan 1136-37 d 4/29 Mar 1189 Chamb�ry He was the firs prince buried in Hautecombe. September 1, 1838 Pope Gregorio XVI consecrated "Il Beato".
m Beatrix of Macon
Umberto III "The Blessed soul" (Avigliana, 1149 - 4/3/1189) He gave to rights and gifts to the monasteries and had a decisive role in the organization of the abbey of Altacomba. It is said that he would have preferred to be monk instead of a sovereign. He had four wives: Faide of Tolosa, died in 1154, Gertrude of the Fiandre (cancelled wedding), Clemenza di Zharinghen, died in the 1162 and Beatrice di Macon. From the first three he had three daughters, two of which went as spouses to Azzo d' Este. After the death of his third wife he withdrew to Hautecombe, but then he changed his mind and from a fourth wife he finally had a male heir and a daughter who died at seven years of age. Fought with the party guelf of Pope Alexander III against the Ghibellines of the emperor Federico Barbarossa. The consequence was the invasion of his estates twice: in the 1174 Susa it was put to iron and fire and in the 1187 Enrico VI announced publicly to from the empire and the greater part of the dominions removed it, it they remained to only goes them them of Susa and Aosta. He died at Chamb�ry in 1189. He was the first prince buried at Hautecombe. His successors constructed the Abbey, the necropolis of Conti and the first Duchi di Savoia. September 1, 1838 Pope Gregorio XVI consecrated "Il Beato".
Umberto III "Il Beato" (Avigliana, 1149 - 4/3/1189) Diede diritti e doni ai monasteri ed ebbe un ruolo decisivo nell�organizzazione dell�abbazia di Altacomba. Si dice che avrebbe preferito essere monaco invece che sovrano. Ebbe quattro mogli: Faide di Tolosa, morta nel 1154, Gertrude delle Fiandre (matrimonio annullato), Clemenza di Zharinghen, morta nel 1162 e Beatrice di Macon. Dalle prime tre ebbe tre figlie, due delle quali andarono in spose ad Azzo d'Este. Alla morte della terza moglie si ritir� ad Hautecombe, ma poi cambi� idea e, dalla quarta moglie ebbe finalmente l'erede maschio e un'altra figlia che mor� a sette anni. Si schier� col partito guelfo del papa Alessandro III contro i Ghibellini dell�imperatore Federico Barbarossa. La conseguenza fu l'invasione dei suoi stati per ben due volte: nel 1174 Susa fu messa a ferro e fuoco e nel 1187 Enrico VI lo band� dall'impero e gli tolse la maggior parte dei domini, gli rimasero solo le valli di Susa e d'Aosta. Mor� a Chamb�ry nel 1189. Fu il primo principe sepolto ad Hautecombe. I suoi successori fecero dell�Abbazia la necropoli dei Conti e dei primi Duchi di Savoia. Il 1� settembre 1838 il Papa Gregorio XVI lo consacr� Beato.
Thomas I "L'Amico dei Comuni" Count of Savoy (Son of Humbert III) Blazon LINK b 20 May 1177/1178/1179 d 1 Mar 1232/33
He married Margarete of Genf %Beatrice Margherita di Genevese
Tommaso "the Friend of Common" (the Charbonnieres the 20/5/1177 - Piemonte the 1/3/1233) Son of Umberto III and Beatrice. His nickname derived from the facility with which granted exemption its common ones, between which Aosta, that it enjoyed wide freedoms. He married Beatrice Margherita (Daisy) of Genevese. He had twenty children, (not all from his wife), three successors, seven who were bishops, Abbots or abbesses and six who were lords or wives of principles or king:
Amedeo IV, his heir
Umberto, died in Hungary,
Tommaso II, canonical of Losanna, general vicario of the Empire, conte of Hainaut and Fiandra, conte of the Piemonte. Father of Amedeo V and Tommaso, Tommasino saying, founder of the Savoia branch - Acaia and Luigi of Vaud, founder of the Savoia branch - Vaud
Aimone, lord of Chillin, Villanova & Chiablese.
Aimone, di Valley.
Guglielmo, bishop of Valenza, Liegi, Winchester.
Bonifacio, priore di Nantua.
Amedeo, bishop of Moriana,
Pietro II, & Filippo I, 12th & 13th Counts of Savoy
Bonifacio bishop of Belley, archbishop of Canterbury and primate of England, beatified in 1838.
Beatrice, that it married the Conte di Provenza in the 1219 (their four beautiful daughters married the Saint king of France Luigi IX, the King of England Enrico III, Riccardo di Cornouailles that the title it of Emperor of Germany and Carl d' Angi� had, King of Sicily).
