BUCHMANN Anna -[B255]- Age: 56Wd -From: St Nikolaus (Gr)
-DtAr: Saturday, 6 Nov 1897 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Peter 32, Anna 28, Johann 8, Anna 5, Peter 4 and Eva 2.
GRAF Micheal -[G610]- Age: 19 -From: Schoendorf
-DtAr: Sunday, 3 Dec 1899 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join uncle, G Graf.
WAGNER Alexander -[W256]- Age: 27 -From: Detta
-DtAr: Sunday, 24 Feb 1901 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join wife, Anna Wagner. Was previously in the U. S., 1896-1900.
DURST Eva -[D623]- Age: 30 -From: Warjasch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Jan 1902 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join uncle, Nikoalsu Karacsonye.
MAYER Valentin -[M600]- Age: 30 -From: Warjasch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Jan 1902 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 26.
EHRENBERGER Anton -[E651]- Age: 36 -From: Zerne
-DtAr: Wednesday, 21 Jan 1903 - To: Franklyn Furnance, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join brother, J Ehrenberger.
GATTA Johann -[G300]- Age: 46 -From: St Georgen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 6 May 1903 - To: ?, ? -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
PAPST Anton -[P123]- Age: 39 -From: Schoendorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Jun 1903 - To: Buffalo, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
PREYER Jacob -[P660]- Age: 29 -From: Schoendorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Jun 1903 - To: Buffalo, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
WOLNY Franz -[W450]- Age: 44 -From: Schoendorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Jun 1903 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join son, Anton Wolny.
SCHNITZER Nikolaus -[S532]- Age: 52 -From: Rudolfsgnad
-DtAr: Sunday, 17 Jan 1904 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
GAZGO Nikolaus -[G200]- Age: 18 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Wednesday, 2 Mar 1904 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join brother, Adam Gasgo.
LAFFERTON Josef -[L163]- Age: 17 -From: Kubin
-DtAr: Wednesday, 11 May 1904 - To: Schenectady, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
LOMMEK Theresia -[L520]- Age: 26 -From: Pantschowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 30 Aug 1904 - To: Hoboken, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join husband, Wilhelm Lamnek.
FURI Josef -[F600]- Age: 35 -From: Mercydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Stefan.
KAIRER Mate -[K660]- Age: 26 -From: Mercydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Thum.
KRULA Anna -[K640]- Age: 24 -From: Gr Jetscha
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter Margaret 2. Going to join husband, Karl Krula.
MECHLER Maria -[M246]- Age: 27 -From: Mercydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by sister, Magdalena 11 1/2. Going to join husband, Johann Mechler.
REDL Johann -[R340]- Age: 32 -From: Mercydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Stefan.
ROMICH Margaretha -[R520]- Age: 20 -From: Gr Jetscha
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Traveling with sister(?) Rosa 16. Going to join bro-in-law, Karl Krula. Traveling Cabin Class [*22 Sep 1883, daughter of Jacob Roemich and Catharine Tix].
SIMON Michael -[S550]- Age: 27 -From: Mercydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Stefan.
WILL Franz -[W400]- Age: 26 -From: Mercydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: S Bethlehem, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join brother, Josef Will.
WUERINGER Stefan -[W652]- Age: 27 -From: Mercydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Mar 1905 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Mechler.
RICHNOFSKY Michael -[R251]- Age: 38 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin, Elisabeth Panknecht.
VIEL Adam -[V400]- Age: 27 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 23.
HACK Peter -[H200]- Age: 34 -From: Arad
-DtAr: Tuesday, 13 Jun 1905 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Gastl.
MINICH Josef -[M520]- Age: 40 -From: Arad
-DtAr: Tuesday, 13 Jun 1905 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Gastl
WEISSMUELLER Peter -[W254]- Age: 27 -From: Freidorf
-DtAr: Monday, 26 Jun 1905 - To: Windber, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 24 and son, Johann 7/12. Going to join brother-in-law, Johann Ott [*16 Dec 1876 Warjasch, son of Michael Weissmueller and Barbara Sartorius, 2oo Freidorf to Elisabeth Kersch, *1880 Freidorf, dau of Konrad Kersch and Elisabeth Buecher-------father of Johanny Weissmueller].
KNIP Anna -[K510]- Age: 17 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jul 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin. Johann Toth.
KOFFER Johann -[K160]- Age: 50 -From: Gr Kikinda
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jul 1905 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 50. Going to join stepson, Michael Cofer.
MARKOVIC Katharine -[M621]- Age: 23 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jul 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join step-brother, Josef Zentelbach(?).
MOHR Elisabeth -[M600]- Age: 23 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jul 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join uncle, Sebastian Schmidt.
NOTHOF Susanna -[N310]- Age: 14 -From: Paratz
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jul 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Anton Tsoszi.
TOTH Elisabeth -[T300]- Age: 32 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jul 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Elisabeth 9, Georg 5 and Rosa 3. Going to join husband, Johann Toth.
WIRTH Nikolaus -[W630]- Age: 18 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Tuesday, 25 Jul 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin, Peter Lak.
GUTERMUTH Johann -[G365]- Age: 24 -From: St Anna (Neu)
-DtAr: Tuesday, 29 Aug 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join brother-in-law, Josef Melek(?).
SCHWALM Andreas -[S450]- Age: 20 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Tuesday, 3 Oct 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join uncle, Friedrich Schwalm.
FRANK Maria -[F652]- Age: 24 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Dec 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1903-1905. Going to join husband, Josef Frank.
KLEIN Josef -[K450]- Age: 24 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Dec 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join brother, Nikolaus Klein.
