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Without the continued assistance and encouragement of Randy Jobe and Freida Wells, my sites, Jobe Legacy and Jobe Links, would only be a dream. When I came into contact with Randy and Freida, my research had been put on hold for over twenty-five years.Special thanks also goes to Evylene Canup and Eleanor Orthun for many of the Nottingham photographs.
Most of my original work had been done between 1968-1972 while a teenager living in Texas. During this time, I was blessed to have been able to work with and get to know - Katharine Reynolds, Bill Jobe, Lois Cunningham, Frances Vanatta, Virginia Wood, and others. Like a true Jobe, they believed in me!
Andrew Job, Jr. was a devout Quaker, a peace-lover, friend to many, a man of great influence, well educated, one whose word was highly-valued! In all that I have ever read and discovered about our progenitor, I have never come across or heard a bad word. WE can all be very PROUD to be a DESCENDANT of Andrew Job, Jr.
Born aboard ship between Kent, England and Portsmouth, New Englandabt 1671
(probably Rhode Island as Portsmouth, NH was not yet in existence)
Elizabeth (Vernon), daughter of Thomas Vernon and future wife of Andrew Job, Jr. was born in Cheshire, England1675
Seven years before William Penn’s Charter, a monthly Meeting was established in Upland, PA.1675-90
1682(Bill Jobe Journal, Volume I, Second Issue, Page 28) Bill writes: "There are no written records prior to 1691, but Andrew Job, and sons, Andrew Jr., John and Thomas are believed to have been a part of that Meeting, which was held every First Day (Sunday) at the Court House, a practice that continued for ten or more years."
"According to Gilbert Cope, 'Andrew Job was an early settler of Chester County, but not among the earliest; the earliest were the Dutch and the Swedes."
**It is believed that during this time, Andrew Job, Jr. also returned to England for his education**
Sixth Month (August)
The ship, "Friendship", with Robert Crossman, master, arrived from Liverool; abroad was Thoms Vernon, wife, children (Elizabeth, future wife of Andrew Job would have been one of these children), brothers, and other extended family members. (After their arrival, Thomas was very prominent in the Quaker faith. His home was often used as a meeting place.. He served as a Juror in the 1st Chester County Court. His lands in Nether Providence on the west side of Providence Road, adjoined his brother's tracts. The area is now known as Rose Valley)December 24
The ship, "Welcome", arrived first in New Castle then Upland. It carried William Penn and a considerable number of Quakers. It can be assumed that Andrew Job and his brothers were there to greet them. In January Upland was renamed Chester in honor of the many settlers from Cheshire.
Lord Baltimore claimed the most navigable part of the Delaware River for Maryland. William Penn asked his personal friend, Andrew Job, to help arbitrate, and, with much pomp ceremony, they met with Baltimore in May of 1683 in New Castle. Penn claimed his charter from Charles II gave him the right to the lower counties, but Baltimore claimed his charter from Charles I, which predated Penn's by 30 years, stated, "into that part of Delaware Bay on the north, which lies under the 40th degree of northern latitude." Finally Penn and his party prevailed, and a writer of the time Penned, "William Penn and Andrew JOB being educated men, and being of such unusual persuasive and executive ability, convinced all concerned of the correctness of the boundary line."1685
Thomas Vernon was named as peace maker. He and Andrew JOB, Jr. agreed to the bad effects of selling whiskey to the Indians. They Subscribed to the building of a Meeting House in Chester and collected subscriptions for Friends who were suffering in other parts of the colonies. They also subscribed to the 1st printing press in Penn.1688
Fifth Month (July)1690
Thomas Vernon gave testimony to the evil and bad effects of selling whiskey to the Indians; those present and signing, were Robert Vernon, Andrew JOB and Randal Vernon.
Andrew Job Jr. was a subscriber and later clerk for this place of worship which officially opened in 1693. It is very likely the place of his marriage to Elizabeth and the Quaker meeting his family attended until they transferred to Concord Meeting in 1706 and later to Nottingham. As shown below, Elizabeth's family, the Vernons also belonged to this congregation.
VERY ACTIVE MEMBER 13th Eighth Month (October)
A subscription list toward the building of the Meeting House for Chester showed the amounts donated. Among the donors were Randal Vernon, 3 lb.; Thomas Vernon, Caleb Pusey, Andrew JOB, Thomas Vernon, Robert Vernon, and Thomas Minshall, 1 lb. each; Joseph and Jacob Vernon, 1 lb.; and Henry Worley, 10 shillings.
Third Month (May)1693
1st record book of the Society of Friends at Aludia ,Delaware County, Pennsylvania meeting established by Robert Wade and others 1691"In the Third Month 1692, Andrew Job and Elizabeth Vernon appeared at the Monthly Meeting (Quakers) at the home of Thomas Vernon and declared their intention of marriage. A committee of men and a committee of women were appointed to see if there were no obstructions to the marriage."