Alice & Agata,abbesses
Margherita & Avita, wives of nobles
Beroldo & Benedetto (natural sons).
Become conte in too much young age the reggenza to the marquis of the Monferrato was entrusted that carried it in the Ghibelline party. That allowed to take Chieri it in 1207, to acquire loads with vicario of the Roman Scro Empire and to magnify its possessions to Bugey, Vaud (with Romont ET Moudon) and in Pi�monte, than free from the threat of the Lombardic Alloy and where it acquired Carignano, Pinerolo, Moncalieri, Vigone, Albenga, Savona until the borders of Saluzzo and Genoa. With all this acquisition, beyond to that one of Chambery, moved the traffic transalpino from the Saint Small Bernardo to the Moncenisio. The taken one of Chamb�ry in 1232 (which it came to an agreement endured exemption), the yields famous. Around to 1200 it name and stipendi� of the castellani like responsible officials of the defense and the local administrations, with precise controls of the managements of the assets comita them, of which wide conserve documentation in arches you of Chamb�ry and Annecy. Its remarkable territorial acquisitions strongly did not transform the county in one be because all it was divided between its most numerous sons. It will have to wait for until the times of Amedeo VIII in order seeing this territory re-united under an only monarch. He died at Moncalieri in 1233. He was buried in the Abbey of San Michele della Chiusa.
Tommaso I "L'Amico dei Comuni" (Charbonnieres il 20/5/1177 - Piemonte il 1/3/1233) Figlio di Umberto III e Beatrice. Il suo soprannome deriv� dalla facilit� con cui concesse franchigia ai suoi comuni, tra cui Aosta, che god� di ampie libert�. Spos� Beatrice Margherita di Genevese. Ebbe venti figli, (non tutti dalla moglie), tra cui tre successori, sette tra vescovi e abati o badesse e sei tra signori e mogli di principi o re: Amedeo IV, suo successore, Umberto, morto in Ungheria, Tommaso II, canonico di Losanna, vicario generale dell'Impero, conte di Hainaut e Fiandra, conte del Piemonte. Padre di Amedeo V e di Tommaso, detto Tommasino, fondatore del ramo Savoia - Acaia e Luigi I di Vaud, fondatore del ramo Savoia - Vaud Aimone, signore di Chillin, Villanova e Chiablese. Aimone, di Valley. Guglielmo, vescovo di Valenza, Liegi, Winchester. Bonifacio, priore di Nantua. Umberto. Amedeo, vescovo di Moriana, Pietro II, e Filippo I, 12� e 13� conti di Savoia. Bonifacio vescovo di Belley, arcivescovo di Canterbury e primate d�Inghilterra, b�atificato nel 1838. Beatrice, che spos� il Conte di Provenza nel 1219 (le loro quattro bellissime figlie sposarono il re di Francia San Luigi IX, il Re d�Inghilterra Enrico III, Riccardo di Cornouailles che ebbe il titolo di Imperatore di Germania e Carlo d�Angi�, Re di Sicilia). Alice e Agata, badesse, Margherita e Avita, spose di nobili, Beroldo e Benedetto (figli naturali). Divenuto conte in troppo giovane et� fu affidata la reggenza al marchese del Monferrato che lo port� nel partito ghibellino. Ci� gli permise di prendere Chieri nel 1207, di acquisire la carica di vicario del Scro Romano Impero e d'ingrandire i suoi possessi a Bugey, Vaud ( con Romont et Moudon) e in Pi�monte, che libera dalla minaccia della Lega Lombarda e dove acquis� Carignano, Pinerolo, Moncalieri, Vigone, Albenga, Savona fino ai confini di Saluzzo e di Genova. Con tutte queste acquisizione, oltre a quella di Chambery, spost� il traffico transalpino dal Piccolo San Bernardo al Moncenisio. La presa di Chamb�ry nel 1232 (cui accord� subito franchigia), lo rese famoso. Intorno al 1200 nomin� e stipendi� dei castellani come ufficiali responsabili della difesa e delle amministrazioni locali, con precisi controlli delle gestioni dei beni comitali, di cui si conserva ampia documentazione negli archivi di Chamb�ry e Annecy. Le sue notevoli acquisizioni territoriali non trasformarono la contea in uno stato forte perch� tutto fu diviso tra i suoi numerosissimi figli. Bisogner� aspettare fino ai tempi di Amedeo VIII per vedere questo territorio riunito sotto un unico sovrano. Mor� a Moncalieri nel 1233. Fu sepolto nell�Abbazia di San Michele della Chiusa.
