LUMP Anna -[L510]- Age: 28 -From: Bruckenau
-DtAr: *bad date*, Jan 1924 - To: Regina, SK -Via: Rot/Hal -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Traveling with husband, Peter Puhr 45. Aunt, Theresia Lump, lives in Bruckenau. Going to join uncle, Franz Lump. Canadian Ocean arrival record.
BUECHLER Franz -[B246]- Age: 43 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Thursday, 19 Apr 1906 - To: Coplay, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1904. Going to join uncle, Franz Bodirch.
CSAKAS Michael -[C220]- Age: 39 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Monday, 25 Jun 1906 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin, Nickolay.
CSOKAS Michael -[C220]- Age: 39 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Tuesday, 26 Jun 1906 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin, Fredrich Nicolas.
WAHRUNG Catharine -[W652]- Age: 25 -From: Werschetz
-DtAr: Tuesday, 26 Jun 1906 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Going to join uncle, Stefan Bender.
BERMEL Florian -[B654]- Age: 40 -From: Kischoda
-DtAr: Monday, 6 Aug 1906 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by Milosewitz kids, Lusia 9, Johann 8, Hermina 7, Michael 5 and Alexander 4.
BREMEL Florian -[B654]- Age: 40 -From: Kischoda
-DtAr: Monday, 6 Aug 1906 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
LUKACS Elisabeth -[L220]- Age: 20 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Monday, 6 Aug 1906 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin, Alexander Petischan.
MILOSEWITZ Lusia -[M423]- Age: 9 -From: Kischoda
-DtAr: Monday, 6 Aug 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by Johann Milosewitz 3, Hermine 7, Michael 5 and Alexander 4, all going to Baltimore except Alexander and Lusia who are going to New York.
SCHOCK Florian -[S200]- Age: 24 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Monday, 6 Aug 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Konig.
REISZ Anna -[R200]- Age: 27 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Sep 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Gisella 8, Saul 6 and Wilhelm 3. Was previously in the U. S., 1902-1906. Going to join husband, Mike Reisz.
ROHSZ Anton -[R200]- Age: 35 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Sep 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1901-1906.
ARASZ Peter -[A620]- Age: 30 -From: Gottlob
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Nov 1906 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Gottlob. Accompanied by wife, Anna 28, born in Triebswetter. Going to join cousin, Johann Decker.
KOHLEN Anton -[K450]- Age: 38 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Nov 1906 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Triebswetter. Accompanied by wife, Anna 37, born in Gottlob. Going to join cousin, N Decker.
LOCH Domonkos -[L200]- Age: 15 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Nov 1906 - To: Mckees Rocks, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Triebswetter. Going to join bro-in-law, Diginder.
PRUNKL Nikolaus -[P652]- Age: 41 -From: Alexanderhausen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Nov 1906 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Alexanderhausen. Going to join brother, Johann Prunkl. Last residence, Lowrin [*27 Oct 1865, son of Konrad Prunkl and Katharine Landgraf].
KUNZELMANN Peter -[K524]- Age: 32 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 145 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 32, both born in Neubeschenowa. Father(?), Peter Kunzelmann, lives in Neubeschenowa.
KOTRE Ignatz -[K360]- Age: 40 -From: Tolwadia
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Mar 1907 - To: Richfield, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in towaldia.
KOTRE Ignaz -[K360]- Age: 40 -From: Tolwadia
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Mar 1907 - To: Richfield, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Tolwadia. Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Kotre.
MADLER Eva -[M346]- Age: 16 -From: Dolatz
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Mar 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Dolatz. Going to join uncle, Jakob Oberle. Last residence Tolwadia.
STOJAN Paul -[S325]- Age: 32 -From: Tolwadia
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Mar 1907 - To: Richfield, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Tolwadia.
HARY Filip -[H600]- Age: 29 -From: Stefansfeld
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Apr 1907 - To: Brooklyn, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wfie, Anna 26, both born in Stefansfeld. Going to join brother-in-law, Jose Degrill. Previously lived in Cleveland, 1904-1905. Last residence Ujwar.
HARY Philip -[H600]- Age: 29 -From: Stefansfeld
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Apr 1907 - To: Brooklyn, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 26, both born in Stefansfeld. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Degrill. Was previously in the U. S., 1904-1905., in Cleveland. Last residence Ujwar [*24 Aug 1877, son of Johann Hari and Anna NN].
