BACH Alexander -[B200]- Age: 15 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Jul 1902 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Neckar
BACKHAUS Michael -[B220]- Age: 36 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 3 Mar 1906 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Chemnitz
BAUER Johann -[B600]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 24 May 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Gr Kurfurst
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Krauser.
BECHER Wendel -[B260]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 5 Aug 1910 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Rhein
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Wendel Becher, lives at 640 Knees. Going to join cousin, Peter Webert.
BECKER Josefine -[B260]- Age: 29 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 8 Aug 1930 - To: Toronto, ON -Via: Ham/Hal -Ship: Cleveland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Johann 9 and Maria 7. Josefind and Johann born in Knees; Maria born in Billed. Mother, Margaret Mauer, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Frank Becker.
BEITZ Josef -[B320]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 5 Jun 1910 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Cincinnati
-Note: Born in Knees. Accompanied by wife, Anna 19, born in Kl St Peter. Father-in-law, Stefan Schmitz, lives in Mercydorf. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Hamm.
BEITZ Josef -[B320]- Age: 20 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 5 Jun 1910 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Cincinnati
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 19, born in Kl St Peter. Father-in-law, Stefan Schmitz, lives in Mercydorf. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Hamm. Last residence, Mercydorf.
BENZ Josef -[B520]- Age: 40 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 12 Oct 1928 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Che/NY -Ship: Mauretania
-Note: Sister, Katharina Slavik, lives at Kl etschkerek 398. Previously lived in Elisabeth 1908-1928 [*6 Mar 1888 Knees, son of Adam Bentz and Barbara Glass oo 4 Nov 1913 Kl Betschkerek Maria Kaiser].
BERKHERSCH Katharine -[B626]- Age: 60 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 8 May 1908 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Born in Knees. Sister, Maria Neder, lives in Knees. Going to join son, Georg Berkhersch.
BIRKENHEIER Susanna -[B625]- Age: 33 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Oct 1911 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Main
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Maria 9 and nephew, Stefan Varga 10, all born in Knees. Sister, Klara Leber, lives in Temeswar/Fabrik. Was previously in the U. S., 1904-1907. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Birkenheier. Stefan is going to join stepfather, Rudolf Manday.
BISCHAK Johann -[B220]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 21 May 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
BISCHEK Adam -[B220]- Age: 19 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 18 May 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
BLASS Adam -[B420]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 24 Jul 1906 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Carpathia
-Note: Going to join brother, Lambert Blasz.
BLENNERT Eva -[B456]- Age: 19 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 28 Apr 1911 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Frankfurt
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Johann Blennert, lives in Knees. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Klein.
BLOSS Josef -[B420]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 19 Dec 1906 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Friedrich D Gr
-Note: Born in Knees. Going to join brother, Adam Bloss.
BOHN Elisabeth -[B500]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 20 Sep 1911 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Pres Lincoln
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Jacob Bohn, lives in Hodon. Going to join brother, Franz Bohn. Last residence, Hodon.
BRAUNER Lambert -[B656]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 9 Nov 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Hugo Brauner, lives in Knees. Going to join brother, Johann Brauner.
BREITENBACH Heinrich -[B635]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Feb 1906 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Cassel
BREITENBACH Maria -[B635]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Aug 1910 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Johann Breitenbach lives at 19 Knees. Going to join brother, Heinrich Breitenbach.
BROKASKA Nikolaus -[B622]- Age: 26 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Jul 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: K Wilhelm Ii
-Note: Going to join cousin, Michael Glass.
BSSLER Peter -[B246]- Age: 36 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 8 Feb 1903 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Koeln
BUCHLER Georg -[B246]- Age: 35 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 31 May 1907 - To: Columbus, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Main
-Note: Born in Knees. Last residence, Temeswar.
DAM Rozalia -[D500]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 28 Oct 1905 - To: New York, NY -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Going to join husband, Johann Dam.
DANER Jacob -[D560]- Age: 19 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 13 May 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Friedrich D Gr
DAVID Peter -[D130]- Age: 29 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 21 Apr 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Amerika
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 26, both born in Knees. Going to join bro-in-law, Michael Rentz.
DESCHAU Anna -[D200]- Age: 29 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 27 Jul 1930 - To: Montreal Canada, QC -Via: Che/Hal -Ship: Alaunia
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Barbara 10, Father, Nikolaus Pantus, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Deschau. Canadian passenger ship record.
DILK Johann -[D420]- Age: 27 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 26 Mar 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margaret 22.
