A 1912 Lublin map

The Lublin 1912 Map


This map of Lublin was reprinted in 1991 and is still available at the Tourist Office in the old town, the castle museum and other places here in Lublin. Remember that this map cannot be used for any kind of financial gain, it is here for research purposes only.

The original map has both Polish and Russian keys, the Russian being the primary one as at the time Lublin was part of the Russian Empire. This site only indexes the Polish key as support on browsers for non-English languages is poor outside the regions the language is used in. Eventually a version of the Russian key will be available through the use of scanned in images. The indexes are located further down the page, and include: Streets, Districts, Buildings & a guide to Polish words used on the map. Remember that since 1912 many of the streets will have changed their names more than once. Similarly while many institutions are still in their original locations, some have since moved. There are even a few road names that are now used to designate different roads than they did originally. Polish characters are not used, except on the map itself, since many people have browsers which do not display all of them correctly.

It is also worth noting that some roads that are marked on this map do not exist today as they were primarily Jewish districts up to about 1942, and were the subject of wholesale destruction after the population had been transferred to camps etc. This primarily concerns the area between the old town and the castle, and Wieniawa.

Unless you are looking for something specific it is worth saving this page and printing it out so that you can easily refer to it as you find your way around the map. It is not possible to print the map out in any appreciable size. The first map to load will be the old town and part of Krakowskie Przedmiescie, which is almost the centre of the map below.