JUNGER Jakob -[J526]- Age: 27 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Apr 1907 - To: Pottstown, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Going to join wife, Katharina Junger.
KARY Fulop -[K600]- Age: 29 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Apr 1907 - To: Brooklyn, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 26. Going to join brother-in-law, Josef Degrell. Previoulsy lived 1904-1905 in Cleveland.
KROHN Peter -[K650]- Age: 43 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Apr 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Triebswetter. Going to join cousin, Anton Munich.
PETROV Peter -[P361]- Age: 19 -From: Elemir (Serb)
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Apr 1907 - To: Barberton, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
REMILLONG Wilhelm -[R545]- Age: 31 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Apr 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Opowa. Accompaned by wife, Elisabeth 24 and brother, Johann Remillong 27. Wife and brother, born in Modosch.
SCHUH Marianna -[S000]- Age: 16 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jun 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Going to join cousin, Klara Mekler.
WEBER Ludwig -[W160]- Age: 25 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jun 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, 23, both born in Bogarosch. Going to join bro-in-law, Franz Hein.
PEKROVICS Rosa -[P261]- Age: 32 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Monday, 5 Aug 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Temeswar. Going to join bro-in-law, J Rausch.
CRISZ Johann -[C620]- Age: 30 -From: Lugosch
-DtAr: Monday, 9 Sep 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Lugosch. Going to join bro-in-law, Stefan Kopasz. Was previously in the U. S., 1901-1904.
SCHNEIDER Peter -[S536]- Age: 32 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 9 Sep 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Wife, Barbara Schneider, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann frey.
STEFANCSICS August -[S315]- Age: 17 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Monday, 9 Sep 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Mramorak. Mother, Maria Stefanics, lives in Mramorak [*4 Feb 1888 Mramorak, oo Maria NN. Family lived later in Bloomingtion Ill].
WEBER Jakob -[W160]- Age: 29 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 9 Sep 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 25, both born in Bogarosch. Father, Jakob Weber, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Frey. Was previously in the U. S., 1905-1906.
BOGAROS Johann -[B262]- Age: 41 -From: Mokrin
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Bath, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Mokrin. Wife, Margaret Bogaros, lives in Temeswar. Going to join brother, Martin Bogaros. Last residence, Temeswar.
DANIEL Johann -[D540]- Age: 37 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Kristine 33 and son Johann 7, all born in Bogarosch. Brother of Kristine, Josef Schneider, lives in Bogarosch. Kristine was previously in the U. S., 1904-1907.
DENGLER Adam -[D524]- Age: 40 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 37 and kids, Christina 13 and Michael 8/12, all born in Lenauheim except Michael who was born in St Louis. Brother(?), Anton Dengler, lives in Lenauheim. Going to join son-in-law, Andreas Dengler. Previously lived in St Louis, 1905-1907.
DENGLER Magdalena -[D524]- Age: 17 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Lenauheim. Father(?), Andreas Dengler, lives in Lenauheim. Going to join sister-in-law, Maria Mueller.
FEIMER Blasius -[F560]- Age: 28 -From: Setschan
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Setschan. Accompanied by wife, Anna 20, born in Sartscha. Mother-in-law(?), Katharine Retlinger, lives in Eichental. Going to join bro-in-law, Mathias Engelmann who is the brother of Anna. Last residence, Eichental.
FILLIPI Mathias -[F410]- Age: 45 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Maria 15, both born in Neubeschenowa. Wife(?), Anna Filipi, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join cousin, Peter Grundhauser. Was previously in the U. S., 1901-1903.
GIEL Katharine -[G400]- Age: 30 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father(?), Franz Engelmann, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, Johann Giel.
HAUPT Angela -[H130]- Age: 22 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father-in-law(?), Johann Haupt, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, Johann Haupt.
HICKE Elisabeth -[H200]- Age: 16 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Lenauheim. Father, Karl Hicke, lives in Lenauheim. Going to join sister-in-law, Maria Mueller.
KAMMER Magdalena -[K560]- Age: 16 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Mother, Magdalena Kammer, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join brother, Nikolaus Kammer.