June 14
Abstracts of Chester County Land Records Vol. 1 1681-1730"Thomas Thompson and others granted a tract of land for 20 pounds to Andrew Jobe of Chester, carpenter. The tract of land was 100 acres bounded by Chester Creek and the land of George Churchman. (recorded 14 July 1692, Deed Book A1, page 128)"
7 Ninth Month (November)
Andrew Job and Elizabeth Vernon were married at the Chester Monthly Meeting. (Quakers married each other by the consent of and in the presence of Friends. They married after their own fashion, but without consent of the government, which considered the marriages illegal.)
Andrew Job paid tax to the township of Chester in the amount of 3 shillings, 8 pence. A provincial tax was levied upon estates and freeman. (A freeman was a person in the possession of and in the enjoyment of all the civil and political rights accorded to the people under free government.)1694Eighth Month (October)
Son Benjamin Job is bornNinth Month (November)
Son Benjamin Job died
4th Fourth Month (June)1695
The Chester Monthly Meeting appointed John Sharpless and Andrew Job to inquire concerning William Swaford, who had declared his intentions of marriage with Mary Caudwell26th Fifth Month (July)
Son Jacob Job is born
Andrew Job was appointed overseer for the Chester Monthly Meeting.169722nd Ninth Month (November)
Son Thomas Vernon Job is born
Andrew Job was appointed to collect for sufferings of the people of Boston.1697-1701February
Daughter Mary Job is born
Andrew Job was sheriff of Chester County and Clerk of the Chester Monthly Meeting1698
14th First Month (March)1699
In the case of James Stanfield, Plaintiff, against Andrew Job, High Sheriff, Defendant; the plaintiff declared that the defendant detained from him 3 cows and 8 hides of leather for which the defendant had converted to his own use. The jury decided the case for the defendant and ordered the plaintiff to pay 2 pence damage and the cost of the suit.9th Seventh Month (September)
Son Enoch Job is bornOctober
Thomas Vernon, father-in-law of Andrew died in Chester Co., PASon Enoch Job died
William Penn arrived for the second time to find that Lord Baltimore in Maryland was still claiming a large tract of land in southern Pennsylvania.
WILLIAM PENN - A CLOSE FRIEND "William Penn, with his intimate friend Andrew JOB, a man of education and influence, took a united stand in favor of the subject. Many Quaker leaders, who had been Penn's companions in England, sympathized with Penn and Job. Loaded with provisions and equipment, they proceeded on horseback to the disputed territory. Other than Penn and Job there was William Brown, James Brown, Ebenezer Empson, Cornelius Empson, Joel Baily, James Cooper, John Richardson, Edward Beeson, John Churchman, and Henry Reynolds.
They found a beautifully rolling country that was moderately watered with small streams. They knew the soil was fertile for there was a dense growth of hickory, oak, and chestnut. Penn selected a spot for the Meeting House.
The peace-loving Quakers decided upon a way to thwart Baltimore; they, themselves, would settle and survey the tract, which was named Nottingham."
Abstracts of Chester County Land Records, Vol. I (1681-1730)
Abstracted by Eleanor Orthun at Chester Co. Historical Society library on May 10, 2004) December
"Page 59 has Deed. “On 11 Dec 1699 David Loyd (sic) of Philadelphia, gentleman, to David Roberts of Chester, Carpenter. David Loyd for 16 pounds grants to David Roberts a lot bounded by the street that leads from David Loyd’s plantation to Chester Creek, lots of John Hoskins, late of Henry Barns & Thomas Bowater. Signed David Loyd. Delivered in the presence of Jasper Yeages, George Strode & Andrew Job. Recorded 12 Dec 1699. (A1:B242)”
"Page 59 has Deed. “On 11 Dec 1699 David Loyd of Philadelphia, gentleman, & James Lownes, yeoman, to Jasper Yeates. Whereas there is a lot in Chester bounded by a street that leads from Chester Creek to David Loyd’s plantation, lot of John Hoskins & late of Roger Jackson, now of Jasper Yeates. David Loyd for 15 pounds granted lot to James Loownes 13 Dec 1693 and James Lownes has agreed to grant lot to Jasper Yeates for exchange of a lot with a house lately purchased of Nathaniel Pickin. Now David Loyd & James Lownes confirm unto Jasper Yeates that lot of land. Signed David Loyd & James Lownes. Delivered in the presence of Andrew Job & Joseph Edge, Recorded 12 Dec 1699. (A1:B243).”
29 Eleventh Month (Jan)1701
The minutes of the monthly meeting, held at the home of Robert Vernon, were signed by order and behalf of AndrewEleventh Month (1699) (Jan 1700)
Father, Andrew Job, Sr. dies and Andrew Job, Jr. has another son who he names Enoch after the one who had died earlier.