LUX Josef -[L200]- Age: 28 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Dec 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join brother, Johann Lux.
REISZ Nikolaus -[R200]- Age: 29 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Dec 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Paul Lind.
TILGER Johann -[T426]- Age: 29 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Dec 1905 - To: Egg Harbor, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Eva 22 and daughter, Margaret 11/12. Was previously in the U. S., 1902-1905. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Jergenz.
WAGNER Maria -[W256]- Age: 20 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Thursday, 14 Dec 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Traveling with her brother, Ernst Wagner 17. Going to join mother, Katharine Wagner. Last residence, Temeswar/Mehala.
BORSIN Jaszon -[B625]- Age: 31 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jan 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
GREBELDINGER Johann -[G614]- Age: 24 -From: Keglewichhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jan 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
MILLENHAUER Josef -[M456]- Age: 24 -From: Keglewichhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jan 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharina 20. Going to join uncle, Johann Mara.
SINGER Karl -[S526]- Age: 30 -From: Keglewichhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jan 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin, Stefan Kappler.
SOHN Peter -[S500]- Age: 18 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jan 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Papp.
STILLENBAUER Josef -[S345]- Age: 24 -From: Keglewichhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jan 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharina 20. Going to join uncle, Johann Marx.
STILLENBAUER Josef -[S345]- Age: 24 -From: Keglewichhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jan 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharina 20. Going to join uncle, Johann Mara.
ZIMMERMANN Friedrich -[Z565]- Age: 31 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jan 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Darmak Prokopf.
BAUER Agnes -[B600]- Age: 24 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: [*9 May 1881, dau of Rosalia Bauer].
BOGARAS Martin -[B262]- Age: 38 -From: Marienfeld
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Catasauqua, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 31 and kids, Lenardt 9, Anna 9 and Johann 3. Was previously in the U. S., 1904-1905.
EHLING Johann -[E452]- Age: 23 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margareth 23. Going to join brother, Josef Ehling [*26 Aug 1882, +28 Apr 1923 Perjamosch, son of Philipp Ehling and Elisabeth Wilhelm, oo to Margarete Nikola, *12 May 1881, +15 Feb 1942 Perjamosch].
FISCHBACH Nikolaus -[F212]- Age: 40 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
GILLICH Ewi -[G420]- Age: 18 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: [*31 Mar 1888, dau of Karl Gillich and Eva Bittenbinder].
GULASR Jakob -[G426]- Age: 31 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 27 and daughter, Katharine 3 1/2. Going to join bro-in-law, Adam Gasko.
HINDING Josef -[H535]- Age: 24 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join brother, Nikolaus Hinding.
HOLLERBACH Jacob -[H461]- Age: 18(?)s -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join Adam Hollerbach [*13 Aug 1887, son of Jakob Hollerbach and Katharina Geyer].
JUNGER Aloisia -[J526]- Age: 29 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join cousin, Jacob Ehling [*23 Apr 1866 Winga, + 30 Jul 1947 Perjamosch, dau of Josef Junger and Aloisia Wilhelm, oo Cincinnati to Peter Bittenbinder].
MUELLER Maria -[M460]- Age: 19 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join sister, Anna Mueller [*28 Jun 1887 Grossdorf, dau of Paul Mueller and Margarete Mueller].
SCHMITZ Balthasar -[S532]- Age: 35 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Catharine 39 and son, Frank 3. Going to join bro-in-law Jacob Jhust(?) [*28 May 1871 DSP son, of Mathias Schmitz and Franziska Niess, oo to Katharina Husz].
SEIFART Mathias -[S163]- Age: 17 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Richmond, VA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: [*19 Feb 1888, son of Wilhelm Szeifart and Margaretha Tabar].
VOLLMANN Franz -[V455]- Age: 15 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Going to join his uncle, Jacob Jhust(?) [*25 Dec 1887, son of Franz Follmann and Katharina Zillich].
WEIER Elisabeth -[W600]- Age: 19 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Richmond, VA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Traveling with her cousin, Gaspar Feiler 24. Going to join Michael Feiler who is the brother of Gaspar and the cousin of Elisabeth.
WIRTH Mathias -[W630]- Age: 31 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 27 and kids, Elisabeth 7, Mathias 4, Anna 3 and Johann 4/12. Going to join wife's sister, Anna Mueller [*30 Jul 1874, son of Josef Wirth and Anna Muth, oo to Anna Mueller].
MUELLER Georg -[M460]- Age: 24 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 5 Aug 1908 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Sackelhausen. Going to join sister, Anna Vogl.
GASZKO Josef -[G200]- Age: 41 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 12 Apr 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Wife, Theresia Gaszko, lives in Pardan. Going to join brother, Valentin Gaszko. Previously lived in New York, 1904-1907.
GASZKO Magdalena -[G200]- Age: 44 -From: Kl Betschkerek
-DtAr: Monday, 12 Apr 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Helene 15, Maria 13 and Ferdinand 9, all born in Kl Betschkerek. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Gaszko. Last residence, Temeswar.
GASZKO Nikolaus -[G200]- Age: 32 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 12 Apr 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Accompanied by wife, Katharine 30, born in Schag. Mother, Maria Gasko, lives in Pardan. Going to join brother, Valentin Gaszko. Previously lvied in New York, 1904-1908.
JENEI Josef -[J500]- Age: 25 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 12 Apr 1909 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Traveling with sisters, Klara 19 and Vera 10, all born in Pardan. Going to join brother, Mathias Jenci.