Amedeo IV Count of Savoy Duke of Aosta Blazon LINK b 1197 d 13 JUL 1253
Amedeo IV "the Laudato" (Montmelian, 1197 - Montmelian 13 July 1253) Son of Tommaso I. He married Margherita (Daisy) of Vienna and Cecilia del Balzo (of the Leap) (of Baux) and taken to the title it of Duca di Chiablese and Duca of Aosta then. He had five children, four females, all marrying with Italian sovereign important, and a male, BONIFACIO, his successor. His grandaughters of Provenza, became Queens, had important roles, Eleonora in England above all. Schier� like his father from the part of the emperor (Federico II), from which he obtained the title of Duke of the Chiablese and Aosta. His politics were both prudent and ambitious. Prudent when it was a matter of schierarsi openly in diputes between papacy and the empire, (the axis of his politics was centered a lot on England); much more ambitious when he dealt himself to promote alliances and weddings in sight of possible territorial expansions in France, Piemonte, Liguria and Switzerland. Took Ivrea in 1248 but did not succeed in taking Turin. Like his father dispersed his territorial acquisitions among his relatives. He was the first one to use the word "sabaudia" on the coins. He died in 1253 at Montm�lian, is buried at Altacomba.
Amedeo IV "Il Laudato" (Montmelian, 1197 - Montmelian 13 luglio 1253) Figlio di Tommaso I. Spos� Margherita di Vienna e poi Cecilia del Balzo (dei Baux) e prese il titolo di Duca di Chiablese e Duca d�Aosta. Ebbe cinque figli, quattro femmine, tutte sposate con importanti sovrani italiani, e un maschio, BONIFACIO, suo successore. Le sue nipoti di Provenza, diventate Regine, ebbero un ruolo importante soprattutto Eleonora in Inghilterra. Si schier� come suo padre dalla parte dell'imperatore (Federico II), da cui ottenne il titolo di duca del Chiablese e d'Aosta. La sua politica fu al tempo stesso prudente e ambiziosa. Prudente quando si trattava di schierarsi apertamente nella contesa tra papato e impero, (l'asse della sua politica era centrato molto sull'Inghilterra); molto pi� ambiziosa quando si trattava di promuovere alleanze e matrimoni in vista di possibili espansioni territoriali in Francia, Piemonte, Liguria e Svizzera. Prese Ivrea nel 1248 ma non riusc� ad impossessarsi di Torino. Come suo padre disperse le sue acquisizioni territoriali tra i parenti. Fu il primo ad usare la parola "sabaudia" sulle monete. Mor� nel 1253 a Montm�lian, � sepolto ad Altacomba.
Beatrice of Savoy Aka: Countess BEATRIX de Savoie
[S11] [S137] [S504] [S590]
dau of Count THOMAS I de SAVOY 1149 - 1222
b 1201
d Nov 1266, Aragon, ESP
m 5 Jun 1219, Dez, FR
Raymond Berengar V Count of Provence & Forcalquier, Prince of Aragon
[rt1,5,6] [S11] [S137] [S504] [S590]
b c1198 Provence
d 19 Aug 1245
Lineage =
Savoy ->
Carcassonne ->
Plantagenet ->
Clare ->
Meschin ->
Mainwaring ->
Audley ->
Stafford ->
Ferrers ->
Greene ->
Dyer ->
Card ->
Wilcox ->
Saunders ->
NOTE: They had four beautiful daughters, all of whom married kings. Two of the 4 daughters of Raymond Berengar IV, Count of Provence (-1245) by Beatrice of Savoy (-1266). Eleanor, queen of England, was almost certainly born in 1223 according to Margaret Howell's recent biography of her. Beatrice was born ca 1231. The other two daughters were Margaret (1221-1295), who married Louis IX of France in 1234, and Sancha (1228?-61), who became the second wife of Henry III of England's younger brother Richard, Earl of Cornwall and King of the Germans.
She married Manfredo III Marquis of Saluzzo
d 29 OCT 1244
Lineage =
Savoy ->
Saluzzo ->
Fitzalan ->
Strange ->
Talbot ->
Greene ->
Dyer ->
Card ->
Wilcox ->
Saunders ->
[rt1] Reference Texts
[www1] WWW References
[hs1] Prof. Dr. Herbert Stoyan references
[S418] Bonner & Bass references - change ending of URL below to find the source.
This page created August 7, 2002 Last updated Jan 30, 2004 |