KOPSCHE Anna -[K120]- Age: 18 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Father, Nikolaus Kopsche, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join uncle, Nikolaus Honich.
KRAMBO Johann -[K651]- Age: 35 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Johann 11, both born in Neubeschenowa. Wife(?), Barbara Krambo, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join bro-in-law, J Kommer.
KURTZ Maria -[K632]- Age: 32 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Father, Johann Weitz, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join husband, Michael Kurtz.
NOEL Eva -[N400]- Age: 27 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, Johann Noel. Was previously in the U. S., 1902-1907
PAULUS Johann -[P420]- Age: 31 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 24 and daughter, Susanna 3, all born in Neubeschenowa. Father(?), Johann Paulus, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join brother, Josef Paulus.
PETRI Josef -[P360]- Age: 28 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 24, both born in Neubeschenowa. Father(?), Ignatz Petri, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join brother, M Petri.
SCHAEFFER Elisabeth -[S160]- Age: 18 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by sister(?), Elisabeth Schaeffer 18, both born in Neubeschenowa. Father(?), Johann Schaeffer, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join uncle, Johann Machek.
SIEBOLD Peter -[S143]- Age: 40 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Wife, Barbara Siebold, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join cousin, M. Hufrics.
STUTZMANN Daniel -[S332]- Age: 24 -From: Pantschowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Pantschowa. Father(?) Nikolaus Stutzmann, lives in Pantschowa. Going to join bro-iin-law, Michael Mueller.
TILGER Magdalena -[T426]- Age: 34 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father(?), Johann Lenhardt, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, M Tilger. Was previously in the U. S., 1903-1906.
WARAK Josef -[W620]- Age: 32 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 27 and daughter, Anna 6, all born in Neubeschenowa. Bro-in-law(?), Nikolaus Bauer, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join bro-in-law, Kaspar Thin.
ZIMMERMANN Nikolaus -[Z565]- Age: 27 -From: Gr Jetscha
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Jetscha. Accompanied by wife, Sofia 20, born in Setschan.Father, Nikolaus Zimmermann, lives in Sylvasel. Going to the brother, of Sofia, Jakob Ebinger.
IHM Barbara -[I500]- Age: 20 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neusiedel. Father, Martin Kronberger, lives in Neusiedel. Going to join husband, Michael Ihm.
LUDWIG Nikolaus -[L320]- Age: 16 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neusiedel. Mother, Barbara Ludwig, lvies in Neusiedel. Going to join uncle, Michael Ihm.
SEHY Michael -[S000]- Age: 41 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Johann 15 and Margaret 13, all born in Neusiedel. Wife, Anna Sehy, lives in Neusiedel. Going to join brother, Nikolaus Sehy. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1903-1906.m
STAUB Theresia -[S310]- Age: 18 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Franz 3/12, both born in Neusiedel. Father, Martin Kronberger, lives in Neusiedel. Going to join husband, Franz Staub.
BOHM Johann -[B500]- Age: 24 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Nov 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Father, Johann Bohm, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join uncle, Paul Weissmann.
BURGER Franz -[B626]- Age: 32 -From: Lowrin
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Nov 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Lowrin. Father(?) Adam Burger, lives in Lowrin. Going to join wife, Rosa Burger.
FRANZEN Peter -[F652]- Age: 25 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Nov 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Susanna 22, both born in Neubeschenowa. Father, Peter Franzen, lives at Kroning 7, Temeswar. Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Wiener. Last residence, Neubeschenowa.
JUNG Nikolaus -[J520]- Age: 16 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Nov 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Lenauheim. Father, Nikolaus Jung, lives in Lenauheim. Going to join sister, Anna Jung.
KAMMER Margaret -[K560]- Age: 18 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Nov 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Father, Josef Kammer, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join father, Nikolaus Kammer.
KATZENMAYER Mathias -[K325]- Age: 24 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Nov 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Father, Franz Katzenmayer, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Wiener.
MICHELS Magdalena -[M242]- Age: 18 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Nov 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Father, A Michels, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join cousin, N Stefan.
NOEL Franz -[N400]- Age: 26 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Nov 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Lenauheim. Wife, Helena Noel, lives in Lenauheim. Going to join father, Jacob Noel. Was previously in St Louis. 1904-1907.