Myers, Albert Cook. Immigration of Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania. Swarthmore, PA:1902
page 158, "The Friends of Nottingham were residents of Chester County, until about 1765, when the running of the famous Mason and Dixon line brought them within the limits of Cecil County, Maryland. In 1701, a company of friends, prominent among whom were John Churchman, Andrew Job, William and James Brown, and Henry Reynolds, removed from the old settlements in the vicinity of Chester and settled on a tract of some 18,000 acres of land called Nottingham on Octorara Creek."
Chester and Its Vicinity, Delaware County in Pennsylvania, 1877 First Month (March)
page 39, "it was ordered that Jasper YEATES, Ralph FISHBOURN, Joseph COBOURN and Andrew JOBE be supervisors for the building of a new prison upon the ground of James Sandilands"
Early Church Records of Delaware Co PA, Vol. 1 by Launcy & Wright, 1997 October
page 81, "Elizabeth FISHBORN & Elizabeth JOB appointed overseers for Chester Women's Meeting."
Minute Book "G" - Minutes of Property Commencing ye 19th (th Ber., 1701 25th 13 mo., 1701 - Session held at Philadelphia
". . .Pursuant to an agreement made the 14th of ye 11 mo. last, pa. 60, with Cornelius Empson, the said Cornelius Requests a War't for 15,000 a's upon the terms proposed by the Comm'rs, Viz: £8 p'r 100, to be paid within one Year and an English Shilling quitrent Ever after, or two bushells of Wheat p'r 100 at some Navigable Landing on Dellaware, the first year to be Clear of Quittrent, and accordingly a Warrant was Signed for the said 15,000 A's, dated 7th 1 mo., 1701-2, to the Persons following:. . . 1,000 A's, to Andrew JOB 1,000 Acres, to John Churchman 1,000 A's, . . And the Proprietary for his Own Proper Use three thousand Acres if the Land will hold out, all in One Tract, with Sufficient Allowance for Roads, according to the Method of Townships, beginning at the Northern Barrens between the main branch of Northeast River and Otteraroe Creek, and bounding it to the Southwards with and East and West Line parrallel as near as may be to the Line of the Province, and Northward next the Barrens with a Line Also parrallel to the South Bounds and in the said Tract to run Eighteen Several Divisions of 1,000 A's, Each, to be taken by Lotts, and the Surveyor to Draw the Proprietary's three"
14th Eleventh Month (Jan)
The Meeting of Commissioners of Property at Philadelphia proposed to make a settlement at Nottingham, a tract of land, located halfway between the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers. The grant was for 20,000 acres. Twelve men, including Andrew Job, Jr., reserved 1,000 acres each. Others took smaller plots. The Proprietor, William Penn, also requested 3,000 acres for his own personal use.
These men, the lots they drew, their location, along with the ones that Penn reserved for himself, can be seen in the diagram to the left. Copied from the original records in Cecil Co., MD, this plot survey appeared in Volume I, Third Issue of the Jobe Journal published in September 1988.
Third Month (April)
A large tract of 1800 acres was laid out by Henry Hollingsworth, surveyor. Andrew Job drew lots #32 and #35, each containing 500 acres. It was upon Lot #35 that Andrew would later build the Blue Ball Tavern. (see pictures below) The grantees, all Quakers, agreed to pay 8 lb. for every 100 acres within 1 year and 1 shilling sterling as quit rent for every 100 acres for ever after. Andrew Job and John Churchman, and their families, were the first to present certificates from the Chester Monthly Meeting to the East Nottingham Monthly Meeting.
As you can see, this map was reprinted from 1881 map in Library of Congress. It helps to show where the lots actually are located in a present-day map. Looking closely, you can see the temporary division line in 1739 and the later Mason-Dixon line which went through the lots and divided Chester Co., PA and Cecil Co., MD.
Explanation of Map Eleanor Orthun, who sent the map, writes:
The map in the book has this outline of the Nottingham Lots along with a couple other such feature outlines. I’ve attempted to show a correct geographic orientation with the plot insert. It even works out that the 76th parallel that goes through the real Nottingham Lots can be shown going through the plot at the Randal Janney lot, I think. I believe Maryland State Road 273 follows along the space between the lots. The Brick Meetinghouse is on the southwest area of the SR 273 (E/W) and SR 272 (N/S) right about the 76 degree parallelHopefully this map and lot chart, will help anyone who is visiting the Nottingham area to actually picture themselves back in the times when Andrew Job Jr. and his family lived here, alongside the other Quaker families.
