Descendants of Andrew Brown Sr: Second Generation

Second Generation

2. John2 Brown (Andrew1) (#6383) was born in Scarborough, York, ME 1652.(16) AF says 1660 John died by 17 Sep 1695 in Scarborough, York, ME, at 43 years of age.(17) at age 43 years; deceased by 1696 leaving sons John and Samuel

He married Rebecca Boaden in Scarborough, York, ME, 1682.(18) (Rebecca Boaden is #6389.) Rebecca was born 1661 in Scarborough, York, ME.(19) AF says 1661; poss b c1655 Rebecca was the daughter of Ambrose Boaden Jr and Mary (Boaden).

Rebecca died by 17 Nov 1725 in Marblehead, Essex, MA, at 64 years of age.(20) age 64 years

Rebecca's will was probated in Marblehead, Essex, MA, 17 Nov 1725.(21) AFNs: K6LV-59 13J6-5TQ 1FNJ-XVD

Occupation: fisherman.(22) at the "Lookout"

John served in the military in MA; ME, 1676.(23) John's will was probated in Scarborough, York, ME, 17 Sep 1695.(24) adm to widow Apparently though everyone abandoned Scarboro in the next Indian War in 1690. John and Rebecca are in Marblehead MA at a place known as "the Lookout". There is a record that he made his last fishing voyage from Marblehead under Joseph Hallet, with "Ambrose Boaden Sr. - shoreman". He died in 1695, leaving sons John and Samuel and his wife Rebecca who administered the estate. Rebecca died in Marblehead in 1725.

Abstract from ME/NH Gen. Dict by LND, p 114:

"20 JOHN(2), soldier in 1676, taxed in 1681, dec. in 1696, leaving sons John and Samuel. Lists 237ab, 238a. M. Rebecca Boaden(3). fisherman having his house at Marblehead, on the 'Lookout.' His last fishing voyage was under Joseph Hallett, himself and Ambros Boaden sr. shoremen. Adm. gr. to wid. 17 Sep. 1695. Adm. on her est. gr. 17 Nov. 1725. Ch: John, fisherman Marbleh., m. 6 Nov. 1718 Rebecca Frost of Salem. Est. adm. 1726. 2 sons rec. Elizabeth, m. 27 Nov. 1712 John Neal s. of Francis from Me., wid. 1747. Rebecca, m. James Andrews of Marbleh., shoreman, by 1725; both liv. 1739. Samuel, shoreman, m. 18 Oct. 1726 Deborah Main. Will 1730-1740. One dau. Mary or Mercy. Sarah, m. 5 Dec 1715 Wm. Dagworthy; both liv. 1739. Benjamin, coaster, Marbleh., m. 17 Nov. 1719 Sarah Dennis; both liv. 1744."

Abstract from MA/ME Families by W.G. Davis, 1:225-243:

ii. John; impressed as a soldier to go to the Kennebec in 1677; m. Rebecca Boaden, daughter of Ambrose Boaden of Scarborough; settled in Marblehead as a fisherman and d. there in 1695, administration being granted to his widow Sept. 17, 1695; his widow d. in 1725.


1. John, deeded fifty acres at Scarborough by his grandfather Andrew Brown in 1696; m. Rebecca Frost Nov. 6, 1717; Marblehead. 2. Elizabeth; m. John Neal Nov. 27, 1712. 3. Rebecca; m. James Andrews 4. Samuel; mentioned in his grandfather's deed in 1696; m. Deborah Main Oct. 18,1726; Marblehead. 5. Sarah; m. William Dagworth Dec 5, 1715. 6. Benjamin; m. Sarah Dennis Nov. 17, 1719; Marblehead.

Abstract from Pioneers of Maine:

John was in Casco 1668 when he signed the petition against Gorges government. He bought land of Nathaniel Wallis 1680; Petitioned Andros 1687; called "senior" in 1689; had issue (John b 1660, res 16789 Falmouth when he was a petitioner; removed to Gloucester where he was living in 1730 age 70 years (xiv:40)).

Susanna (residence not stated) in 1685 Capt Job Alcock was bound with John Brown to answer matters relating to this person.

John Brown and Rebecca Boaden had the following children:

child + 10 i. John3 Brown Jr was born 1696.

child + 11 ii. Elizabeth Brown was born 1698.

child 12 iii. Rebecca Brown (#10077) was born in Scarborough, Cumberland, ME 1700.(25) Rebecca died aft 1739.(26) She married James Andrews by 1725.(27) (James Andrews is #10078.) James died aft 1739.(28) Occupation: shoreman.(29)

child + 13 iv. Samuel Brown was born 1702.

child 14 v. Sarah Brown (#10081) was born in Scarborough, Cumberland, ME 1704.(30) Sarah died aft 1739.(31) She married William Dagworthy.(32) 5 Dec 1715??? (William Dagworthy is #10082.)

William died aft 1739.(33)

child 15 vi. Benjamin Brown (#10083) was born in Scarborough, Cumberland, ME 1706.(34) Benjamin died aft 1744.(35) He married Sarah Dennis in Marblehead, Essex, MA, 17 Nov. 1719.(36) (Sarah Dennis is #10084.) Sarah died aft 1744.(37) LND says age nearly 90

Occupation: coaster.(38)

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