SZILLER Anna -[S460]- Age: 21 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Thursday, 26 Nov 1908 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Betschkerek. Going to join brother, Peter Sziller.
REISER Anna -[R260]- Age: 22 -From: Dolatz
-DtAr: Friday, 27 Nov 1908 - To: Aurora, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Johann 2/12, both born in Dolatz. Stepfather, Josef Wingaster, lives in Dolatz. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Reiser.
SCHLOSSER Franz -[S426]- Age: 32 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Friday, 27 Nov 1908 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 30 and kids, Johann 6 and Anna 2, all born in Temeswar. Father, Mathias Schlosser, lives in Temeswar. Going to join brother, Josef Schlosser.
DOMB Anna -[D510]- Age: 18 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Triebswetter. Father, Adam Damb, lives in Gataja. Going to join brother, Nikolaus Domb. Last residence, Gataja.
ELSASSER Barbara -[E422]- Age: 34 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father, Jacob Mueller, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, Filip Elsasser [oo Alexanderhausen].
FORTJE Nikolaus -[F632]- Age: 39 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Katharine 16, both born in Bogarosch. Wife, Barbara Fortje, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Giel. Was previously in Elisabeth NJ, 1904-1906.
FRANK Elisabeth -[F652]- Age: 26 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Moather, Elisabeth Hock, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, Anton Frank.
HOCK Peter -[H200]- Age: 26 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father(?), Peter Hock, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Endress. Was previously in Elisabeth NJ 1905-1906.
HOFF Dominik -[H100]- Age: 33 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Wife, Eva Hoff, lives in Bogarosch. Was previously in Philadelphia, 1905-1907.
KEINERKNECHT Johann -[K562]- Age: 42 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Barbara 16, both born in Bogarosch. Wife, Katharine Keinerknecht, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Csizinadia. Was previously in Philadelphia, 1903-1907.
KINTSCH Katharine -[K532]- Age: 17 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father, Josef Kintsch, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join uncle, Johann Thomas.
MUELLER Josef -[M460]- Age: 17 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Traveling with Elisabeth Mueller 22, both born in Bogarosch. Father, Franz Mueller, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join brother, Franz Mueller. Elisabeth is going to join cousin, Georg Mayer.
MUELLER Josef -[M460]- Age: 44 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Wife(?) Margaret Mueller, lives in Neusiedel. Going to join uncle, Jakob Klein. Was previously in Philadelphia, 1906-1908. Last residence, Neusiedel.
PUTTEL Theresia -[P340]- Age: 15 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by Theresia Puttel 6, both born in Bogarosch.
SCHIMEL Anna -[S540]- Age: 16 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father, Mathias Schmidt, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join uncle, Johann Mueller.
SCHIMPF Johann -[S510]- Age: 43 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 42 and son, Johann 8. Parents born in Perjamosch, son born in Gataja. Father(?), Mathias Schimpf, lives in Gataja. Going to join brother, Adam Schimpf. Was previously in Pittsburg, 1906-1908 [*19 Apr 1862 Pesak, son of Mathias Schimpf and Barbara Hekler, oo to Anna Kovacs].
STAHL Adam -[S340]- Age: 16 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father, Peter Stahl, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join brother, Jakob Stahl. Was previously in Philadelphia, 1907-1909.
THEIS Magdalena -[T200]- Age: 16 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father, Nikolaus Theis, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join brother, Nikolaus Theis.
THERNESZ Andreas -[T652]- Age: 42 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Perjamosch. Wife(?), Christina Thernesz, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join daughter, Margaret Tasch. Was previously in Philadelphia, 1906-1907. Last residence, Neusiedel.
WEBER Maria -[W160]- Age: 16 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father, Michael Weber, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join uncle, Johann Zellner.
FOCHT Georg -[F230]- Age: 40 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Apr 1909 - To: Rochester, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Wife, Anna Focht, lives in Pardan. Previously lived in 1904-1907, in Cincinnati, Baltimore and Wyandotte.
KLEER Johann -[K460]- Age: 35 -From: Lowrin
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Apr 1909 - To: Rochester, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Lowrin. Wife, Margaret Kleer, lives in Pardan. Previously lived in Wyandotte, 1903-1905. Last residence, Pardan.
