David Dreyer's Banat Ship List-BR-Santos Brazil

Emigration from Banat
in the National Archives Ship Records

Extractions by David Dreyer - of San Mateo, California

© Copyright 2000-2007 by David Dreyer; all rights reserved

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Last Update: July 27, 2013 at 8:47:57 PM
For NEW entries the Name will appear in ITALIC RED Font.
CHANGED information (spelling corrections etc.) appear in NORMAL RED Font.
Cross-reference Links: Cities - Ships - Surnames - Villages

2 Extractions for destination of: Santos Brazil, Unknown State or Province

Index of Destinations - City and State or Canadian Province

-- |AB |AG |AK |AL |AZ |BC |BR |CA |CN |CO |CT |DC |DE |FL |GA |I- |IA |ID |IL |IN |KS |KY |MA |MB |MD |MI |MN |MO |MS |MT |MX |NB |NC |ND |NE |NJ |NS |NW |NY |OH |OK |ON |OR |PA |QC |QU |RI |SD |SK |TN |TX |UL |UR |UT |VA |VT |WA |WI |WV |WY

SantosBrazil |

Data Listed: Name - Soundex - Age - Village - Date Arrived - Destination - Via Ports - Ship Name - Comments

To: Santos Brazil, BR - From the Village of: Nakodorf

BERGROSKY Peter -[B626]- Age: 31 -From: Nakodorf
-DtAr: Monday, 3 Sep 1928 - To: Santos Brazil, BR -Via: Bre/Sa -Ship: Sierra Morena
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Susanna 26.

HOEFFLER Michael -[H146]- Age: 26 -From: Nakodorf
-DtAr: Monday, 3 Sep 1928 - To: Santos Brazil, BR -Via: Bre/Sa -Ship: Sierra Morena
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Roza 28 and sons, Nikolaus 4, Peter 3 and Johann 1.


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