DNA projects posted at American Revolution Hessian Mailing List Website
American Revolution Hessian mailing list website AMREV HESSIAN


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Hessian soldiers in the American Revolution


Family researchers have been gathering information and compiling their genealogies diligently for years. You may be among the few who are able to trace your earliest ancestor back to the mother country. Or, like most you may be searching to find that illusive, missing link to the past.

As a  Family researcher you have probably reached a point where you cannot identify any earlier ancestors. You may have documented multiple generations, but, at some point the leads dwindle and the trail grows cold. You have reached the preverbal "brick wall." We know that more documentary evidence remains to be discovered however traditional genealogical research will most likely never find all the connections between the various Family groups. Until recently there was little hope of extending a cold chart, however, genealogical yDNA testing may provide the answers you are seeking.

So, whether you have a complete family history leading back to the Family or you are just starting to chart your ancestors, we hope you will consider joining a surname group. Please click on the links to explore the sites for known Hessian surnames and read their objectives. 



Hessian DNA Web sites




Rührschneck, Rasnick, 


1.)  Good news on the progress of the research of my Hessian ancestor Johann Rührschneck. Y-DNA testing of the American Rasnick family has been compared with Y-DNA testing of a member of the German Rührschneck family and has been determined to match within a genetic distance of 1.  According to Family Tree DNA, this means that there is a 99% likelihood of them sharing a common ancestor in a genealogical time frame.  This research was conducted by Harriet Rasnick, and is an important piece of scientific evidence furthering the claim that the Ansbach soldier Johann Rührschneck was indeed the same man who later appeared as the SW Virginia pioneer known as Jacob Rasnick.  By the way, it was a very difficult task in determining the true and correct name of my ancestor, and it is through the hard work and persistence of Frieda Patrick Davison and John Merz that this was accomplished.


For more information on this project contact Marie at mariefetzer at tds.net

(remove the word "at" and replace with @ )


Project's website: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jacobrasnickproject/news3.htm 




Noth, Knott

I am the administrator of the "Noth" DNA project on FamilyTreeDNA. I  am a direct descendent of Christoph Noth, who came to Canada in 1778 from  Branderoda Saxony with the Brunswick troops and remained in Canada in 1783  after the Revolutionary War.  Shortly thereafter he sailed to  Louisiana and  married Catherine Teller originally from Germany. I  have traced all their descendents. I have visited Quebec,  Sorel, etc. to see places where he served.  Christoph Noth served in  the same group as Alymer "Ebacher" Baker's (of Quebec) ancestor,  and he was most helpful on my trip to Canada.  To date I have not located any other Noth relatives expect descendents of Christoph through  paper genealogy.   I hope to eventually locate some long lost  relatives in the United States and Germany through DNA tests in the  future.  The "Noth" name was Anglicized in Louisiana to Knott in the  1840's.  I can be contacted at [email protected]  Floyd  Knott _ (mailto:[email protected])






Bonnstein, Bonstein, Bohnstein


The Bonstein brothers Johann Jakob and Paulus were part of the Regiment von Knyphausen. They served from August of 1776 until the end of the war.  Johann Jacob and Paulus  were captured  as part of the Trenton Battle Christmas Eve of 1776. They were released and went through many triels.. Jacob Bonstein stayed in the New world and his younger brother returned to Germany. I am hoping to find family connections through the DNA project. Please use this link: https://www.familytreedna.com/surname_join.aspx?code=G52519&special=true  to go to the Bonstein DNA project at Family Tree DNA website..

Bonstein History: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bonsteinandgilpin/history/bon1a.htm 







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Individual Names of Hessians

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Families and Camp Followers

Reunions and Celebrations

Articles about the American Revolution

Documents concerning 

how prisoners were to be 

treated and converted.

Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents

Hessian DNA Web Sites

Articles about Hessians  in history

Germany GenWeb Project

Battles Hessian Units were involved in


and the soldiers listed in them


mailing list

Jails,  Prisons and Prison Camps

German &  American Parish Registers

German Genealogy WIKI 

Information on Transport Ships

Towns and places

  named after a Hessian soldier


mailing list

Journals and Diaries

Ages of young soldiers

"OUR" Mailing list archives


How to find towns in Germany


The Bayreuther Zeitung Newspaper
No. 58, 23 March, 1802.

Ansbach Regiment

Marie Rasnick Fetzer

Bob Brooks

Ansbach - Bayreuth Troops

Jochen Seidel

External Hessian Websites



TERM PDF as used by John Merz is not an Adobe electronic file, it is Personal Data File for an individual soldier.



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Last updated: May 23, 2009 .


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