ULLARCK Gustav -[U462]- Age: 32 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Apr 1909 - To: Rochester, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Wife, Veronika Ularck, lives in Pardan.
METZINGER Adam -[M325]- Age: 36 -From: Elemir
-DtAr: Monday, 20 Sep 1909 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Elemir. Accompanied by wife, Barbara 32 and kids, Josef 7 and Anna 3. Wife and kids born in Pardan. Going to join brother-in-law, Nikolaus Leringer. Previously lived in St Louis, 1904-1908. Last residence, Pardan.
ELMER Theresia -[E456]- Age: 28 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 25 Oct 1909 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Johann 8 and Franz 5, all born in Pardan. Going to join husband, Franz Elmer
TRAUM Susanna -[T650]- Age: 50 -From: Etschka
-DtAr: Monday, 25 Oct 1909 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Etschka. Accompanied by grandkids, Anna Traum 9, Nikolaus traum 2, Peter Just 9 and Jakob Just 4. Kids all born in Pardan. Going to join son-in-law, Johann Just.
JEGL Peter -[J240]- Age: 26 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Tuesday, 8 Mar 1910 - To: Chaswick, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Josefine 24 and sons Josef 3 and Aladid 2, all born in Gr Betschkerek. Mother, Susanna Jegl, lives in Gr Betschkerek. Going to join brother-in-law, Franz Senzer.
MICHELBACH Josef -[M241]- Age: 27 -From: Bruckenau
-DtAr: Tuesday, 8 Mar 1910 - To: Astoria Long Island, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in bruckenau. Father-in-law, Sebastian Knapp. lives in Fibisch. Going to join cousin, Anton Farkas. Last residance, Fibisch.
JEGL Peter -[J240]- Age: 26 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Monday, 11 Jul 1910 - To: Chaswick, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Josefine 24 and kids, Josef 3 1/2 and Aladid 2, all born in Gr Betschkerek. Mother, Susanna Jegl, lives in Gr Betschkerek. Going to join bro-in-law, Franz Senzer.
MICHELBACH Josef -[M241]- Age: 27 -From: Bruckenau
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Jul 1910 - To: Astoria Long Island, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bruckenau. Father-in-law, Sebastian Knapp, lives in Fibisch. Going to join cousin, Anton Farkas. Last residence, Fiblisch.
MANDL Anna -[M534]- Age: 26 -From: Neupanat
-DtAr: Monday, 22 Aug 1910 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Neupanat. Accompanied by kids, Stefanie 6, Emma 3 and Anna 5/12, all born in Bonczesty(?) except Anna who was born in Galscha. Father-in-law, Leopold Mandl, lives in Galscha. Going to join husband, Stefan Mandl.
BRENNESSEL Franz -[B652]- Age: 27 -From: Ernsthausen
-DtAr: Monday, 5 Dec 1910 - To: Rochester, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Ernsthausen. Wife lives in Ernsthausen. Going to join brother, Johann Brennessel. Last residence, Budapest.
OSTER Maria -[O236]- Age: 27 -From: Tschestereg
-DtAr: Monday, 5 Dec 1910 - To: Akron, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Tschestereg. Accompanied by niece, Josa Schutz 4, born in St Georgen. Father, Josef Oster, lives in St Georgen. Going to join bro-in-law, Anton Schutz who is the father of Josa.
BOHM Mathias -[B500]- Age: 40 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Friday, 23 Dec 1910 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Wife, Barbara Bohm, lives in Pardan.
GUNTER Mathias Mrs -[G536]- Age: 38 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Friday, 23 Dec 1910 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Nikolaus 3, both born in Pardan. Mother, M Traum, lives in Pardan. Going to join husband, Mathias Gunter.
BAMBACH Jacob -[B512]- Age: 46 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 23 Jan 1911 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Jacob 16, Johann 9, Heinrich 8 and Maria 4 1/2, all born in Pardan. Son-in-law, Nikolaus Haderjan, lives in Pardan. Going to join with Theresia Bambach. Was previously in New York, 1907-1910.
