John and Jayne Baynes (nee Borwick)

John and Jane Baynes

 Related Links

A Descendant Chart to John and Jean Bamkin

The Bamkin family are believed to be all related. Every (well almost) reference on all the search engines refer to people from the same gene pool.. One of the links is to the Baynes family of Cumbria.

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John Baynes born 1772


Jane Borwick ?

24 October 1808

Had Jane Baynes 1822 in Ulverston. She died 1897.




Thomas Baynes 1809

Elizabeth Baynes

Philip Baynes (a sailor)

John Baynes (1817)

Frances Baynes (1826)

Died 18 April 1832



 Last updated November 2002

Other names we are interested in include Baseley, Baynes of Ulverston, Clist, Ettery of Monkton Farley, Goodman / Gamble, Hill, Bigland Walker of Ambleside