OSMAK Maria -[O252]- Age: 42 -From: Stefansfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 12 Apr 1909 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Stefansfeld. Accompanied by kids, Katharine 17, born in Stefansfeld, Michael 9, born in Ernsthausen, Nikolaus 4, born in Macedom Turkey, and Josef 3, born in Macedom Turkey. Going to join father, Johann Osmak. Last residence, Ernsthausen.
FURI Johann -[F600]- Age: 32 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 17 May 1909 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in pardan. Accompaned by wife, Emma 28 and son, Georg 3. Wife and son born in Temesfalva(?). Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Mak. Previously lived in Wyandotte, 1905-1906.
HEIMANN Nikolaus -[H550]- Age: 17 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 17 May 1909 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch.
HOFF Maria -[H100]- Age: 19 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 17 May 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. (?), Maria Hoff, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join brother, M Hoff. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1906-1909.
ROTTINGER Franz -[R352]- Age: 29 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 17 May 1909 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Gottlob. Accompanied by wife, Katharine 29, born in Bogarosch. Going to join brother-in-law, N Mueller.
TREYER Margaret -[T660]- Age: 26 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 17 May 1909 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Accompanied by son, Albert 1 1/2, born in Philadelphia. Father, Nikolaus Preyler, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, Albert Treyer. Previously lived in Philadelphia 1904-1908.
DIVO Georg -[D100]- Age: 43 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Jun 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 37 and, daughters Magdalena 11 and Katharine 8, all born in Pardan. (?) Georg Lung, lives in Pardan. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Szilagyi [oo to Elisabeth Wiesner].
DIVO Johann -[D100]- Age: 38 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Jun 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 35, both born in Pardan. Son-in-law, Peter Schulz, lives in Pardan. Going to join brother, Nikolaus Divo.
DIVO Magdalena -[D100]- Age: 50 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Jun 1909 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Johann 10, both born in Pardan. Father(?), Johann Foltrauer, lives in Pardan. Going to join husband, Johann Divo.
FOIDL Elisabeth -[F340]- Age: 16 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Jun 1909 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Father, Peter Foidl, lives in Pardan. Going to join bro-in-law, Mathias Augner.
HEIM Anna -[H500]- Age: 24 -From: Kathreinfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Jun 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Kathreinfeld. Mother, Susanna Heim, lives in Ittabe.
KARLI Anna -[K640]- Age: 30 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Jun 1909 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Husband, Jakob Karli, lives in Pardan. Going to join brother, Franz Fritch.
LUTZ Nikolaus -[L320]- Age: 43 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Jun 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Wife(?) Anna Lutz, lives in Pardan. Going to join bro-in-law, Nikolaus Gasko. Was previously in Elmira NY, 1904-1907 [oo to Anna Gasko].
KERBEL Barbara -[K614]- Age: 44wd -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 11 Oct 1909 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Kristina 15, Nikolaus 11 and Martin 8, all born in Pardan. Going to join son-in-law, Johann Hesz.
LUTZ Anna -[L320]- Age: 44 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 11 Oct 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughters, Theresia 16 and Katharine 13, all born in Pardan. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Lutz.
MAYER Johann -[M600]- Age: 25 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Monday, 11 Oct 1909 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Sackelhausen. Father, Johann Mayer, lives in SAckelhausen. Going to join brother-in-law, Michael Jost.
JUNG Stefan -[J520]- Age: 38 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Tuesday, 16 Nov 1909 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Betschkerek. Accompanied by wife, Katharine 33, born in Klek. Mother, Katharine Jung, lives in Gr Betschkerek. Going to join brother, Franz Jung.
JUNG Susanna -[J520]- Age: 33 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Tuesday, 16 Nov 1909 - To: Seattle, WA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Lenauheim. Father(?), Nikolaus Jung lives in Lenauheim. Going to join bro-in-law, Ludwig Herberholz.
FOYDL Stefan -[F340]- Age: 37 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 11 Apr 1910 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Pauline 16 and brother, Gustav 36, all born in Pardan. Wife, Anna Foydl, lives in Pardan. Going to join bro-in-law, A Fischbach. Previously lived in Detroit, 1906-1908.
FRAUENHOFFER Josef -[F651]- Age: 35 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 1 Aug 1910 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Josefine 34, both born in Pardan. Father, J Frauenhoffer, lives in Pardan. Going to join sister-in-law, S Hallerbach. Previously lived in Cincinnati, 1905-1908.
GLATT Michael -[G430]- Age: 20 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Monday, 1 Aug 1910 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Sackelhausen. Wife, Anna Glatt, lives in Sackelhausen. Going to join brother-in-law, Peter Hummel. Previously lived in St Louis, 1908-1910.
GRADITIER Jacob -[G633]- Age: 45 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 1 Aug 1910 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Josefa 36 and kids, Barbara 9, Johann 7 and Elisabeth 3, all born in Pardan. Father-in-law, M Witten, lives in Pardan. Going to join brother, J Graditier.
ZAPFL Anna -[Z140]- Age: 23 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 1 Aug 1910 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Father, Josef Dinka, lives in Pardan. Going to join husband, J Zapfl.
BERGAUER Michael -[B626]- Age: 53 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Sep 1910 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Susanna 53 and kids, Friedrich 25, Magdalena 15 and Franz 7, all born in Sackelhausen. Father, Johann Bergauer, lives in Sackelhausen. Going to join son Michael Bergauer.
KUNZ Konrad -[K520]- Age: 24 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Sep 1910 - To: Harrisburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Liebling. Accompanied by wife 23, born in Semlak. Father, K Kuncz, lives in Liebling. Was previously in the U. S., 1907-1909, in Harrisburg. Going to join uncle, A. Sperle.