See What Nottingham Lot #35 looks like
(Spring - 2004)1702
22 Sixth Month (August)
Son Abraham Job is born1703
15th Eighth Month (October)1704
Andrew Job was elected to serve as a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly from Chester County. The minutes of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania contain many references to him; he was often asked to intercede with the Governor in behalf of the Assembly.26th Fifth Month (July)1705
Son Caleb Job is born
Bill Jobe Journal, Volume 1, Edition 2, page 38 Andrew Job was appointed the Collector of money granted to the proprietor, William Penn. On March 27, there was a deed of sale for 1 hundred acres in Chester Township from Andrew Job to William Pusey, nephew of Caleb Pusey
Minute Book "G" - Minutes of Property Commencing ye 19th 9th Ber., 1701 1 mo, 18th day 1705
". . . Granted. Charles Brooks, of the County of Chester, Yeoman, by Deed, dat. 12, 10ber., '93, for the Consideration therein Mentioned; Granted 150 Acres to Robert Chamberlain, laid Out by Warr't dat., in Ashton T'p, to Thom's Brassey In right of his Original Purchase of 5,000 acres, which said Brassey Granted the said 150 acres to Andrew JOB, his Heirs, &c., and the s'd And'w JOB Granted the Same to s'd Brooks, his Heirs, &c., who granted the Same to Rob't Chamberlain. The Prop'ry, by Pat., dat. 22d, 5 mo., '84'"
Myers, Albert Cook. Immigration of Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania. Swarthmore, PA:1902
page 158,
"In 1705, they had a meeting settled among them, held at the home of William Brown, until the erection of a meeting-house in 1708-9. This building was replaced by one of brick in 1724. John Churchman notes in his journal that in 1748 the latter was destroyed by fire, and until a new meeting-house could be built the meetings were held in a private house. When rebuilt, a stone addition was made to the original brick-work. The wood-work was again destroyed by fire in 1810. In 1811 the present structure was erected, and although one-half stone, has always been known as the Brick Meeting."
On the Churchman Family web site, you can read more and see some additional pictures of this place of worship.
Bill Jobe Journal, Volume I, 2nd Edition, page 31 "It has an abundance of fruits of all sorts, apples, pears, cherries, and quinces in great qualities. The peaches are to a degree that they knock down bushels for the hogs."
Nottingham Lots and the Beehive Houses the Quakers Erected
(Our ancestors would have lived in similar houses) 1706
Son Joshua Job is born. Click on Joshua to go to Freida Wells site and continue with this line.Third Month (May)
The Concord Meeting received a certificate from the Chester Monthly Meeting on behalf of Andrew Job and his family.
Early Church Records of Delaware Co PA, Vol. 1 by Launcy & Wright, 1997 January 26
page 84,"Elizabeth JOB & Hannah CHURCHMAN being removed, a certificate was requested for each of them to Concord MM [with their husbands' certificate: Andrew JOB and John CHURCHMAN]."
Early Church Records of Delaware Co PA, Vol. 2 by Launcy & Wright, 1997 10 Fourth Month 1706 (June)
page 62, "Concord MM Minutes 10th of 4th mo 1706 - Andrew JOB and family, and John CHURCHMAN and family, certificates from Chester."1708Maryland Quaker Records: Nottingham Monthly Meeting, Cecil County Book F (1808-1836) Ninth Month (November)
"Robert Dutton married 13 9mo (Nov) 1707 at the house of her father, Ann Brown, daughter of William Brown, the emigrant (1682) by his 2nd wife Ann (Mercer) Brown, of Nottingham (which was originally in Chester Co, PA, but later set off as a part of Cecil Co, MD); this marriage was authorized by Concord MM, PA, 13-8-1707, & witnessed by Andrew JOB & John Churchman"December 24 Daughter Hannah Job is born1709April 271710 thereabouts
Abstracts of Chester County Land Records Vol. 1 1681-1730"Andrew Job signed a deed dated 27 April 1709: Andrew Job of Chester, carpenter, to William Pussey of Chester, by deed recorded 14 June 1692, Book A, page 60, acknoledged by Mary Brassey, daughter of Thomas Brassey, John Simcock, John Bristow & Randle Varnam granted to Andrew Job for consideration mentioned. Now for the sum of 125 pounds, granted a tract of land bounded by land of George Churchman and land of Chester Brooks (suspect this meant Chester Creek!), containing 100 acres. Delivered in the presence of Henry Worley, John Cawdrey & John Scott. Recorded 9 June 1709 (Book C3, page 83). This was a resale of land above at a tidy profit!
Andrew Job established the Blue Ball Tavern, a brick house at the junction of the Lancaster/ New Castle and Philadelphia/ Baltimore roads, on Lot #35 of the Nottingham Lots.![]()
The inn served travelers for more than 100 years. Although now a private dwelling, it still stands. A historical marker stands opposite.1711September 2
Daughter Patience Job is bornNovember 2
Abstracts of Chester County Land Records Vol. 1 1681-1730"lease and release by John Budd of City of Philadelphia in Nottingham mentioning among others, land bounded by land of Andrew Jobs."
