Black Elk
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There is not alot written on the family of Black Elk , I am going to
give you the information that I have found .
In 1931 , an old man standing on Harney Mountain raised his arms and
spoke to the empty sky.
" Again maybe  for the time on this earth , I recall the great vision
that you sent me . It may be that some little root of the sacred tree
still lives . Nourish it then , that it may leaf and bloom and fill with
singing birds . Here me , not for myself , but for my people I am old .
Hear me that they may once more go back into the sacred hoop and find
the good red road , the shielding tree. In sorrow I am sending a feeble
voice. O Six Powers of the World , Hear me in my sorrow , for I may
never call again. O make my people
Hi name was Black Elk , warrior , medicine man of the Oglala Sioux .
From the Battle of the Little Big Horn, which he witnessed as a boy of
13, to the last terrible massacre of the Indians at Wonded Knee, Black
Elk  lived the life of the Plains Indian and saw the death of his People
Black Elk was born in The moon of the Popping Trees which is the month
of December . On the Little
Powder River . 1863. He is Black Elk of the Lakota part of the Ogalala
band , his fathers name was
Black Elk and so he too was given this name , the forth child to be
given the name . His mother's
name was White Cow Sees . Her fathe was called Refuses to go , and her
mother was Plenty Eagle
Feathers , His fathers father was killed by the Pawnee when he was
little and named Black Elk , and his fathers , mothers name was Red
Eagle Woman .
Black Elk was also the Cousin of of the father to CRAZY HORSE.They
having the same Grandfather.  
This is all the written history I can find on Black Elks family .  It is
not much to give.  The family lived on the  The Pine Ridge Reservation.
I hope this give you a small look at one of our great Holy Men .  Black
Elk of the Lakota Ban of the Oglala Sioux.  Thank you for being here
tonight . Iwish I have more about him to share with you .
Here is a few books that you can read about him
BLACK ELK SPEAKS  by John G Neihardt 
by Dee Brown

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