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Ultimate Family Tree, ver 3.10 Patch
BROWN Project Version 4071
22 Apr 2003
For those of you who have been so great to send me emails, I do thank you and hope you'll understand that with over 200 emails a day, it's become increasingly difficult to answer each and every one right away. Because of a sleeper virus on my PC, I've had to archive all my emails and get my PC ready for my wonderful husband to wipe the hard drive clean and reinstall all my software. Not an easy task, I assure you. I, for one, cannot understand how some individuals get such a big kick out of destroying someone's hard work - something that took me years to build and nuture. Sigh ... This world is not a nice place anymore. But we just have to "keep on keeping on ..."
Most of the information contained herein has been converted from old versions of PAF (Personal Ancestral File), Commsoft software (RootsM, RootsII, RootsIII, Visual Roots, etc.), and FamilyTreeMaker (FTM) and I'm trying very hard to update all the information and include all my sources - it's an exhausting job!!!! My personal database now contains over 94,000 individuals and is growing every day. However, I�m publishing it online now so others can find helpful connections, NOT to contribute to the already vast supply of genealogical misinformation floating around. I will update and/or change files as need necessitates. But ... if you do find connections and information that are new and interesting to you, please do NOT add it to your database(s) without first contacting me regarding sources for and reliability of the information. I am extremely interested in discovering all individuals who are interested in and/or working on my lines.
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Because my genealogical software package, Ultimate Family Tree, is no longer being supported, I have transferred all my databases over to The Master Genealogist (TMG). This has resulted in my going through the hoops of a whole new learning curve. Add to that the fact that TMG does not currently convert my data into HTML format, I have to use a third-party software called "Second Site." Another learning curve. At my age, going through one learning curve is nerve wracking enough, let alone handling two at the same time. It is my hope to get these files updated as quickly as I can with all the new data that I've been accumulating since Apr of 2003; however, it just hasn't been as easy as I anticipated.
All the family information I�ve published here is information I believe, based on research conducted by me and others, to be accurate. However, there are significant variations in base reliability of the many different sources I and others have used, so please don�t take any of it as gospel. (Better still, please email me if you see anything that you believe needs to be corrected!!!) Feel free to use this information to determine whether or not I may be researching families of interest to you; however, you do not have permission to publish in any format (including online databases) any of the information contained herein without my specific permission.
Aleman, Allen, Alley, Anderson, Andrews, Angerman, Armstrong, Auld, Averill, Ayer, Bachelder, Bail, Bakeman, Banks, Bartlett, Bean, Bell, Bemis, Berry, Beverage, Bickford, Bishop, Blumenschein, Booker, Bowman, Boynton, Bragdon, Brawn, Brazier, Bridges, Brown, Browning, Buchanan, Buchholz, Burnell, Burnham, Buzzell, Camp, Card, Carr, Carsley, Carter, Cavender, Chapman, Cheney, Chute, Cilley, Clark, Clifford, Colby, Cole, Coleman, Cooper, Cousins, Cowan, Crandall, Crediford, Crockett, Crosby, Crowell, Cummings, Currier, Curtis, Cushing, Dam, Davies, Davis, Day, Debevoise, Deering, DeWitt, Dill, Dixon, Door, Dow, Dresser, Drew, Dunn, DuPuis, Durrell, Ebler, Edgecomb, Edgerly, Elam, Emery, Erskine, Farley, Ferguson, Fickett, Files, Fisher, Flake, Fletcher, Fogg, Foltz, Foss, Franco, Freiderick, French, Frye, Fuller, Gerrish, Getchell, Giroux, Glidden, Goddard, Golding, Goodwin, Gott, Gower, Graham, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenleaf, Gulifer, Gustafson, Hall, Hamblet, Hanscom, Hanscomb, Hanscome, Hanson, Hardy, Harmon, Harris, Hart, Haskell, Haugen, Hawkes, Hayes, Haynes, Henley, Hennessy, Hermon, Herrick, Hoag, Hodgins, Holmes, Holt, Hornafius, Howard, Huber, Huff, Hunnewell, Hunt, Hutchins, Imne, Irish, Jamison, Jenness, Jones, Jordan, Jose, Joy, Joyce, Justice, Kent, Kesterson, King, Kneeland, Knight, Ladd, Lake, Larman, Larrabee, Lassell, Laurence, Lawson, Leach, Leick, Leonard, Libby, Libson, Littlefield, Long, Lord, Loring, Loura, Lowell, MacKenzie, Madison, Mainwaring, Manning, March, Marr, Marrett, Martin, Mason, Matthews, McCausland, McCrady, McCulloch, McDonald,
McDowell, McIntosh,
McLaughlin, Meador,
Mears, Merrill, Merritt, Meserve, Messer, Miller, Milliken, Mitchell, Monahan, Montgomery,
Morris, Moulton, Mullen, Mumford, Murphy, Nason, Neale, Nelson, Noble, Norrad, Norton, O'Brian, Owen, Palmer, Parker, Parsons, Passow, Patraud, Patten, Pavano, Peabody, Perkins, Perry, Peters, Peterson, Philbrook,
Plaisted, Plummer, Polk, Porter, Prosser, Quinn, Raby, Rairden, Ramsdell, Rankins, Raup, Reed, Rhoades, Roberts, Robichaud, Robinson, Rogers, Rollins, Ross, Rumery, Sanborn, Sargeant, Sawyer, Scammon, Seavey, Seymour, Shapleigh, Sharp, Shaw, Sheppard, Sherrill, Skillin, Skilling, Skillings, Slavin, Small, Smart, Smith, Smock, Sonia, Spear, Spires, Sprague, Stackpole, Stacy, Staples, Stevenson, Stone, Storer, Strout, Sucher, Sulay, Swift, Sylvester, Tarbox, Taylor, Thomas, Thomes, Thurston, Titus, Towne, Trafton, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Vetter, Viner, Wakefield, Walker, Walsh, Warner, Warren, Waterhouse, Webb, Webber, Weber, Webster, Weeman, Wentworth, Whitney, Whitten, Wilbur, Williams, Wilson, Winn, Winninghoff, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodman, Woodworth, Wooster, Wright, Yates, Young, Zarrella, Zlatunich
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