Go to the map
Index of Roads
Archidjak.  E4 
August.  E6 
Bernadynska  E4 - F4 
Bialkowska Gora  E6 
Bonifraterska  B5 - C5 
Bram.  E4 
Browarna  C4 
Bychawska  I3 
Chmielna  C3 
Cicha  C3 
Cmentarna  C2 - D2 
Cyrulicza  D4 - D5 
Czechowska  C3 - C4 
Czwartek  D5 
Czysta  C2 
Dolna Panny Maryi  E4 - F3 
Dominikanska  E4 
Droga do Cementowni  H6 - J4 
Droga do Kalinowszczyzny  D5 - E6 
Droga do Kirkuta (Chlodna)  C6 - D6 
Droga do Rzezni  H4 - H5 
Droga do Wieniawy  B1 - A1 
Droga na Rury  E2 - F2 
Fabryczna  H4 
Florjanska  D6 - E6 
Foksal  I3 
Gorna  E3 
Graniczna  E2 - E3 
Grodzka  D4 
Gubiernatorska  D3 
Jasna  C2 
Jateczna  D5 
Jezuicka  E4 
Kapucynska  D3 
Kowalska  D4 
Kozia  D4 
Krakowskie Przedmiescie  C2 - D4 
Krawiecka  D5 - E5 
Krolewska  D4 - E4 
Krotka  C2 
Krzyzwa  C5 - D5 
Lubartowska  D4 - B6 
Maryczna  G3 - G4 
Mierziana  F4 
Misjonarska  E4 - F4 
Mostowa  D5 
Nadstawna (1)  D5 
Nadstawna (2)  D4 - D5 
Namiestnikowska  D3 - E2 
Nicala  C3 
Nowa  D4 
Obywatelska  B6 - C6 
Ogrodowa  B3 - C3 
Okopowa  D2 - E3 
Olejna  D4 
Pijarska  D4 
Poczatkowska  D3 - D4 
Podwale  E4 
Podzamcze  D5 - E5 
Pola  D4 
Powiatowa  C3 
Probostwo  C4 
Prosta  D4 
Przemyslowa  G4 
Radziwillowska  C3 
Rusalka  G3 - G4 
Russka  C5 - D5 
Rybna  D4 
Rynek  E4 
Sadowa  D2 
Sienna  E5 - E6 
Sierakowszczyzna  C6 - D6 
Sieroca  B5 - C5 
Skibinska  H5 - I5 
Spokojna  B3 - C3 
Sto. Krzyzkie  C1 
Sw Mikolaja  C5 
Sw. Duska  D4 
Szambelanska  D4 
Szeroka  D5 
Szewska  C4 - D4 
Szkolna  C2 
Szopena  D2 - E2 
Szosa do Piask i Zamoscia  H4 - K4 
Szosa Lubartowska  A6 - B6 
Szosa Warszawska  A1 - C2 
Szpitalna  D3 
Wazka  D5 - E5 
Wesola  F4 - G3 
Wieniawska (1)  B2 - C2 
Wieniawska (2)  C3 
Wolska  H3 
Wolynska (Mostowa)  D5 
Wysoka  C5 
Zamkowa  D5 
Zamojska  E4 - G4 
Zielna  C2 
Zielona  D4 
Zlota  E4 
Zmigrod  E4 
Index of Buildings
Note: Comments in '( )' refer to the 1912 map, in '[ ]' refer to the present time
No. Original Polish Description English Translation Location
1 Ratusz miejski dawn. Trybunal (1389 r.) obecnie Zjazd Sedz pokoju. Old city hall and court [Trybunal]
2 Krakowska Brama (1342 r.) Krakow (Cracow) Gate
3 Grodzka Brama (1342 r.) Grodzka ate
4 Zamek czyli Grod (w X) z kosciolem Sw. Trojcy (1395 r.). Castle and Holy Trinity Chapel
5 Kosciol Sw. Mikolaja (w X). St Nicholas Roman Catholic (RC) church
6 Cerkiew, b. kosciol Bazyljanski (1588 r.) Basilian Orthodox church
7 Kosciol i szpital Sw. Jana (1680 r.). St John's RC church and hospital
8 Pomnik nad poleglymi ulanami (1809 r.).  Polish cavalry monument
9 Synagoga. Synagogue [demolished during second world war]
10 Kosciol po-Dominikanski (1342 r.) RC church (Former Dominican monks') [Dominican again]
11 Kosciol Katedralny (1582 r.) z wieza Trynitarska i szkolami  po Jezuickimi. RC Cathedral, Trinity tower and school (former Jesuit monks')
12 Palac Biskupi i Konsystorz rz.-Katol. RC bishop's palace
13 Kosciol po-Misjonarski i Seminarjum duchowiensta Rz.-Katolickiego. RC church and college (former Missionary monks')
14 Kosciol po-Bernardynkach (1618 r.) RC church (former Bernadine monks') [Bernadine again]
15 Kosciol Sw. Ducha Holy Ghost RC church
16 Magistrat byly kosciol (1610 r.). City hall, formerly a church. [Ratusz]
17 Straz Ogniowa Miejska. City fire station
18 Kosciol po-Bernardynski (1469 r.) RC church (former Bernadine nuns') [Bernadine again]
19 b. Palac Sobieskich w XVII w. Former Sobieski palace [owned by Lublin Polytechnic]
20 b. kosciol i klasztor Reformatow (1640 r.). Reformat monks monastery and church
21 Szkola Handlowa mezka Merchant's school, for boys
22 Gimnazjum zenskie (b. gmach po-Pijarski). Girl's school (former Piarist monk's buildings)
23 Kosciol po-Wizytowski (1412-1426 r.). RC church (former Visitation Nun's) 
24 Gimnazjum mezki Boy's school
25 Teatr miejski i Resursa Kupiecka. City theater and
26 Stacja wodociagowa Water tower
27 Lazaret wojskowy b. kosciol Wizytek (1723 r.). Temporary military hospital, former church of the Visitation monks
28 Sad Okregowy. Circuit court
29 Dawna szubienica pozn. prochownia, obecn. d. ogr. Former gibbet, now used to store ammunition
30 Kosciol Ewangielicki (1785 r.) Augsburg-Lutheran Protestant church
31 Szkola Lubelska filologiczna Lublin School of Philosophy
32 Urzad Powiatowy. Powiat office
33 Filja Banku Panstwa. Local branch of People's Bank
34 Towarzystwo Kredytowe ziemskie. The Land Credit Society (Bank)
35 Syndykat Rolniczy. Agricultural Supplies Syndicate
36 Bank Lodzki (Oddzial Lubelski). Lodz Bank, Lublin branch
37 Kasa Przemyslowcow Lubelskich. Lublin Industrialist's Bank
38 Poczta, Telegraf i Telefony. Post, telegraph and telephone office
39 Cerkiew Podwyzszenia Sw. Krzyza Holy Cross church, Othodox Christian
40 Rzad Gubernialny i Kasa Gubernialna. Gubernia (equivalent to present wojewodztwo/voivod) offices and treasury.
41 Szpital Sw. Jozefa b. palac Lubomirskich St Joseph's Hospital, in former Lubomirski palace