October 51712
Abstracts of Chester Co Land Records Vol. 1 1681-1730"Andrew Job witnessed deed with Caleb Pussey, Jacob Simcock, & Henry Worley. (land in Edgmont)"
December 25
Andrew Job was mentioned in the will of Robert Williams, NottinghamAndrew Job witnessed will of Edward Beeson of Nottingham. (His wife, Rachel Pennington was half-sister to Gulielma Springett Penn, the 1st wife of William Penn.)17141715Bill Jobe Journal - Volume I, Third Issue, page 70 Third Month
Elizabeth Vernon, mother-in-law of Andrew, died in Chester Co., PA30 Eighth Month (October)
"One would surmise that the following had something to do with the bounty paid for wolves heads and the surveying of property lines. It was signed in behalf of the inhabitants of Nottingham on 30 Eighth Month 1714.At the request of Mr. Roger Larrimore: Viz.: Friends Roger Larrimore and Francis Maulding as to the question of whether we would pay our bounty levy or not. We cannot with honor and safety answer directly, but do abide by that agreement made betwixt William Brown of the county, which was that if upon the running of the line we should fall to belong to your county, that when we would pay all our levies that shall appear against us, conditional that we should be paid for the wolves heads killed in the same time, which is all at present from they Friends. Signed by ANDREW JOB, William Brown"
Seventh Month (September)1717
Andrew Job collected funds for the Nottingham Meeting (Quakers) Andrew Job and John Churchman reported Joseph Jones was clear of other commitments, thus could marry Patience Beals.31 Eighth Month (October) Daughter Mary Job married John White at New Garden Monthly Meeting in Chester Co., PA. Andrew Job is listed as a witness to this marriage.1718April 201719
Nottingham, Chester County, Joseph Jones and Patience Beals were married at the Nottingham Monthly Meeting. More than 45 persons signed the marriage certificate including Andrew Job, Elizabeth Job, Jacob Job, Thomas Job, John Sidwell, Morris Reece, and John White.July 4
Pennsylvania persons mentioned in Council at Philadelphia in 1718 included Andrew Job and Elisha GatchellJuly Grandson William White is born to daughter Mary (Job) White
4 Seventh Month (September)
Andrew Job was named Justice of the Peace and commissioned to survey and locate roads, adjust township lines & settle differences.Fall
Andrew Job traveled to Philadelphia and bought the indenture of Elizabeth Maxwell,niece of Daniel Defoe.
Justices Previous to the Erection of Delaware County, FHL SLC 974.814H2a "John Wright (to be next to Jasper Yeates, Nicholas Newlin, Andrew JOB, Elisha Gatchell, John Cartledge, Francis Worley, Andrew Hamilton, Caleb Pusey, Richard Webb, Henry Nayle, Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wood, Joseph Coebourne, Henry Hayes, James Gibbons, Andrew JOB, Elisha Gatchell, John Cartledge."
Grandson, John White, is born to daughter, Mary (Job) WhiteSon Jacob Job marries Rachel Brokesby at New Garden Monthly Meeting in Chester Co., PA17216 Third Month (May)1721 thereabouts
Andrew Job, Caleb Pusey and 16 others subscribed to William Sewell's THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE TRUTH, at the New Garden Meeting.July
Granddaughter, Mary White, is born to daughter, Mary (Job) WhiteFall
Andrew paid taxes in Chester and NottinghamGrandson, Jacob Job, is born to son, Jacob Job1722Justices Previous to the Erection of Delaware County, FHL SLC 974.814H2a "John Wright, Caleb Pusey, Henry Nayle, Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wood, Joseph Coebourn, Henry Hayes, James Gibbons, Andrew JOB, Elisha Gatchell, Francis Worley, Isaac Taylor, James Mitchel, James Smith, Thomas Reid."
30 Third Month (May)
Will of Andrew Job, Jr. is written and Andrew signs his own signature (as shown)![]()
OVERVIEW OF WILL By Randy Jobe - transcriber "It was written in the style of the times in the King's English. Note the spellings and capitalization. The ampersand and yt ("y" with an overhead "t" means "that") was used frequently. Thank you for acquiring and making this valuable document available to all of us. It was an eloquently written document written by a learned man, who was probably the James Wright listed at the end as being paid 10 shillings (more than likely for his services as a clerk). The will was not written by Andrew as can be seen by his signature (which Andrew signed himself). Also note the Quaker calendar reference in the signing date "3rd month Called May."
