KIPPER Wilhelm -[K160]- Age: 41 -From: Bethausen
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Jun 1900 - To: Bismarck, ND -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Roland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 37 and kids, Eva 15, Michael 11, Wilhelm 9 and Johann 11/12. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Keller.
MUELLER Johann -[M460]- Age: 63 -From: Bethausen
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Jun 1900 - To: Bismarck, ND -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Roland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 62. Going to join son-in-law, Johann Keller.
BALZER Michael -[B426]- Age: 33 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Thursday, 17 Jun 1909 - To: Bismarck, ND -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Wife, Veronika Balzer, lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join brother, Peter Albe(?).
BALZER Veronika -[B426]- Age: 33 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Saturday, 29 Jan 1910 - To: Bismarck, ND -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Frankfurt
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Anna 8, Christina 6 and Peter 2. Veronika born in Ostern, Anna and Peter born in Hatzfeld, Christina in Toba. Father, Christian Tunocs(?) lives in Ostern. Going to join husband, Michael Balzer.
BALZER Veronika -[B426]- Age: 33 -From: Ostern
-DtAr: Saturday, 29 Jan 1910 - To: Bismarck, ND -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Frankfurt
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Anna 8, Christina 6 and Peter 2. Veronika born in Ostern, Anna and Peter born in Hatzfeld, Christina born in Toba. Father, Christian Tunocs(?) lives in Ostern. Going to join husband, Michael Balzer.
BARTOLE Appolonia -[B634]- Age: 46 -From: Setschan
-DtAr: Thursday, 26 May 1910 - To: Bismarck, ND -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Margit 27, Anton 14, Josef 13 and Maria 7, all born in Setschan. Father, Franz Brinsky, remains in Setschan. Going to join husband, Georg Bartole.
FAUL Christina -[F400]- Age: 54 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Apr 1903 - To: Bismarck, ND -Via: Ham/Hal -Ship: Assyria
-Note: Canadian passenger ship and Hamburg departure records.
FRANZEN Georg -[F652]- Age: 33 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Apr 1903 - To: Bismarck, ND -Via: Ham/Hal -Ship: Assyria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 18 and kids, Theresia 10, Magdalena 4, Jakob 3 and Johann 1/12. Canadian passenger ship and Hamburg departure records.
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