42 Palac gubernatorski b. palac Radzwillow. Gubernator's (Russian Governor's) palace, former Radzillow palace
43 Kosciol i Szpital Sw. Wincentego (1659 r.). St Vincent's RC church and hospital
44 Szpital Dziecinny. Children's Hospital
45 Zarzad policmajstra (b. palac Potockich). Chief of Police, in former Potocki palace
46 Kosciol po-Kapuczynski (1728 r.). RC church (former Capuchin monks') [Capuchin again]
47 Pomnik Unii Lubelskiej (1569 r.) Lublin Union monument [note: the current monument dates from the early 19th century, is made of iron and replaced the original stone one]
48 Cerkiew Parafialna. Orthodox Christian parish church [demolished in the early 1920's]
49 Kosciol po-Karmelicki. RC church (former Carmelite )
50 Bank Handlowy Warszawski (Oddzial Lubelski). Merchant Bank of Warsaw, Lublin branch
51 Wieza Wodociagowa. Water tower [demolished about 1945 due to war damage].
52 Rogatki miejski. City border stone (note that there are many marked on the map)
53 Hotel 'Janina'. - T-wo Rolnicze. Hotel Janina ()[now flats and offices]
54 Hotel 'Polski'. Hotel Polski (Hotel Poland) [now shops, flats and offices]
55 Hotel 'Victorja'. Hotel Victorja [destroyed by a bomb in 1939, the current hotel of this name is in a different location].
56 Hotel 'Europejski'. Hotel Europejski [re-opened]
57 Hotel 'Saski'. Hotel Saski (Hotel Saxon) [now shops, flats and offices]
58 Hotel 'Angielski'. Hotel Angielski (Hotel England) [now shops, flats and offices]
59 Hotel 'Rzymski'. Hotel Rzymski (Hotel Rome) [now shops, flats and offices]
60 Hotel 'Nadwislanski'. Hotel Nadwislanski [now shops, flats and offices, the name seems to be a reference to the name of the Warsaw-Lublin railway]
61 Hotel 'Wiedenski'. Hotel Wiedenski (Hotel Vienna) [(now shops, flats and offices]
62 Teatr letni ,Rusalka'. Summer theater 'Rusalka' [long since demolished]
Glossary of Other Terms Used on the Map
Note: The terms below may sometimes appear different on the map, particularly endings. If the last letter varies between 'a', 'i', 'y', 'ia' or 'ie', or has things like 'owe', 'owy', 'ow', 'ich', 'ki', 'rzy' added then they are variations of the same word (e.g. 'bad' in English may be seen as 'badness' or 'badly', but the essence of the word is still the same). 'Kolej' is much the same as 'kolejowe', for example, while 'Lublin' and 'Lubelski' is quite an extreme example of different forms of the same word (Lublin Castle = Zamek Lubelski).
Aleja (al.)  Avenue 
Amunicji  Ammunition 
Betoniarna  Cement factory 
Biuro  Office 
Budynek  Building 
Carbo Lumen  Carbide lights 
Cegielnia  Brick works 
Cementownia  Cement factory 
Cmentarz  Cemetery 
Cmentaskatolicki  Catholic Cemetery (actually this is a typo on the map) 
Cukrownia  Sugar factory 
Cyclodrom  Bicycle riding park 
Dawny  Former 
Do  To 
Dolna  Low lying area, valley 
Dom  House 
Droga  Road or way 
Drozdzoknia  Yeast factory 
Elektrownia  Electric Powered 
Eternit  Asbestos roofing 
Ewangelicki  Protestant 
Fabryka  Factory 
Folwark  Estate or manor 
Garbarnia  Leather factory 
Gazownia  Gas production 
Huta  Steel or iron works 
Inzynierji  Engineer 
Kamien  Stone 
Katolicki  Catholic (generally Roman) 
Kirkut  Jewish cemetery 
Klinkiernia  Tiles and other glazed ware (typically stove tiles) 
Kolej  Railway 
Kosciol  Church (Catholic, not just Roman though) 
Koszary  Barracks 
Krochmalnia  Starch works 
Laki  Meadows 
Lotnicze  Aero 
Magazyn Warehouse 
Maszyn  Machine 
Meski  Male 
Miejski  Town/City 
Mlyn  Mill 
Monopol Monopoly (often used for nationalised industries, such as for the tobacco industry) 
Most  Bridge 
Nowy  New 
Ogrod  Garden 
Osada  District 
Osadniki  Settlement 
Papierna  Paper 
Parowy  Steam 
Plac  Square 
Pole  Field 
Polnoc  North 
Pomnik  Monument 
Pomp  Pump 
Prawoslawny  Orthodox (Christian) 
Rektyfikacja  White sugar works 
Remiza  Fire Station building 
Rolny  Agriculture 
Rury  Land belonging to a church (typically a monastery) 
Rzeka  River 
Rzeznia  Slaughterhouse 
Samolotow  Aircraft 
Sklady  Warehouse 
Smarow  Grease factory 
Sportowe  Sporting 
Stacja  Station 
Stare  Old 
Staw  Lake 
Straz  Fire Station 
Sw.  Saint 
Syroplania  Syrup producer 
Szklana  Glass works 
Szpital  Hospital 
Targ  Market 
Targowisko  Fair/Market area 
Tartak  Saw mills or lumber yard 
Towarzy  Goods 
Ulan  Uhlan - Polish cavalry 
Ulica (ul.)  Street 
Unicki  Unitary (Unitarian Church - a breakaway part of the Orthodox Christian Church) 
Wag  Scales (for weighing) 
Wojskowy  Military 
Wyscigowe  Racing (Horse) 
From' or 'with' 
Zbozowe  Seeds (wheat, barley etc). 
Zenski  Female 
Zydowski  Jewish 
Useful Links
Current Lublin Street Map This shows all the current streets in Lublin. 
1931 Lublin Street Map Much more detailed than the 1912 map.
1875 Lublin Street Map This shows the property outlines quite well.
1829 Lublin Street Map This shows the geographical shape of Lublin, as well as property outlines.