MERLE Nikolaus -[M640]- Age: 17 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Sep 1910 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Zichydorf. Mother, Katharine Merle, lives in Stefansfeld. Going to join father, Mathias Merle. Last residence, Stefansfeld [*2 Jul 1893, son of Mathias Merle, ex Stefansfeld and Katharine Milesz, ex Stefansfeld].
BETSCH Elisabeth -[B320]- Age: 21 -From: Gr Jetscha
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Oct 1910 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Jetscha. Father, Adam Betsch, lives at 376 Gr Jetscha. Going to join brother, Adam Betsch. Was previously in Philadelphia 1904-1909 [*21 Jul 1889, dau of Adam Betsch and Eva Schemer].
BETSCH Josef -[B320]- Age: 17 -From: Gr Jetscha
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Oct 1910 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Jetscha. Father, Adam Betsch, lives in Gr Jetscha. Going to join brother, Adam Betsch [*6 Sep 1893, +22 Dec 1973 , son of Adam Betsch and Eva Schemer, oo 22 Apr 1917 Billed to Elisabeth Schuld].
FRITZ Peter -[F632]- Age: 38 -From: Ostern
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Oct 1910 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Ostern. Father, Kirstof Fritz, lives in Ostern. Was previously in New York, 1902-1908. Accompanied by wife, Anna 30, born in Hatzfeld. Wife's father, Thomas Glafiek, lives in Ostern. Going to join sister-in-law, Anna Bohr.
LECH Philipp -[L200]- Age: 16 -From: Gr Jetscha
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Oct 1910 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Gr Jetscha. Father, Georg Burian, lives in Kl Jetscha. Going to join cousin, Adam Betsch. Last residence, Kl Jetscha.
TESCHLER Nikolaus -[T246]- Age: 25 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Thursday, 19 Jan 1911 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Ujwar. Father, Adam Teschler, lives in Ujwar. Going to jon brother-in-law, Martin Meiszner. Previously lived in Cleveland, 1905-1910 [*Son of Adam Teschler and Maria Laffleur, oo 27 Apr 1913 Cleveland to Magdalena Engelmann].
BECKER Barbara -[B260]- Age: 21 -From: Johannisfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Apr 1911 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Johannisfeld. Step father, Nikolaus Focht, lives in Pardan. Going to joiin bro-in-law, Franz Achs. Last residence, Pardan.
BENZ Anna -[B520]- Age: 47 -From: St Hubert
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Apr 1911 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in St Hubert. Accompanied by daughters, Lisa 11, Josefine 9, Anna 6 and Theresia 4. Daughters born in Pardan. Brother-in-law, Nikolaus Henz, lives in Ujwar. Going to join husband, Peter Benz [Anna Benz *15 May 1864, +29 Jan 1940 St Louis; Peter Benz, *24 Sep 1869, +5 May 1950 St Louis].
HENNER Margaret -[H560]- Age: 17 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Apr 1911 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Father, Johann Heuner, lives in Pardan. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Wudhetich.
HUBERT Georg -[H163]- Age: 25 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Apr 1911 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 23, both born in Schag. Father, Johann Hubet, lives in Schag. Going to join Father-in-law, Nikolaus Kunst. Previously lived in Cincinnati, 1902-1910.
KLEIN Franz -[K450]- Age: 21 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Apr 1911 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Schag. Father, Martin Klein, lives in Schag. Going to join brother, Nikolaus Klein.
SCHNEIDER Josefa -[S536]- Age: 37 -From: Grabatz
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Apr 1911 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: [*08.10.1870, *Neurohr] Born in Grabatz. Father, Nikolaus Neurohr, lvies in Pardan. Going to join husband, Franz Schneider. Perviously lived in New York, 1907-1909. Last residence, Pardan.
WALTER Ignatz -[W436]- Age: 34 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Apr 1911 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Botschar. Accompanied by wife, Katharine 27, born in Schag, and kids, Anna 3 and Anton 2. Kids born in Cincinnati. Father-in-law, Mathias Weber, lives in Schag. Going to join brother-in-law, Stefan Theiss. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1902-1910.
BAMBACH Michael -[B512]- Age: 17 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 31 Jul 1911 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Uncle, Johann Harnaker, lives in Pardan. Going to join father, Jakob Bambach.
HADRIAN Nikolaus -[H365]- Age: 23 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Monday, 31 Jul 1911 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 20, daughter, Katharine 8/12 and Nikolaus Bambach 13, all born in Ujwar. Uncle, Johann Harnaker, lives in Pardan. Going to join father-in-law, Jacob Bambach. Last residence, Pardan.
HARNAKER Josef -[H652]- Age: 26 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 31 Jul 1911 - To: St Joseph, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Going to join brother-in-law, Peter Lech.
LECH Barbara -[L200]- Age: 28 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 31 Jul 1911 - To: St Joseph, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Peter 5 and Josef 2, all born in Pardan except Peter who was born in Wyandotte, Mich. Father, Peter Schmidt, lives in Pardan. Going to join husband, Peter Lech. Previously lived in Wyandotte, 1906-1908.
SEBASTIAN Margaret -[S123]- Age: 17 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 31 Jul 1911 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Mother, Theresia Sebastian, lives in Pardan.
GRASZL Peter -[G624]- Age: 33 -From: Setschan
-DtAr: Tuesday, 10 Oct 1911 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Setschan. Wife, Magdalena Graszl, lives in Setschan. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Banter.
MUTSCH Josef -[M320]- Age: 17 -From: Setschan
-DtAr: Tuesday, 10 Oct 1911 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Setschan. Stepfather, ? Kathrein, lives in Setschan.