HEGYI Michael -[H200]- Age: 28 -From: Jahrmarkt
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Mar 1911 - To: Glen Cove Long Island, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Jahrmarkt. Traveling with Stefan Herold 25 born in Boez(?). Wife lives in Jahrmarkt. Going to join cousin, Michael Csik who is the bro-in-law of Stefan Herold. Stefan's mother is Elisabeth Nagy who lives in Jahrmarkt. Michael Hegyi lived in Thoeniseville Penn, 1901-1903.
HORVATH Andreas -[H613]- Age: 32 -From: Jahrmarkt
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Mar 1911 - To: Bethlehem, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Jahrmarkt. Wife lives in Jahrmarkt. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Ster. Previously lived in Bethlehem, 1905-1908.
HORVATH Anna -[H613]- Age: 16 -From: Jahrmarkt
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Mar 1911 - To: Brooklyn, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Jahrmarkt. Father, Josef Horvath, lives in Jahrmarkt. Going to join cousin, Rozi Hujter.
KAUSCH Nikolaus -[K200]- Age: 40 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Mar 1911 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Traveling with brother, Christian Kausch 31, both born in Pardan. Wife, Margaret Kausch lives in Pardan Going to join brother, Michael Kauch. Previously lived in St Louis, 1904-1907. The wife of Christian Kausch, Katharine Kausch, lives in Pardan.
SOMOGYI Anton -[S520]- Age: 41 -From: Jahrmarkt
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Mar 1911 - To: Bethlehem, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Traveling with brother, Josef 37, both born in Jahrmarkt. Wives live in Jahrmarkt. Going to join cousin, Josef Ster. Previously lived in Bethlehem, 1902-1907.
STEINGART Michael -[S352]- Age: 41 -From: Jahrmarkt
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Mar 1911 - To: Bethlehem, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Jahrmarkt. Wife lives in Jahrmarkt. Previously lived in Clarens Pa, 1901-1903.
GLAUB Anton -[G410]- Age: 17 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Monday, 5 Jun 1911 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Sackelhausen. Father, J Glaub, lives in Sackelhausen. Going to join brother, M Glaub.
BARTH Adam -[B630]- Age: 17 -From: Franzfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Aug 1911 - To: Hoboken, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Franzfeld. Father, Adam Barth, lives in Franzfeld. Going to join uncle, Josef Gier(?).
BARTL Peter -[B634]- Age: 24 -From: Gr Kikinda
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Aug 1911 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Kikinda. Moither, Elisaabeth Bartl, lives in Gr Kikinda.
RAUSCH Nikolaus -[R200]- Age: 40 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 4 Dec 1911 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by brother, Christian 31, both born in Pardan. Wife, Margaret Kausch, lives in Pardan. Going to join brother, Michael Kausch. Previously lived in St Louis, 1904-1907. The wife of Christian, Katharine Kausch, lives in Pardan.
WELTER Franz -[W436]- Age: 28 -From: Hodon
-DtAr: Wednesday, 27 Mar 1912 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Hodon. Father, Franz Welter, lives in Hodon. Going to join bro-in-law, Adam Funde. Was previously in Cincinnati, 1908-1911.
FEIT Susanna -[F300]- Age: 25 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Tuesday, 29 Oct 1912 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Ofsentiza. Accompanied by daughters, Katharine 4, born in St Louis, Maria 4/12 born in Billed, and sister-in-law, Katharine Froman 22, born in Billed. Brother, Josef Froman, lives in Billed. Going to join husband, Peter Feit. Previously lived in St Louis, 1905-1907.
SCHMIDT Peter -[S530]- Age: 46 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Wednesday, 4 Dec 1912 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Kristina 46, both born in Pardan. Brother-in-law, Josef Zeinger, lives in Pardan. Going to join son-in-law, Peter Lech. Was previously in Wyandotte, 1906-1907 [oo to Christina Hartmann].
LEHMANN Maria -[L550]- Age: 26 -From: Arad
-DtAr: Wednesday, 26 Mar 1913 - To: Corfu, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Arad. Aunt, Mrs Karl Mueller, lives in Arad. Going to join brother-in-law, Wendel Preisach.
HOEFFLER Franz -[H146]- Age: 29 -From: Botschar
-DtAr: Tuesday, 8 Jul 1913 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Botschar. Wife lives in Botschar. Going to join cousin, G Tulius. Previously livs in Philadelphia, 1906-1912.
