Anderton Family Trees

Anderton Family Trees

Below you will find links to complete Anderton family trees in the database with 3 or more generations. Click on the number to access the tree which runs from the oldest to the youngest generation by clicking on the highlighted names.

  • 000001 Descendants of Anderton & Cave (1775)
      (Adlington, Rivington, Wigan, Hindley, Ince, Wrightington in Lancashire)
  • 000002 Descendants of Anderton & Billington (1853)
      (Horwich, Chorley, Bolton in Lancashire. Western Australia)
  • 000004 Descendants of Anderton & Wilding (1869)
      (Newtown, Wigan, Pemberton, Ince in Lancashire)
  • 000004 Descendants of Thomas Anderton, Shoemaker (1841)
      (Fleetwood, Thornton, Thistleton in Lancashire)
  • 000005 Descendants of Betty Anderton & Peter Campbell (1803)
      (Ormskirk, Pemberton, Wigan in Lancashire. Utah, Wyoming in USA)

  • 00000? Andertons of Croydon, Surrey (1829)
      (Clerkenwell, Middlesex & Croydon, Surrey, England)
      Family Tree very kindly contributed by Claire Tucker Nov 2003

  • 00000? Andertons of Marsworth, Buckinghamshire (1851)
      (Buckinghamshire, Nottinghamshire & London)

    If you have an Anderton family tree and would like me to include it or you have any corrections or comments about the existing tress please contact me, quoting the reference number.

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