BOHN T Michael -[B500]- Age: 32 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Wednesday, 13 Mar 1912 - To: Catasauqua, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 27, both born in Hatzfeld. Father-in-law, Josef Franzen, lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Molnar. Lived previously in Catasauqua, 1908-1911.
FRANZEN Mathias -[F652]- Age: 36 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Wednesday, 13 Mar 1912 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margaret 26, both born in Hatzfeld. Father, Josef Franzen, lives in Hatzfeld. Previously lived in Milwaukee, 1908-1911.
BOHN Anton -[B500]- Age: 31 -From: Setschan
-DtAr: Tuesday, 16 Apr 1912 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Setschan. Wife, Juliska Bohn, lives in Setschan.
GEIGER Johann -[G260]- Age: 28 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 5 Aug 1912 - To: Harrisburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Liebling. Wife, Katharine Geiger, lives in Liebling. Going to join cousin, Peter Henzel. Previously lived in Harrisburg, 1909-1911.
GASZKO Elisabeth -[G200]- Age: 17 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1912 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Father, Fano Gaszko, lives in Pardan. Going to join brother, Anton Gaszko.
GEIGER Friedrich -[G260]- Age: 31 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1912 - To: Pullman, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Liebling. Wife, Maria Geiger, lives in Liebling.
GEIGER Jakob -[G260]- Age: 29 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1912 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Liebling, Wife, Katharine Geiger, lives in Liebling.
KAUTEN Johann -[K350]- Age: 17 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1912 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Father, Michael Kauten, lives in Pardan. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Anauer.
KUNGER Friedrich -[K526]- Age: 26 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1912 - To: Harrisburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Liebling. Wife, Elisabeth Kunger, lives in Liebling. Going to join father, Friedrich Kunger.
SCHMITZ Jakob -[S532]- Age: 37 -From: Gr Jetscha
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1912 - To: Milltown, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 31 and mother-in-law, Klara Britz 60wd, all born in Gr Jetscha. Uncle, Johann Kanton, lives in Lenauheim. Going to join brother-in-law, Nikolaus Riesz. Previously lived in Milltown, NJ 190-1907. Last residence, Lenauheim.
STEIGERWALD Nikolaus -[S326]- Age: 48 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1912 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Serb Zerne. Accompanied by wife, Susanna 47, and sons, Peter 15, Johann 11, and Ludwig 9. Wife born in Hatzfeld. Sons born in Serb Zerne. Moather-in-law, Rosalia Krankrel(?), lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join son, Nikolaus Steigerwald. Previously lived in Detroit, 1905-1910.
EMRICH Heinrich -[E562]- Age: 44 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1912 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 38 and daughter Katharine 12, all born in Liebling. Son-in-law, Heinrich ---pf(?), lives in Liebling. Going to join cousin, Daniel Emrich. Previously lived in Chicago, 1906-1920.
FRANK Elisabeth -[F652]- Age: 17 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1912 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Schag. Father, Josef Frank, lives in Schag. Going to join uncle, Nikolaus Krathohil.
GEIGER Jacob Mrs -[G260]- Age: 21 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1912 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by sister-in-law, Mrs Friedrich Geiger 25, both born in Liebling. Father, Jacob Schwenk, lives in Liebling. Going to join husband, Jakob Geiger. The father of the sister-in-law, Michael Kulbach, lives in Liebling and is going to join her husband, Friedrich Geiger. She has previously lived in Chicago, 1907-1910.
LICHTFUSS Gertrud -[L231]- Age: 42 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1912 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Josef 15 and Katharine 12, all born in Schag. Father, Josef Rielberger, lives in Schag. Going to join husband, Wilhelm Lichtfuss.
MAICHEL Adam -[M240]- Age: 36 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1912 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Liebling. Wife, Margaret Maichel, lives in Liebling. Going to join uncle, Adam Maichel. Previously lived in St Louis, 1908-1912.
SCHMIDT Peter Mrs -[S530]- Age: 42 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Monday, 18 Nov 1912 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Schag. Father, Jakob Fischer, lives in Schag. Going to join husband, Peter Schmidt. Previously lived in St Louis, 1906-1911.
BARTL Johann Mrs -[B634]- Age: 23 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Thursday, 26 Dec 1912 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Jacob 3, both born in Sackelhausen. Father, Johann Stystz(?) lives in Sackelhausen. Going to join husband, Johann Bartl. Previously lived 1905-1911 in Philadelphia. Son, Jacob, born 23 Aug 1909, in St Joseph Missouri.
GOTZ Kristina -[G320]- Age: 16 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Thursday, 26 Dec 1912 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Sackelhausen. Father, Nikolaus Gotz, lives in Sackelhausen. Goingto join cousin, Johann Bartl.
STRENG Susanna -[S365]- Age: 19 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Thursday, 26 Dec 1912 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Sackelhausen. Father, Peter Streng, lives in Sackelhausen. Going to join cousin, Peter Goetz.
FISCHER Nikolaus -[F260]- Age: 47 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 23 Jun 1913 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Susanna 47 and son, Ignatz, all born in Neubeschenowa. Brother-in-law, Josef Metzger, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join uncle, Wilhelm Schafter. Previously lived in Chicago, 1908-1911.
SCHWARZ Anna -[S620]- Age: 15 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Monday, 23 Jun 1913 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Grandfather, Johann Schwarz, lives in Neubeschenowa. Going to join cousin, Fritz Karon.
FISCHER Lorenz -[F260]- Age: 19 -From: Rudolfsgnad
-DtAr: Monday, 8 Sep 1913 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Rudolfsgnad. Father, Ludwig Fischer, lives in Rudolfsgnad. Going to join brother, Stefan Fischer. Previoulsy lived in St Louis, 1906-1910.