SENDEF Kristof -[S531]- Age: 31 -From: Botschar
-DtAr: Tuesday, 8 Jul 1913 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Botschar. Wife, M Szendef, lives in Botschar. Going to join brother-in-law, J Martin.
BRUCKER Michael -[B626]- Age: 49 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Monday, 1 Jun 1914 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Setschan. Accompanied by daughter, Magdalena 17. Going to join brother-in-law, Peter Gilman
EICHORN Elisabeth -[E265]- Age: 35 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Monday, 6 Jul 1914 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Katharine 13, Barbara 10, Elisabeth 9, Josef 6, Peter 5 and Johann 11/12, all born in Josefsdorf. Father, Paul Schaft, lives in Josefsdorf. Going to join husband, Johann Eichorn [*20 Dec 1878 Setschan, dau of Paul Schaaf and Katharine Keincz oo to Johann Eichhorn, son of Johann Eichhorn and Rosina Peter].
KLEIN Josef -[K450]- Age: 31 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Monday, 6 Jul 1914 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Josefsdorf. Father, Michael Klein, lives in Josefsdorf. Going to join cousin, Johann Kigloz(?) [*3 Jul 1883 Josefsdorf, son of Michael Klein and Barbara Retzler oo 12 Jan 1908 Josefsdorf Theresia Sabath].
WINGAT Leopold -[W523]- Age: 29 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Monday, 6 Jul 1914 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Scham. Accompanied by wife 25, born in Orzydorf and sister, Mrs Franz Zettel 37, born in Ivanda. Mother-in-law, Magdalena Dinger, lives in Josefsdorf. Going to join brother-in-law, Johann Dinger. The husband of Mrs Franz Zettel, Franz Zettel, lives in Josefsdorf. Last residence, Josefsdorf.
KIRSCH Anna -[K620]- Age: 31 -From: St Anna (Neu)
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Aug 1915 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Franz 9 and Anna 6, all born in Neu St Anna except Anna who was born in Detroit. Sister, Mrs Johann Knapp, lives in Arad. Going to join husband, Karl Kirsch. Previously lived in Detroit, 1907-1914 [*3 Sep 1884 St Anna dau of Andeas Zimmermann and Margaretha Sandner oo 26 Nov 1905 St Anna Karl Kirsch].
CHRISTIAN Elisabeth -[C623]- Age: 25 -From: Aurelheim
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Nov 1915 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Aurelheim. Accompanied by sons, Peter 3, Franz 2 and Nikolaus 11/12. Peter and Franz born in Cincinnati; Nikolaus born in Aurelheim. Father, A Rovnat, lives in Aurelheim. Going to join husband, J Christian. Previously lived in Cincinnati, 1907-1909.
HAFFNER Johann Mrs -[H156]- Age: 33 -From: Guttenbrunn
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Nov 1915 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Guttenbrunn. Accompanied by daughters, Katharine 9 born in Arad and Elisabeth 3, born in Detroit. Father, Mathias Gelz, lives in Guttenbrunn. Going to join husband, Johann Haffner. Previously lived in Detroit, 1911-1915.
HELLBERG Mrs Nikolaus -[H416]- Age: 56 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Nov 1915 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Lenauheim. Sister, Th Weyer, lives in Lenauheim. Going to join husband, N Hellberg. Lived previously in St Louis, 1907-1912.
STEINER Anna -[S356]- Age: 49Wd -From: Billed
-DtAr: Saturday, 15 Jan 1916 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Daughter, Emile Watzer, lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Asker.
DERNER Eva -[D656]- Age: 59 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Tuesday, 4 Apr 1916 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Ujwar. Accompanied by kids, Rosalia 4 and Nikolaus 3. Kids born in Philadelphia. Sister, Anna Schwichye, lives in Ujwar. Going to join daughter, M Derner.
HEINTZ Elisabeth -[H532]- Age: 25 -From: Lugosch
-DtAr: Saturday, 15 Jul 1916 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Johann 8 and Mariska 6, all born in Lugosch. Brother, Stefan Muth, lvies in Lugosch. Going to join stepfather, Charles Halada.