TRANSCRIPTION OF WILL (Spelling Mistakes were left as written) I, Andrew Job of ye Township of Nottingham in ye County of Chester & Province of Pensilvania farmer Being Sick & weak of body but of A Sound & well Disposing Mind & Memory Also Considering ye Uncertainty of this Natural Life & being Willing to Settle & Dispose of yt (that) Small Estate yt (that) ye Lord hath Bestowed Upon me I do Make this as My LastWill & Testament Revoking All other will or wills heretofor Made or done by me being in manner following viz:
My will is yt (that) I be decently buried & last debts & Funeral Charges be defrayed as soon as possible. May be with Conveniency after my Decease.Secondly:
I give and bequeath Unto My Son Jacob ye half of ye Lott whereon he is Now Settled To him & his heirs for Ever.Thirdly:
I give Unto My Son Abraham ye other half of ye said Lott to him & his heirs for Ever.Fourthly:
I give Unto My Son Enoch yt (that) Tract of Land Lying Upon Little Elk River To him & his heirs for Ever. Likewise My will is yt (that) My Executrix hereafter Mentioned shall give My Sons Abraham & Enoch A hand to help each of them Grubb & clear Tenn Acres of Land fitt for ye plough & to help Each of them a convenient Little house to Live in & to find their Meat & Desired washing & Lodging while its doing.Fifthly:
I give & bequeath Unto My Son Thomas Two Hundred Acres of Land of ye South of ye Lott whereon I Now Live to him and his heirs I also will him two young bulls. My will is yt (that) My Son Thomas Shall have assistance to help him build Either A Convenient Little house or Barn which he pleases & to have his Accomadations while its doing.Likewise My will is yt (that) ye tract of Land lying by great Elk River be left to My Executrix to be Disposed of Among our Children Either to one 2 or More According as She Shall be Meett.
I give & bequeath Unto My Son In Law John White five shillings.Item:
I give & bequeath Unto My 3 grandchildren William John & Mary White Twenty Shillings Each of them & to be paid them when tenn years of age.Item:
I give & bequeath Unto My Grandson Nathan Job fourty Shillings to be paid him when he is Tenn years of Age.Item:
I give & bequeath Unto My Loving & beloved wife Elizabeth Job my plantation Whereon I now dwell with ye Appurtenances thereunto belonging during her Natural Life or widowhood & After her decease Unto My 2 younger Sons Caleb & Joshua paying Unto their younger Sisters Hannah & Patient to Each of them Tenn Pounds When they come of age.My will is yt (that) my wife May have her third of My Personal Estate & Emanaties to be Equally divided between My four younger Children Caleb Joshua Hannah & Patient. Furthermore My will is yt (that) if any of My Children Should die In their Minority That Their Legacys or ye value of them be Equally divided Amongst them yt (that) Survive. Lastly I ordaine Constitute & Appoint My dear & well beloved wife My Sole Executrix of this My Last will & Testament wt (with) this restriction yt (that) she doth Nothing of Moment without ye Consent or Aprobation of ye preparative Meeting of Notingham in witness Whereof I have Hereunto Set My hand & Seal Dated ye 30th of ye 3rd month Called May In ye year of our Lord 1722.
I give unto James Wright Tenn Shillings.
Signed Seal,d published & declared By ye Above named Andrew Job to Be his Last will & Testament in ye Presence of us John Beals Senr (his mark) Jacob Beall
- (signed by w/seal) Andrew Job
Bill Jobe's Journal Vol. 1, #2; "The Massengills, Massengales and Variants", S. E. Massengill 5 Fourth Month (June)
The above date is listed in the Bill Jobe Journal for the death of Andrew Job, Jr. (We do know from the date the will was written and when the will was probated that Andrew died between May 30, 1722 and Nov 13, 1722 - so this date is very probably correct!) He died in East Nottingham, Chester Co., Pennsylvania. There is a stone in the burying ground at the Brick Meeting House with the initials AJ carved on it. Some say that this could be the stone of Andrew Job Jr while most believe it to be the stone of his grandson, Andrew 'the Hermit' Job. Since there is no dates carved on the stone, nor is there any cemetery records showing exactly who is buried in the cemetery, we cannot be sure.
November 13
The will of Andrew Job was probated in Chester County. It is now on file in West Chester, Chester Co., Pennsylvania.
Brick Meeting House - Today (For the history of this building - see above!