KASTORY Josef -[K236]- Age: 26 -From: Rudolfsgnad
-DtAr: Monday, 8 Sep 1913 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Rudolfsgnad. Wife, Elisabeth Kastory, lives in Rudolfsgnad.
ERK Elisabeth -[E620]- Age: 19 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 17 Nov 1913 - To: Pullman, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Katharine 1 1/2, both born in Liebling. Father-in-law, Johann Erk, lives in Liebling. Going to join husband, Heinrich Erk. Previously lived in Pullman Il, 1906-1910.
FAUST Katharine -[F230]- Age: 37 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Monday, 17 Nov 1913 - To: Pullman, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Michael 15 and Heinrich 9 1/2, all born in Liebling. Father, Adam Erk, lives in Liebling. Going to join husband, Michael Faust.
MERCZIG Anna -[M622]- Age: 36 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Monday, 17 Nov 1913 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Pardan. Husband, Johann Merczig, lives in Pardan. Going to join sister, Susanna Peter.
BILLING Johann -[B452]- Age: 37 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 14 Apr 1914 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Accompanied by wife, Barbara 36, born in Setschan and kids, Maria 19, Adam 13, Josef 11 and Robert 10. Kids born in Josefsdorf. Father-in-law, Bela Trendler, lives in Josefsdorf. Going to join brother-in-law, A Schibing. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1910-1913.
MERKLER Nikolaus -[M624]- Age: 45 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 14 Apr 1914 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Setschan. Wife, Margaret Melker, lives in Josefsdorf. Last residence, Josefsdorf [*7 Mar 1869 Setschan son of Adam Merkler and Margaret Gerger oo 18 Sep 1892 Josefsdorf to Margaret Schoblocher, dau of Franz Schoblocker and Anna Ellmer] .
PILLI Anna -[P400]- Age: 21 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 14 Apr 1914 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Josefsdorf. Husband, Mathias Pilli, lives in Alexanderhausen. Going to join father, Johann Kahlesz. Last residence Alexanderhausen [*6 Oct 1892 Josefsdorf, dau of Johann Kalesz and Elisabeth Lahm oo 11 Aug 1913 Alexanderhausen to Mathias Pilli].
GIEL Johann -[G400]- Age: 33 -From: Dolatz
-DtAr: Monday, 18 May 1914 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margaret 29 and daughters, Anna 6 and Barbara 4 1/2, all born in Dolatz. Father, Adam Giel, lives in Dolatz. Going to join uncle, Daniel Madler.
KLASZKIN Anton -[K425]- Age: 50 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Monday, 18 May 1914 - To: Helaofen, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Theresia 45, both born in Triebswetter. Sister, Barbara Klaszkin, lives in Treibswetter. Going to join brother, Josef Kloskin. Previously lived in St Louis, 1904-1908.
KLASZKIN Maria -[K425]- Age: 19 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Monday, 18 May 1914 - To: Helaofen, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Nikolaus 1 1/2, both born in Treibswetter. Father, Johann Hubert, lives in Triebswetter. Going to join husband, Adam Kloskin.
PARISON Daniel -[P625]- Age: 29 -From: Dolatz
-DtAr: Monday, 18 May 1914 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 30, both born in Dolatz. Father, Daniel Parison, lives in Dolatz. Previously lived in St Louis, 1909-1912.
REMAN Nikolaus -[R550]- Age: 25 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Monday, 18 May 1914 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 21, both born in Triebswetter. Father, Georg Reman, lives in Triebswetter. Going to join uncle, Anton Schultz.
STUBENVOLL Ernst -[S315]- Age: 16 -From: Marienfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 22 Jun 1914 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Mariendfeld. Father, Samuel Furst, lives in Marienfeld. Going to join father, Josef Studbenvoll.
SCHWANER Alexander -[S560]- Age: 19 -From: Franzfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 3 Aug 1914 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Franzfeld. Father, Johann Schwaner, lives in Franzfeld. Going to join brother, Ferdinand Schwaner.
RATSCHOF Georg -[R321]- Age: 69wd -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Sunday, 22 Nov 1914 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Triebswetter. Son, M Racsov, lives in Triebswetter. Going to join son, G Racsov.
STAUB Josef Mrs -[S310]- Age: 26 -From: Koenigshof
-DtAr: Saturday, 15 May 1915 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Josef 5, both born in Koenigshof. Father, M Huber, lives in Koenigshof. Going to join husband, J Staub. Previously lived in Cincinnati, 1906-?.
DITTRICH Johann Mrs -[D362]- Age: 36 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Sunday, 15 Aug 1915 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Rosa 9, both born in Zichydorf. Father, Anton Knapp, lives in Zichydorf. Going to join husband, Johann Dittrich [Son of Anton Dittrich and Margaret Fiel, oo Roza Knapp dau of Anton Knapp and Katharine May].
HENCZEL Adam Mrs -[H524]- Age: 26 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Sunday, 15 Aug 1915 - To: Wheaton, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Sartscha. Accompanied by kids, Maria 9, born in Nemonyhaza(?), Magdalena 7, born in Zichydorf, Josef 4 born in Temeswar and Margaret, born in New York. Father, Peter Herjo, lives in Urmenhausen. Going to join husband, Adam Henczel. Was previously in New York, 1910-1912. Last residence, Urmenhausen.
LANG Elisabeth -[L520]- Age: 26 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Sunday, 15 Aug 1915 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Peter 6, both born in Zichydorf. Mother, Anna Fleischbacker, lives in Zichydorf. Going to join husband, Kristof Lang. Was previously in St Paul, 1910-1914.