SCHNEIDER Ludwig -[S536 ]- Age: 40 -From: St Hubert
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Feb 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rit/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 25 born in Krapkove, CZ. Uncle, J Matej, lives in (St Hubert). Going to join brother-in-law, Peter Senser
KRACH Michael -[K620]- Age: 45 -From: St Hubert
-DtAr: Sunday, 3 Jul 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Kikinda. Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 38, born in St Hubert, sons Michael 15 and Nikolaus 13. Michael born in Busiasch and Nikolaus born in Chicago. Going to join cousin, Peter Graebeldinger. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1907, 1911, 1914 and 1920.
DEGRELL Stefan -[D264]- Age: 19 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Saturday, 6 Aug 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Modosch. Uncle, J Manje, lives at Neigestr 260 Modosch. Going to join "mother" Mrs H Degrell [*18 Mar 1902, +Aug 1977 Illinois, Wife Helen Moritz *22 Apr 1908 Kl Jetscha, +Nov 1980].
ZIMMER Barbara -[Z560]- Age: 21 -From: Guttenbrunn
-DtAr: Sunday, 20 Nov 1921 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Bou/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Katharine 10/12, both born in Guttenbrunn. Grandfather, J Lukhaub, lives at Postgasse 642 Guttenbrunn. Going to join father, F Husz.
BAUMANN Josef -[B550]- Age: 35 -From: Scham (Gr)
-DtAr: Wednesday, 28 Dec 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Scham. Wife(?) Julianna Baumann, lives in Arad. Going to join mother, Barbara Schmid. Previously lived in Chicago, 1908-1909.
DUCKHORN Josef -[D265]- Age: 40 -From: Bakowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 28 Dec 1921 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Bakowa. Wife(?) Theresia Duckhorn, lives in Busiasch. Going to join brother, Johann Duckhorn. Previously lived in Glendive Montana, 1896-1914. Last residence Busiasch.
ENDERLE Margaret -[E536]- Age: 60wd -From: Aurelheim
-DtAr: Wednesday, 28 Dec 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Aurelheim. Accompanied by grandkid, Cornelia Spanhauser 9, born in Temeswar. Going to join son-in-law, Johann Zimmer, who is the stepfather of Cornelia..
LINDEMANN Barbara -[L535]- Age: 27 -From: Jahrmarkt
-DtAr: Wednesday, 28 Dec 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Jahrmarkt. Father(?) Christoph Lindemann, lives in Jahrmarkt. Going to join brother-in-law, Alois Haedel
MOLNAR Jakob -[M456]- Age: 62wd -From: Grabatz
-DtAr: Wednesday, 28 Dec 1921 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Grabatz. Going to join son, A B Molnar. Last residence, Temeswar.
NOHEIMER Johann -[N560]- Age: 16 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Wednesday, 28 Dec 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Schag. Father, Christoph Noheimer, lives in Schag. Going to join parents, Peter Noheimer.
GIEL Johann -[G400]- Age: 23 -From: Johannisfeld
-DtAr: Saturday, 1 Jul 1922 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ply/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Traveling with sisters, Magdalena 22 and Margaret 19, all born in Johannisfeld. Mother, Mrs K Wiel, lives in Johannisfeld. Going to join father, Johann Biel.
DELFEL Johann -[D414]- Age: 20 -From: Ulmbach
-DtAr: Sunday, 6 Aug 1922 - To: Bronx, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Ulmbach. Going to join brother-in-law, Nikolaus Sonn.
HORNSBERGER Adam -[H652]- Age: 60 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Saturday, 14 Oct 1922 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Born in Zichydorf. Son, Peter Hornsberger, lives in Weisskirchen. Going to join son-in-law, Domonik Schummer. Previously lvied in Philadelphia, 1912-1920.
GRASSEL Theresia -[G624]- Age: 27 -From: Setschan
-DtAr: Monday, 16 Apr 1928 - To: Pangran, SK -Via: Rot/Hal -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Maria 3. Father, Nikolaus Till, lives in Setschan. Going to join husband, Georg Grassel. Canadian passenger ship record.
WAGNER Maria -[W256]- Age: 32 -From: St Peter (D)
-DtAr: Thursday, 26 Sep 1929 - To: Calgary, AB -Via: Rot/Hal -Ship: Nieuw Amsterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Konrad 6. Father-in-law, J Wagner, lives in D St Peter. Going to join husband, Johann Wagner. Canadian passenger ship record.
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