RENON Elisabeth -[R550 ]- Age: 55 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Friday, 1 Jul 1921 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Sou/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Minaei? Accompanied by kids, Katharina 20, Barbara 19 and Rosa 15. Katharina born in Minaei, Barbara and Rosa born in Billed. Going to join bro-in-law, Max Miller.
AROKSZALASI Anna -[A624]- Age: 21 -From: Ernsthausen
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Ernsthausen. Mother, Maria Arokszalasi, lives in Ernsthausen. Going to join brother, Frank Arokszalasi.
FOCHT Susanna -[F230]- Age: 61 -From: Scham (Gr)
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bou/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Gr Scham. Daughter, Anton Focht, lives at Catharinegasse 99 Werschetz. Going to join daughter, Barbara Akermann.
HARY Nikolaus -[H600]- Age: 32 -From: Kathreinfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: New York, NY -Via: Hav/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 29, both born in Kathreinfeld. Mother, Magdalena Hary, lives in Kathreinfeld. Going to join uncle, Johann Weiss.
HEINRICH Anton -[H562]- Age: 22 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Hatzfeld. Father, Anton Heinrich, lives in Hatrzfeld. Going to join brother-in-law, Franz Loubl.
KOX Martin -[K200]- Age: 32 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Wife lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join brother. Previously lived in Cincinnati 1907-1910.
LEISCH Anna -[L200]- Age: 53wd -From: Heufeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Sou/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Brother-in-law, Mathias Leisch, lives in Heufeld. Going to join nephew, Anton Leisch.
LEISCH Johann -[L200]- Age: 23 -From: Massdorf
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Massdorf. Uncle, Mathias Leisch, lvies in Massdorf. Going to join cousin, Anton Leisch.
MARX Katharina -[M620]- Age: 32 -From: St Nikolaus
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Maria 7, both born in St Nikolaus. Mother, Maria Zimmermann, lives in Gr Kikinda. Going to join brother-in-law, Franz Huber.
MARX Peter -[M620]- Age: 26 -From: Gr Kikinda
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Hav/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Franziska 28, both born in Gr Kikinda. Father, Peter Marx, lives in Gr Kikinda. Going to join brother-in-law, Franz Hubert.
MERTZIG Anton -[M632]- Age: 26 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 22, both born in Hatzfeld. Father, Josef Mertzig, lives in Hatzfeld. Previously lived in Phiuladelphia, 1915-1920.
MERTZIG Josef -[M632]- Age: 22 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Hatzfeld. Father, Josef Mertzig, lives in Hatzfeld. Brother, Anton Mertzig is on this same ship. Going to join cousin, Mathias Messmann.
MUELLER Katharina -[M460]- Age: 18 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Hatzfeld. Katharina Mueller is the sister of Anna Mertzig who is on this same ship. Father, Peter Mueller, lives at Hatzfeld 1599. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1914-1921.
NEUROHR Johann -[N660]- Age: 23 -From: Zerne (D)
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Catasauqua, PA -Via: Hav/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 22, both born in D Zerne. Mother, Margaret Neurohr, lives in Zerne. Going to join uncle, Nikolaus Ransehor.
SCHOLLER Georg -[S460]- Age: 33 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Sou/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 31 and kids, Elisabeth 8, Charles 4 and Andreas 5/12, all born in Mramorak. Father, Karl Scholler, lives in Mramorak. Going to join brother-in-law, Andreas Zoller.
SCHORSCH Michael -[S620]- Age: 22 -From: Mollydorf
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Hav/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Mollydorf. Father, Michel Schorsch, lives in Mollydorf. Going to join brother-in-law, Johann Brhael.
SCHTRAKY Franz -[S362]- Age: 21 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Hav/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Hatzfeld. Father, Peter Schtraky, lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join brother, Peter Schtraky.
SCHWARZ Anna -[S620]- Age: 19 -From: Peszak
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Peszak. Parents, Josef Schwarz, lives in Werschetz. Going to join cousin, Franz Koch.
SLASKI Johann -[S420]- Age: 23 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1921 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Hatzfeld. Going to join aunt, Margaret Ackermann.
AWENDER Sofia -[A536]- Age: 29 -From: Ulmbach
-DtAr: Friday, 1 Sep 1922 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by son, Nikolaus 2 and sister, Katharina 19, all born in Ulmbach. Father, Jakob Awender, lives in Ulmbach. Going to join brother-in-law, Martin Strifler.
GEML Mathias -[G540]- Age: 55 -From: Mollydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 11 Oct 1922 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Sou/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Marian 53 and sons, Johann 15 and Josef 13, all born in Mollydorf. Father, Mathias geml, lives in Mollydorf. Going to join son-in-law, Peter Fwarneck. Previously lived in Detroit, 1912-1920.
STAUB Margaret -[S310]- Age: 42 -From: Kathreinfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 31 Dec 1922 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Born in Karthreinfeld. Sister, Franziska Weber, lives at Rudolfsgnad 228. Going to join daughter, Margaret Moskar. Last residence Rudolfsgnad.
FETTER Katharina -[F360]- Age: 36 -From: Franzfeld
-DtAr: Friday, 10 Aug 1923 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Johann 15 and Katharina 7, all born in Mansfield. Sister, Rosina Leux, lives in Franzfeld. Going to join uncle, Jakob Schierner.
WIRTH Anton -[W630]- Age: 42 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Friday, 12 Oct 1923 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Sou/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margaret 41, both born in Schag. Father, Philip Wirth, lives in Johannisfeld. Going to join cousin, Stefan Mittler. Previously lived in Groswald, Mich in 1904.
MAYER Christof -[M600 ]- Age: 44 -From: Heufeld
-DtAr: Tuesday, 18 Dec 1923 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 42 and son, Mathias 12, all born in Heufeld. Father, Martin Mayer, lives in Heufeld. Previously lived in st Louis, 1913-1920.
KREISS Josef -[K620]- Age: 29 -From: St Hubert
-DtAr: Wednesday, 13 Feb 1924 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharina 20 and daughter, Theresia 3, all born in St Hubert. Father(?) Michael Kreiss, lives in St Hubert. Going to join brother-in-law, Adam Laub [*1 Feb 1894, +Sep 1966 Chicago].
DECH Daniel -[D200]- Age: 28 -From: Franzfeld
-DtAr: Friday, 20 Mar 1925 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Hav/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Daniel Dech is a U. C. Citizen, *26 Dec 1896, naturalized in Chicago, 6 Jul 1923. Accompanied by wife, Kathrina Dech 26, born in Franzfeld. Her father, Martin Leitenberger, lives in Franzfeld.
PFENDT Nikolaus -[P530]- Age: 64 -From: Charleville
-DtAr: Friday, 18 Jun 1937 - To: Chicago, UL -Via: Sou/NY -Ship: Berengaria
-Note: Cousin, J Fraunhoffer, lives in Charleville. Going to join daughter, M Kartje. Previously lived in Chicago 1904-1926.
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