HENCZ Magdalena -[H520]- Age: 29 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 Dec 1915 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Katharine 7 and Johann 3, all born in Perjamosch. Father, Mathias Depot, lives in Wojteg. Going to join husband, K Hencz. Lived previously in Cincinnati, 1904-1907.
KRAUSZER Barbara -[K626]- Age: 25 -From: Kl Betschkerek
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 Dec 1915 - To: Niagara Falls, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by step kids, Peter 11(*19 Jul 1903), Christina 9(*20 Feb 1906), and her kids Wilhelm 7 and Paul 1, all born in Kl Betschkerek except Peter and Christina who were born in Philadelphia. Father, J Mueller, lives in Kl Betschkerek. Going to join husband, Peter Krauszer.
BACK Peter Mrs -[B200]- Age: 45 -From: Bruckenau
-DtAr: Sunday, 30 Jan 1916 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Bruckenau. Sister, Anna Sterz, lives in Bruckenau. Going to join husband, Peter Back. Previously lived in College Point, 1906-1909.
FUTURE Georg Mrs -[F360]- Age: 26 -From: Kathreinfeld
-DtAr: Sunday, 30 Jan 1916 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Katharinfeld. Father, Andreas Dilesen, lives in Lazarfeld. Going to join husband, Gerog Future. Previously lived in Detroit 1913-1914. Last residence, Lazarfeld.
LIEB Margaret -[L100]- Age: 21 -From: Bruckenau
-DtAr: Sunday, 30 Jan 1916 - To: Union Hill, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Bruckenau. Mother, Barbara Lieb, lives in Bruckenau. Going to join brother, Peter Lieb. Previously lived in New York, 1911-1914.
KAMPF Elisabeth -[K510]- Age: 34 -From: Bentschek (D)
-DtAr: Sunday, 5 Mar 1916 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in D Bentschek. Accompanied by sons, Sebastian 7 and Peter 6. Sons born in Jahrmarkt. Father, Michael Klein, lives in Jahrmarkt. Going to join husband, Martin Kampf. Previously lived in Chicago, 1904-1908.
MUELLER Eva -[M460]- Age: 30 -From: Jahrmarkt
-DtAr: Sunday, 5 Mar 1916 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Jahrmarkt. Accompanied by daughters, Rosa 6 1/2 and Anna 5 1/2. Kids born in Temeswar. Sister, Katharine Nippel, lives in Temeswar. Going to join husband, Johann Mueller. Previously lived in New Brunswick, 1911-1914.
REINHARDT Eva -[R563]- Age: 40 -From: St Anna (Neu)
-DtAr: Sunday, 5 Mar 1916 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Josef 11, Michael 9, Anton 7, Alvisa 5 and Barbara 1. Mother, Eva, Josef and Barbara, born in Neu St Anna. Michael and Anton born in Heamto(?) and Alvisa born in Haganding Germany [geb Wunderlich, *17 Dec 1875].
VOGEL Fransicka -[V240]- Age: 34 -From: Engelsbrunn
-DtAr: Sunday, 5 Mar 1916 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by daughters, Margaret 14 and Anna 10, all born in Engelsbrunn. Sister, Theresia Kosztka, lives in Engelsbrunn. Going to join husband, Johann(?) Vogel. Previously lived in New York, 1910-1914.
SCHOPSZ Barbara -[S120]- Age: 33 -From: Gertianosch
-DtAr: Sunday, 30 May 1920 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Bou/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Gertiansoch. Accompanied by daughter Anna 8, born in the U S. Brother-in-law, Andreas Schopsz, lives in Gertianosch. Going to join husband, Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1907-1916.
HABERBACHLER Anna -[H161 ]- Age: 11 -From: Lowrin
-DtAr: Monday, 12 Jul 1920 - To: New York, NY -Via: Bou/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Lowrin.
LISCHERON Anton -[L265]- Age: 40 -From: Mollydorf
-DtAr: Saturday, 30 Oct 1920 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Mollydorf. Accompanied by wife, Maria 37, born in Velosz? Going to join uncle, Frank Kasteiner, Previously lived in Detroit, 1911-1920.
MATYE Peter -[M300]- Age: 29 -From: Mollydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 19 Jan 1921 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 18, both born in Mollydorf. Mother, B Matye, lives at Mollydorf 128. Going to join brother-in-law, M Lukas.
MAUL Mathias -[M400]- Age: 54 -From: Massdorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 19 Jan 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharina 56, both born in Massdorf. Previously lived in Philadelphia 1907-1919.
OSTERLING Nikolaus -[O236]- Age: 52 -From: Massdorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 19 Jan 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Massdorf. Accompanied by wife, Anna 55. Going to join neophew, Nikolaus Metzger. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1912-1914.
BECK Magdalena -[B200]- Age: 34 -From: Heufeld
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Feb 1921 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son Nikolaus 14. Mother, Anna Leitner, lives in Heufeld. Going to join husband Nikolaus Beck.
GABRIEL Peter -[G164]- Age: 49 -From: Ulmbach
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Feb 1921 - To: Bronx, NY -Via: Bou/Bos -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Theresia 39, kids, Peter 17, Elisabeth 15 and Gertrud 12, all born in Ulmbach. Sister, ? Midler, lives at Ulmbach 44. Going to join daugher, ? Weber.
GAYER Margaret -[G600]- Age: 36 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Feb 1921 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/Bos -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Hatzfeld. Going to join husband, Jakob Gayer. Previously lived in Detroit, 1904-1920.
