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Data here is provided by Bob Butler, who is studying Carroll County families in an effort to identify the parents or any siblings of his 3g-gfather Calvin J. Butler b. 1812 in NC. In the future, I wish to be able to present as much substantiating data as possible concerning the various families under study (or links to such data, if it is already accessible on the internet or will be located elsewhere), including birth, marriage, death, census, will, probate, deed, military, and Bible records, letters, etc. (transcriptions, or images of originals) and photographs from the 19th century as they become available.
Butler Descendancy Reports. Separate reports are provided for the individuals listed below, because of the lack of proof of the exact relationship between any two of them. These reports are from my Carroll Co. TN study database and are not meant to be authoritative descriptions of these families. Additions and corrections are welcome, especially if accompanied by references to original records rather than recent internet postings. Each report was generated separately, so there are few if any links between reports; in time this will be corrected. Note, however, that the identification number for an individual is the same in all reports. The software which generated these reports did not always order the data as I wished, so read them carefully.
Calvin J. Butler (b. 1812 NC, m. 1st Martha Jane Hicks - he is 3g-gfather of Bob Butler). Although it has been stated by some that Calvin is the son of James M. or John F. or Thomas Butler, no proof of such relationships has to date been forthcoming. It is believed that study of allied families will provide the needed proof. Christopher Butler (b. 1800 NC, m. 1st Honor _?_) Elias Butler (b. 1756, m. Sarah _?_, Revolutionary War veteran from NC) James Butler (b. 1780 NC, m. Susannah Spencer; not the son of Elias) Thomas Butler (b. 1792 NC, m. Lavina _?_) Thomas E. Butler (b. 1805 NC, m. Jacintha/Cynthia/Sinthy _?_) Butlers born in South Carolina (Horatio, etc.) Absolem Butler (enum. in 1830 census but otherwise unidentified)
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If you have Butler connections in Carroll County and wish to contribute to this website as it evolves, click here to send me a message telling me about yourself. Please send me your comments and corrections (preferably accompanied by references to original records). I will update the site as often as I am able.
First prepared: 18 Jan 2001
Last update: 14 May 2001