The Brick Meeting House is believed to be the the place of burial for Andrew Job, Jr. His widow and children would certainly have attended this Meeting and several would have been married here. INVENTORY OF ANDREW'S ESTATE (Transcribed with spelling mistakes) "No 139 Andrew Jobs Inventory Rec'd ye 13 day of 9th Month 1722
An Inventory of ye Goods & Chattels of Andrew Job Lately Deceased Being of ye Township of Nottingham In ye County of Chester (the amounts listed are Lb., Shillings, Pence)To his wearing Apparell 09 16 00 To Sundry goods in ye Parlor 26 00 06 To Sundry goods in ye Closet 03 11 00 To Sundry Utensils in ye Middle Room 04 09 00 To Sundry Goods up Staires 08 04 11 To Sundry Utensils in ye Cellar 02 17 00 To Sundry Moveables In ye Kitchen 05 12 00 To Sundrys In ye Shop 03 00 00 To Sundry Utensils About ye Plantation 09 10 08 To his Stock of Cattle, Horses & Hogs Upon His Plantation 62 03 00 To ye Corn growing Upon ye Ground 30 00 00
SUM TOTAL 165 04 01 Nottingham, ye 9th day of ye 4th mo 1722
A True Appeasement By Us
William Brown Senior, Samuel Little, John Churchman
SYNPOSIS OF INVENTORY By Randy Jobe - transcriber
"The signature of William Brown might have been unreadable had I not known he was there at that time. The signature of Samuel Little has a curly-q on the end and John Churchman almost printed his last name. Note that the inventory was supposedly taken only 4 days after his death."
DENOUNCEMENT BY BILL JOBE Bill Jobe Journal, Volume 1, Edition 2, page 33
"As Andrew Job was well-educated and a personal friend and companion of William Penn, it would seem that he had returned to England for his education. There were no universities in the colonies except for Harvard, and it would have been impossible that a Quaker could attend Puritan Harvard during the seventeenth century.It must be noted that Andrew did not marry until the age of forty-two and that all of his children, except the last, had Biblical names. He was sixty years of age when Patience was born; it would seem that her name was a double joke.
The will of ANDREW JOB, JR. specified his wife as executrix. It provided land for the adult sons, the money with which to build houses, and pay for the keep of the workmen. He also provided for his minor children, and left money to his son-in-law and his four grandchildren. His signature was affixed to the will."
WIDOWHOOD 1722-1730Elizabeth Vernon Job, the widow of Andrew Job, appeared on the tax rolls of Chester Co., PA.1722June 20Abt 1723
Granddaughter, Mary White, d/o Mary (Job) White is bornGrandson, Andrew Job, s/o Jacob Job is bornAbt 1725Grandson, Jeremiah Job, s/o Jacob Job is born1725
Quaker Meeting Certificates, New Garden Monthly Meeting -Chester Co., PA (1704-1799)
28 Eighth Month (October)1726
page 29, "Thomas Job, son of Andrew JOB of Notingham, In ye County of Chester & Province of Pensilvania & Elizabeth MAXWELL of Notingham Aforesaid...28 8m, 1725...In A Publik Assembly At Notingham.... Those present include - Elizabeth JOB, Enoch JOB, Thomas JOB, Jacob JOB, Abraham JOB, Elizabeth JOB, Wm Browne Senr., Benjamine Chandlee, Daniell Browne, Aaron Coppock, James King, John Elliott, Samul: Littler, Wm Hanby, Wm Browne, Jeremiah Browne, John Gartrill, Thomas Browne, John White, John Churchman, Messer Browne."(I believe one of these Elizabeth Jobs is the widow of Andrew Job, Jr.)
Quaker Meeting Certificates, New Garden Monthly Meeting -Chester Co., PA (1704-1799)
24 Ninth Month (November)Abt 1727
page 37, "Abraham JOB son of Andrew JOB of ye Township of Notingham In ye County of Chester & Province of Pensilvania deceased & Sarah GATCHELL Daughter of Elisha GATCHELL of ye Abovesaid Townshio & County...24, 9m, 1726...att their Publik Meeting house of Notingham Afsd... Those listed as being present included - Jacob JOb, Issac Star, Abraham Job, Thomas Job, Joseph Willy, Sarah Job, Elizabeth Job Junr, Saml. Jackson, Patience Job, Messer Brown, Elisha Gatchell, Enoch Job, Henry Reyrnolds, Rachell Gatchell, Caleb Job, Rachell Job, Elizabeth JOB Joshua Job, Miriam Coppock, Thomas Vernon, Isack Jackson, Jeremiah Starr, Jno White, Jeremiah Browne, Wm Browne Senr, and Mary White."(I believe the Elizabeth Job is widow of Andrew Job, Jr. and the Elizabeth Job, Jr to be the wife of Thomas Vernon Job.Grandson, Archibald Job, s/o Thomas Vernon Job, was bornAbt 1730
Grandson, Elisha Job, s/o Abraham Job, was bornGranddaughter, Sarah Job, d/o Jacob Job, is born1731
Granddaughter, Margaret Job, d/o Thomas Vernon Job is born
Grandaughter, Mary Job, d/o Abraham Job, is born
