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by John Merz

page 56 -57 reprinted here with permission

kindly sent in by Bill Hawk

Copyrights: 2005




Gerlinger, Michael, A-B, S#19, D2-lOMay1783,5#401(Kerlinger) 

Gerloff,Gottfried, B-?, S#18, M*1786Reading,PA.S#8v3/3p97. 

Germain, Lewis, see Germann, Ludwig, Hessians of Nova Scotia 

German, Louis, see Germann,Ludwig, Hessians of N.S. 

GERMANN, Ludwig, K-17, Hessians of Nova Scotia.

Germann, Wilhelm, K-9, S#132, D2-5/1779, S#25 PA-Oaths-1782. 

Giebener,Charles August, K-22, S#134, S#400, D2-June 1781. 

GIEBERT, Christian, see Keavort / Giebert / Geverd, Christian

GIEBERT,  GIEBBERT Henrich, see Kiever / Giebert / Keever, Henrich

Gier, Georg, K-8,Frederick Co., Maryland, S#147. 

Giese, Henrich, K-2, Frederick Co.,Maryland, S#147. 

Giese, Henrich, K-2, Margaret Lebherz, JSHA 1997, 

Giese,Henrich, K-2, S#133, S#57, Loudoun Co, Virg. 

GIESE, Wilhelm, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Giesey/Geesee/Geisey, Fredr.Henry, see Giese, Henrich, S#147

GIESLER, Joseph, A-B, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Giessel, Christian, WAL,S#135,141, D1-Ju1y1783 Flatbush,NY. 

Giessler, Joh.Gottlieb, K-22, S#134,D2-9/1778, S#25 PA-Oath 

Gillion, Philip, see Kilian, Johann Philipp,S#147. 

Gills/Gildz, Eckart, see Gilss, Eckhard, S#147. 

Gilss, Eckhard, K-2, Frederick Co., Maryland, S#147. 

Giltzow, Wilhelm, see Gislow, W.,Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

GIMBEL, Henrich, Hessians of Nova Scotia.

Gimbel, Johann Jost, K-16, S#131,D2-10/1782Charleston/Camden 

Gimble,Henry, see Gimbel, Henrich, Hessians of N.S. 

Gimpel, Henrick, see Gimbel,Henrich, Hessians of N.S. 

Gisenkirk, Andrew, see Kiessenkirch, Andreas,H.of N.S. 

Gisler, Jos., see Giesler, Joesph, Hessians of N.S. 

GISLOW, W.,Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Glick, John Philip, S#400, no Glick found, only Gluck/Glueck 

GLIMM/GLEIM, Peter, K-9, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.80.

Gluck, Johannes, K-22, S#134, D2-June1778, S#25,PA-Oaths1782 

Glueck,Johannes, HFK, S#100, D2-1782 New York, S#400. 

Glick Godick/Gedack,Andrew, see Goeddecke, Andreas, S#147. 

Goebel, Christian, WAL, S#135,141,POW1776Trenton D1-Germany 

Goebell, Casper, K-10, S#133, D2-6/1779,S#8v2/4 (Cable) 

Goeddecke, Andreas, K-8, Frederick Co., Maryland, S#147.

GOEDECKE, Heinrich, B-?, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.195. 

Goersch,Andres, B-?, S#18, D2-1783Penobscot/Maine. 

Goertler, Christoph, HHE,Joseph E. Garlitz, JSHA 1997. 

Goette, Israel, K-1, S#133, D2-11/1783,S#25 PA-Oaths-1784. 

Gohse/cause, see Gans, Christoph, H.of U.C. 

Goldeiss,Philip, A-B, Dor.Goldizen, B.Morgan, JSHA 1997. 

Goldschmidt, Johann, A-B,S#33, D2-11/1778, S#25 PA-Oaths-82 

Goldshine/Coalshine, Ernest, see Kohlschein, S#147. 

Goll, Johann, A-B, Frederick County, Maryland, S#i47.

Goll, Johann, A-B, Kirby Gull, JSHA 1997, 

Gommert/Gamert/Gomert,Christian, see Gummert, Chr., S#147. 

Gontzo/Gonshawk/Gunsaw, George, see Ganso/Janso, S#147. 

Goodhard, David, see Guthard, David 


Goodick, Andrew, see Gothack, Andrew, Hessians of N.S. 

Goodman, Christopher, no info.,Margaret J.Cantin, JSHA 1997 

Gorman, Sigismund, see Bormann, Sigismund,H.of U.C. 

Gossart, Charles, see Gassert, Charles, Hessians of N.S.

GOTHACK, Andrew, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

GOTTLIEB, Georg, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Gottschalk, Stefan, HAJ, S#100,1,136,331, D*1792 Montreal.

Gottschall, Stefan, HAJ, F.Cardine, Gg.Gotschall, JSHA 1997.

Grabensteiner, see Grubenstein, Philipp, Hessians of N.S. 

Graebe,Friedrich, WAL, S#I35,I41, Philadelphia Co., Penns. 

Graebing, Johann Henrich, WAL, S#135,141, D2-1783 N.J. 

Graefe, Heinrich, B-?, S#18, D2-Nov1778 Massachusets. 

Grandmyer/Grantmyer/Grantmeyer, see Grundmeyer,Christian. 

Graner, Frederick, see Christian Friedrich Grunner, S#25.