DINGLER Peter -[D524]- Age: 28 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 25 Aug 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Amerika
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, August Welschel.
DUGONIC Georg -[D252]- Age: 53 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 31 Oct 1909 - To: Blue Point Long Island, NY -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Amerika
-Note: Accompanied by wfie, Katahrine 49, both born in Knees. Brother, Josef Dugonic, lives in Alexanderhausen. Going to join son, Nikolaus Dugonic [*5 Oct 1853 Alexanderhausen, +21 Dec 1922 Alexanderhausen, son of Jakob Dugonits and Anna Ortmann, oo 4 Feb 1878 Alexanderhausen to Katharina Schannen].
EHLING Elisabeth -[E452]- Age: 18 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 13 Sep 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Neckar
-Note: Traveling with her sister, Eva Ehling 15. Going to join their cousin, Nikolaus Gengler.
EHLING Maria -[E452]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 26 Mar 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Going to join sister, Elisabeth Ehling, 2850 May St, Cincinnati.
EICHERT Barbara -[E263]- Age: 22 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 7 Feb 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Darmstadt
EICHERT Elisabeth -[E263]- Age: 18 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 6 Jan 1909 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Rhein
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Lambert Eichert, lives in Knees. Was previously in the U. S., 1904-1908 Going to join bro-in-law, Michael Haas.
EICHERT Magdalena -[E263]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 25 Dec 1904 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Frankfurt
-Note: Going to join cousin, Mathias Jung.
ENGELMANN Katharine -[E524]- Age: 18 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Aug 1910 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Peter Frick lives, at 73 Knees. Going to join husband, Johann Engelmann.
FIAK Agnes -[F200]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Born in Knees.
FIAK Katharine -[F200]- Age: 20 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 15 Nov 1904 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Vaderland
FILIP Andreas -[F410]- Age: 37 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 27 Apr 1907 - To: N Carlle, PA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Main
FISCHER Mathias -[F260]- Age: 45 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 13 May 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Friedrich D Gr
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 44 and daughter, Magdalena. Going to join son-in-law, Nikolaus Debasher.
FRANK Susanna -[F652]- Age: 56 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Jun 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
FRICK Josef -[F620 ]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Aug 1911 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Geo Washington
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Peter Frick, lives in Knees. Going to join brother-in-law, Johann Engelmann.
FRICK Peter -[F620 ]- Age: 49 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 5 May 1914 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Kronprinz Wilhelm
-Note: Born in Billed. Accompanied by wife, Kathrina 47 and daughter, Maria 16. Wife and daughter, born in Knees.
FRIEDMANN Michael -[F635]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Feb 1906 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Cassel
FRIER Katherina -[F660]- Age: 15 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 21 Jun 1905 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Hannover
FRITZ Nikolaus -[F632]- Age: 37 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 3 Mar 1906 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Chemnitz
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Gros.
FRITZ Nikolaus -[F632]- Age: 31 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 2 Aug 1929 - To: Winnipeg, MB -Via: Bre/Hal -Ship: Seydlitz
-Note: Wife, Barbara 23 and son, Johann 4 live at Knees 671. Canadian passenger ship record.
FUCHS Anton -[F220]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 28 Feb 1903 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
FUCHS Maria -[F220]- Age: 20 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 6 May 1908 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Traveling with sister, Susanna 16, both born in Knees. Father, Jacob Fuchs, lives in Knees. Going to join brother-in-law, Peter Petri.
FUSSEL Katharine -[F240]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 2 May 1906 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Ultonia
-Note: Going to join cousin, Peter Kranyo.
GENGLER Jacob -[G524]- Age: 28 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 1 Dec 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: [*3 Mar 1877 Knees, +17 Sep 1927 Baltimore, son of Michael Gangler and Eva Haupt, oo to Margaret Elisabeth Loch(J Gangler)]
GENGLER Peter -[G524]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 8 Feb 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Koeln
-Note: Going to join cousin, Barbara Eichert [* 23 Aug 1886(WW I Cincinnati draft registration), *25 Aug 1886, son of Mathias Gangler and Theresia Tuzsel(J Gengler)].
GENGLER Peter -[G524]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 15 Sep 1910 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Pres Grant
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife, Anna Gengler, lives in Orzydorf. Going to join bro-in-law, Stefan Senes. Previously lived in Cincinnati, 1903-1910. Last residence, Orzydorf.