GEISZ Magdalena -[G200]- Age: 19 -From: Ulmbach
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Feb 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Bou/Bos -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Traveling with Josef Bal 14, both born in Ulmbach. Father, J Geisz, lives at Ulmbach 398. Going to join uncle, V Staffer.
KLEIN Wilhelm -[K450]- Age: 26 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Feb 1921 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Bou/Bos -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margaret 22 and son, Nikolaus 2, all born in Triebswetter. Mother, Maria Witje, lives at Triebswetter 766. Going to join adpted brother, Peter Wolf.
SCHULD Philip -[S430]- Age: 18 -From: Freidorf
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Feb 1921 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bou/Bos -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by Magdalena Schuld 15, both born in Freidorf. Father, Franz Schuld, lives in Freidorf. Going to join brother, Josef Schuld.
THIERJUNG Jakob -[T625]- Age: 27 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Feb 1921 - To: Sharon, PA -Via: Bou/Bos -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Julianna 26 and kids, Josef 6 and Anna 2. Parents born in Josefdorf, Josef born in Sharon Penn, Anna born in Akron Ohio. Father, Bernard Thierjung, lives in Josefsdorf. Going to join brother-in-law, ? Previously lived in Sharon Penn, 1910-1919.
WENER Nikolaus -[W560]- Age: 16 -From: Heufeld
-DtAr: Monday, 21 Feb 1921 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Heufeld. Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Beck.
GROSSWEIN Johann -[G625]- Age: 32 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 23 Feb 1921 - To: Los Angles, CA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Uncle, Georg Kall, lives in Hodon. Previously lived in Los Angles, 1912-1920. Last residence Hodon.
KAFKA Magdalena -[K120]- Age: 25 -From: St Hubert
-DtAr: Saturday, 2 Apr 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by son, Franz 7, both born in St Hubert. Father(?) Ludwig Laub, lives in St Hubert. Going to join brother, Peter Laub [Franz *16 Feb 1914, +14 Nov 2010 Bartlett, Cook Co IL] .
STOFFLE Stefan -[S314]- Age: 18 -From: St Hubert
-DtAr: Saturday, 2 Apr 1921 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in St Hubert. Mother(?) Marianna Stofle, lives in St Hubert [*6 Nov 1903(naturaliztion record), son of Nikolaus Stoffle and Marianna Adam].
SENDEF Lorenz -[S531]- Age: 24 -From: Seultour
-DtAr: Saturday, 18 Jun 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Soultour. Father, Anton Sendef, lives in St Hubert. Going to join brother-in-law, Michael Koleng [*16 Nov 1897 Naturalization Record].
GROSZ Anna -[G620]- Age: 40 -From: Dolatz
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Jul 1921 - To: Bridgeport, CT -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Dolatz. Going to join brother-in-law, Josef Farkas.
KRETTLER Ludwig -[K634]- Age: 39 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Jul 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Traveling with brother, Johann Krettler 26, both born in Hatzfeld. Father, Johann Krettler, lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join brother, Ignatz Krettler.
LAUB Jakob -[L100]- Age: 58 -From: St Hubert
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Jul 1921 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in St Hubert. Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 58 and kids, Jakob 23, Eva 21 and Georg Laub 16. Wife and kids born in Hatzfeld. Brother-in-law, Peter Leiher, lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join son, Georg Laub. Georg Laub 16 is going to join brother, N N Rosenhoffer, in St Louis.
RETZLER Johann -[R324]- Age: 27 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Jul 1921 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Hatzfeld. Father, Franz Retzler, lives in Hatzfeld. Going to join uncle, Michel Retzler.
FEILER Anton -[F460]- Age: 57 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Friday, 14 Jul 1922 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 54 and granddaughter, Katharina Jung 9, all born in Neusiedel. Daughter, Katharina Mangol, lives in Neusiedel. Going to join son-in-law, Johann Jung. Previously lived in Philadelphia 1907-1912. Wife lived in Philadelphia, 1909-1912.
KOSZTER Anna -[K236]- Age: 22 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Friday, 14 Jul 1922 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Billed. Aunt, A Alexis , lives at Billed 670. Going to join brother, Adam Koszter.
LESZL Nikolaus -[L240]- Age: 39 -From: Tschanad
-DtAr: Friday, 14 Jul 1922 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 35 and kids, Katharina 13 and Johann 9, all born in Tschanad. Brother, Peter Leszl, lives in Tschanad.
MELLECK Anna -[M420]- Age: 68 -From: Alexanderhausen
-DtAr: Friday, 14 Jul 1922 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Alexanderhausen. Son-in-law, Josef Bauer lives at Alexanderhausen 5. Going to join son-in-law, R Eberhart.
SAUER Elisabeth -[S600]- Age: 17 -From: Traunau
-DtAr: Friday, 14 Jul 1922 - To: Buffalo, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Born in Traunau. Sister, Mrs Fr Sauer, lives at Traunau 178. Going to join brother-in-law, Michel Stipkovits.
SCHMIDT Peter -[S530]- Age: 44 -From: Tschanad
-DtAr: Friday, 14 Jul 1922 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharina 41, both born in Tschanad. Brother-in-law, Josef Schmelzer, lives in Tschanad. Going to join brother-in-law, M Pauli. Previously lived in Philadelphia 1907-1912.
TRASSER Franz -[T626]- Age: 23 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Friday, 14 Jul 1922 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Rotterdam
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 19 and brother-in-law, Ludwig Kiefer 17, all born in Triebswetter. Mother, M Trasser, lives at Triebswetter 46. Going to join uncle, Ludwig Nemescek.
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