Grasmether, Adam, K-11, S#131,D2-2/1778, S#8v3/2, Lancaster, 

GREBEN,Johann Gottlieb von, Hessians of Nova Scotia.




Greenstile, John, see Gruenstaedel, Johann, H.of U.C. p.195. 

GREENWALD, John, (Marysburgh Ts.), Hessians of U.C.,p.163.

Greenwats/Grennwats/Grenwald, John, see Greenwald, John. 

GREISER, August, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Greiss. Peter, no info., Philip Croll, JSHA 1997. 

Grel1, Thomas, B-9, K.Monroy, I.P.Paul, R.Pearl, JSHA 1997. 

Gress, Henry, see Kress, Heinrich, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Grichel, John, see Hreckel, Johann Nikolaus, H.of U.C.p171. 

Griesser, August, see Greiser, August, Hessians of N.S. 

Grill, Thomas, B-9, S#18, S#8v4/1,9/2, Montgomery Co., N.Y. 

Grimm, Wilhelm, HHE, S#100,17, S#400, D2-Feb1781 Canada. 

Grobey, Johann, A-B, S#25 PA-Oaths-27/8/1783 see Gruenbeck? 

Grody, see Grote, Heinrich. 

Groeninger, Franz Reinhardt, H-5 S#132, D2-6/1778 N.J.,S#25. 

GROH, Johannes, K-7, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.87,�9-94. 

Groh, Justus/Jost, K-7, Alice Freund, JSHA 1997. 

Grosse, Karl Wilhelm (FS) K-11. S#131, S#25 PA-Oaths-6/1783.

Grossmyer/Grossmeir, see Grasmether 

GROTE, Christian, B-9, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.195. 

Grote, Heinrich, B-4, S#18, S# v.2/3, aka. Grody 

Grotefend, Peter, B-?, B.Benoett, Denise Bond, JSHA 1997. 

Groth, Christian/Christopher, see Grote, Christian. 

Grovestine, see Grubenstein, Philipp, Hessians of N.S. 

GRUBENSTEIN, Philipp, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

GRUBER, Kasper, A-B, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Gruenbeck, Johann Georg, A-B, S#33,signed on with ,Am.troops. 

Gruene, Heinrich, B-?, S#18,5#8v3/3p97, M*1796 Reading, PA., 

Gruenewald, Friedrich, K-22, S#139, S#25 PA-Oaths-8/1782. 

GRUENSTAEDEL, Johann Bartholomae, HAJ, Hessians of U.C.,p195 

Gruenwald, Johannes, see Greenwald, John, H.of U.C.p163,182. 

GRUNDMEYER, Christian, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

GRUNER/GRONER, Peter, HHE5, S#100, D2-Nov1778, S#900. 

Grunner, Christ.Friedr., A-H, S#19, S#25 PA-Oaths (Graner) 

Grunner, Christoph Friedr., .9-B, Elinor Titus, JSHA 1997. 

GSCHWIND, Friedrich, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Gude, George, B-?, S#18, D2-1783 Penobscot, Maine. 

Guenter, Heinrich, B-5, Dorothea Ketchum, JSHA 1997. 

Guenter, Heinrich, B-?, S#18, M*1779 Stone Arabia, N.Y. 

Guentzel, Matthias, K-22, S#134, S#400, D2-Jan1777 jd.rebels 

Guergel, Andreas, WAL, S#135,141, D2-Apri11777 in America. 

Gummert, Christian, B-6, Frederick County, Maryland, S#147. 

GUNK, George, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

GLITBERLET, Henrich/Hermann, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Guth, Friedrich, B-?, S#18, D2-1783 Penobscot/Maine. 

Guthard, David, K-5, S#132, D2-OCt1.782, S#400 (Goodhard) 

Guttermilch. Johann Erdmann, WAL, S#135,141, D2-May1783 N.Y. 

Haacke,...., no info., E.Mark Haacke, JSHA 1997. 

Haarman, Henry, see Herrmann, Henrich, H.of U.C., p.67. 

Haber, Jost, K-18, Beryl Smith, JSHA 1997. 

HABERMANN, Andreas, Hessians of Nova Scotia. 

Hachenberger, George, HHE, Roberta Holsclaw, JSHA 1997. 

Hachenberger, Jacob, HHE, Roberta Holsclaw, JSHA 1997. 

Haeberle, Johann, B-5, S#18, S#8v4/2p44, D2-12/1778, S#187, 

Haeberle, Johann, B-?, S#18, D2Yorktown1778, at York, PA. 

HAEBERLEIN, Matthias, B-9, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.206. 

Hagarman, Arnold, see Hagemann, Arnold, H.of U.C., p.79-76. 

HAGE.MANN, Arnold, B-3, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.74-77.

Hager, Henrich, K-7, Dorthy Henion, JSHA 1997. 

Hager, John, no info., Dorothy D.Douglas, JSHA 1997.

Hahn, Christian, no info., D.B.Gregory, JSHA 1997. 

HAHN, Georg Friedrich, B-?, Hessians of U.C., p.95.

HAHN, Georg, K-7, Hessians of Upper Canada, p.7,89,94.

HAHN, Heinrich, K-7?, S#133, no data, (Henry Hawn?) S#400

Hahn, Konrad, HAR, S#100,18, D2-Saratoga1777. (Horn?)






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