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George Washington to Benjamin Lincoln (Secretary at War)
Head Quarters, Newburgh, April 27, 1782.




Donated by Curt Larsen a list member who extracted the information.


Dear Sir: 


Finding the Commissioners, appointed to liquidate the accounts of Monies due for the maintenance of Prisoners, and make permanent provision for their future support, have separated without accomplishing any thing; I think it highly expedient that measures should be adopted, at this moment, for taking the German Prisoners of War into our service: As this measure has been considerably agitated, I shall not amplify upon the justice and propriety of it, which to me seem very obvious. I am equally well persuaded of the policy there will be in augmenting every Compy with at least ten of these Men, or more if they can be obtained; for I am convinced, that by such an incorporation, they will make exceedingly cheap and valuable Recruits, and being able bodied, and disciplined Men will give a strength and solidity to our Regts which they will not otherwise acquire this Campaign. All my accounts respecting the recruiting service are unfavorable; indeed, not a single recruit has arrived, (to my knowledge), from any State except Rhode Island, in consequence of the Requisitions of Congress in Decr last.
Should the plan be adopted by Congress, the sooner it is carried into execution the better. In that case, I think, the Men ought to be recruited for the Continent and not carried to the credit of the States quotas, with whose lines they are to serve. For without making any alteration in the Establishment, they may be annexed to the Regts. in such a Manner as that they can be formed into distinct Corps, whenever their fidelity and attachment shall be sufficiently evinced, if circumstances should then require. All the Matters of Bounty and Encouragement being arranged with the Financier, and the particulars of the Scheme adjusted: As soon as provision shall be made for their subsistence on the journey, I would detach a Captn. and Subn. from every Regt to receive and conduct them to the Army, so as that they may certainly join the respective Regts at farthest by the first of June. In the interim, I would beg leave to propose, lest the Enemy should attempt to counteract the design, that the business should be kept secret, until it is ripe for execution; and then be negotiated by some Gentleman of address appointed for the purpose. I request an ansr as speedily as possible. I have the honor to be &ca.

P S. I am just favored with your Letters of the 20th and 23d Inst. I think it would be well to permit such of the Prisoners mentioned by you, to return to their Regts. as can procure testimonials in their favor. I submit the matter to your discretion.


[Note 63: The draft is in the writing of David Humphreys.On April 27 Humphreys wrote to Col. John Crane, to remind the commanders of regiments that armorers employed under Crane's direction are to be continued in that work, and their names reported to Headquarters. "The Commander in Chief does not mean to repeat an Order twice, before it can be carried into execution." Humphreys's draft is in theWashington Papers.] 


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The Bayreuther Zeitung Newspaper
No. 58, 23 March, 1802.

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