Nottingham Quakers 1680-1889 , Births, Deaths, and Marriages by Alice L. Beard 1989
11 Day First Month (March)1731 - 1732
Joshua JOB, son of Andrew of Nottingham Twp., Chester Co., Province of Pennsylvania, and Margaret MacKay , daughter of Robert of Milford Hundred, Cecil Co., Province of Pennsylvania, were married on the 11th day 1st month 1731 at Public meeting of Friends at Nottingham. Witnesses were: Joseph Elgar, Thomas Jacob, Jacob JOB, Messer Brown, Jno Littler, Caleb JOB, Elizabeth Gatchell, Simeon Taylor, Joseph Haines, William Kirk, John Gartrill, John Churchman, Jacob Beales, James Hogg, Jno Beals, George Hogg, Dinah Brown, Katherine Ross, Elizabeth Ross, Hannah Churchman, Elizabeth Hughes, Patience JOB, Rachel JOB, Abigail Gatchell, Esther Gatchell, Hannah McKay, Anne Brown, Garata Hogg, Mary Oldham, Robert McKay, Elizabeth JOB, Margaret McKay, Elizabeth Hollingsworth, Thomas JOB, Elizabeth JOB, Abraham JOB, Sarah JOB, Jno White, Mary White, Elizabeth McKay and Mary White, Jr. (As there are two Elizabeth Jobs listed, I believe one of these to be the mother of Joshua and widow of Andrew JOB, Jr. Click on Joshua, above, to go to Freida's site and continue with his family)Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Job, Jr. died (Though exact date is unknown, she doesn't appear as a witness at the marriage of her son, Enoch Job to Abigail Gatchell on July 6, 1761 or her daughter, Patience Job, to Robert MacKay, Jr. on March 27, 1735.)
Therefore, I believe Elizabeth, widow of Andrew, probably died 1731-1732 shortly after Joshua'a marriage as 1730 is also the last year that she appears on the tax records for Chester Co., PA.
LATER HISTOCIAL EVENTS (that affect our research of Andrew and his family) 1766
The disputed Nottingham Lots were resurveyed in 1766 by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon. The new boundary left most of the Nottingham Lots in Cecil County, Maryland.1789Delaware County was created from Chester Co., Pennsylvania.
Compiled by Cora ANN (JOBE) Desjardins BROWN Bill Jobe and BILL JOBE JOURNAL (Personal Correspondence - 1990's)
- M. W. Blair, "The History of the Job Family, 1895"
- Gilbert Cope, "Genealogy of the Sharpless Family, 1882"
- Furthy Smith & Gilbert Cope, "History of Chester County, Penn"
- George Johnson, "History of Cecil County, Maryland, 1881"
- Wilfred Jordan, "Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Penn"
- Colonel E. Wilmer, "A Genealogy from old Job to the present,1796"
- Various Records of the Courts of Chester Co., Pennsylvania
- Franklin and D. Hall, "Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania (Dec 4, 1682-June 11, 1709)"
- Joseph T. Reynolds, "The Boundary Line", an address of 1901 on the occasion of the Bi-Centennial of the Brick Meeting House
- Research of James W. Clark
Katharine Reynolds (MUCH Personal Correspondence between 1968 - 1975)
- "The Andrew Job Family, 1968" and many other records
Fanny McQuire's records - (1928) Maryland Historical Society - copy I have
Virginia Wood (Personal Correspondence l968 - l973)
Lois Cunningham, a very dear friend, (Personal Correspondence l968 - l975)
Will of Andrew Job, Jr. (a copy of which I have) - as transcribed above by Randy Jobe
Various Quaker Records
Research of Harlee Jobe - whose records I have
- Quaker Records of the Chester Monthly Meeting
- Quaker Records of the Nottingham Meeting
- Early Church Records of Delaware Co PA, Vol. 1 by Launcy & Wright, 1997.
- Nottingham Quakers 1680-1889 , Births, Deaths, and Marriages by Alice L. Beard 1989
Myers, Albert Cook., “Immigration of Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania” - Swarthmore, PA: 1902.
Research and picutres of Eleanor Orthun - (2000-2004)
Research of Lillian Moskeland - (July 2000)
John Hill Martin's, “Chester (and its vicinity) -Delaware County in Pennsylvania", 1877, reprinted and Indexed 1999 by John Bullock II
- 'Bruce Family History: Traditions and Letters’ by great aunt Edith Bruce Heinzman in 1899. who was in contact with Wm. W. Blair
- First record book of the Society of Friends at Aludia, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Internet Sites
Freida Wells (1998- 2001) - (A Note of Gratitude for helping with this site!) THANKS FREIDA!
- The Quaker Corner on Rootsweb - Could be here for a while!
- Cyndi's List - Quaker - Much here to explore!
- Quaker Meetings - Part of Abraham Woodward's site!
Randy Jobe - (who wouldn't let me stay in hibernation!) - THANKS RANDY!
- Descendants of Joshua Jobe and Margaret MacKay - by Freida Wells
And MANY, MANY MORE! - too numerous to mention
- Book of Jobe - Randy's FTM Site