GERGEN Nikolaus -[G625]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 20 Aug 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Going to join cousin, Peter Federspiel.
GERGEN Peter -[G625]- Age: 37 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 9 Nov 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife, Theresia Gergen, lives in Knees.
GLASSEN Franz -[G425]- Age: 48 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Jun 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Koenigin Luise
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 42 and kids, Barbara 18 and Johann 15. Going to join uncle, Michael Glass.
GLASSEN Margaret -[G425]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Jun 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Koenigin Luise
-Note: Accompanied by brother, Peter 14. Going to join uncle, Michael Glass.
GLASZ Johann -[G420]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Mar 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
GLINGLER Elisabeth -[G452]- Age: 40 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 9 Oct 1901 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Barbarossa
-Note: Going to join daughter, Barbara and son-in-law, Martin Glass.
GRAEBELDINGER Josef -[G614]- Age: 43 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 21 Apr 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Amerika
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 41 and son, Josef 15, all born in Knees. Going to join bro-in-law, Michael Gellard.
GROSS Maria -[G620]- Age: 32 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Lambert 11 and Franz 9, all born in Knees. Going to join husband, Peter Gross.
GROSS Maria -[G620]- Age: 22 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 15 Dec 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Breslau
-Note: Born in Knees. Father< Johann Gross, lives at Rozsy ut 31, Temeswar. Going to join brother, Johann Bross.
GROSZ Anna -[G620]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 2 Feb 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Oldenburg
GROSZ Heinrich -[G620]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Jun 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Koenigin Luise
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Eva 22. going to join bro-in-law, Nikolaus Glass.
GROSZ Nikolaus -[G620]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Jun 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Going to join step-brother, Peter Federspiel.
HEINRICH Elisabeth -[H562]- Age: 20 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 22 Spt 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Bremen
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Nikolaus Prohaszka.
HEINRICH Katharine -[H562]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 13 Nov 1903 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Going to join husband, Peter Heinrich.
HEINRICH Magdalena -[H562]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Feb 1906 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Going to join brother, Peter Heinrich.
HEINRICH Peter -[H562]- Age: 26 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 11 Aug 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Bremen
-Note: Going to join brother, Wendel Heinrich. Accompanied by step sister, Barbara Machga 16 who is going to join cousin, Johann Lauth.
HERBET Jakob -[H613]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 13 Sep 1910 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Rhein
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Nikolaus Herbek, lives in Knees.
HERBET Johann -[H613]- Age: 26 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 10 Feb 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Weimar
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Ottilie 26.
HERBST Magdalena -[H612]- Age: 22 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 20 Jul 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, (?) Herbst, lives at 154 Knees. Going to join brother, Johann Herbst.
HERBST Ottilie -[H612]- Age: 28 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 20 Jul 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Born in Knees. Father-in-law, Lambert Herbst, lives in Knees. Was previously in the U. S., 1905-1906. Going to join husband, Johann Herbst.
HUENICH(?) Katharine -[H520]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 13 Nov 1903 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Going to join husband, Peter Hemorich(?).
INGRISCH Martin -[I526]- Age: 21 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 15 May 1902 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Graf Waldersee
-Note: Accompanied by brother, Michael 16. Going to join father, Franz Ingrisch.
ISLER Johann -[I246]- Age: 40 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 19 Dec 1909 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife, Maria Isler, lives at 170 Knees. Was previously in the U. S., 1904-1906. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Herbst.
JAEGER Michael -[J260]- Age: 36 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 6 May 1908 - To: College Point, NY -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife lives in Knees. Going to joing bro-in-law, Geza Ritter.
JSZLER Anton -[J460]- Age: 33 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 10 Feb 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Weimar
JUBER Johann -[J160]- Age: 35 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 10 Feb 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Weimar
KAHLAN Wendel -[K450]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 11 May 1911 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Born in Knees. Sister, Magdalena Kalan, lives in Panjowa. Going to join brother, Jakob Kahlan. Last residence, Panjowa.
KAHLESZ Elisabeth -[K420]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 19 Dec 1909 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
-Note: Traveling with her sister, Eva Kahlesz 16, both born in Knees. Father, Jakob Kahlesz, lives at 150 Knees. Going to join uncle, Michael Matzger.
KARCH Josef -[K620]- Age: 27 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Aug 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Kronprinz Wilhelm
-Note: Born in Knees. Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 23, born in Orzydorf. Father-in-law, Josef Kellmann, lives in Orzydorf. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Balhezar(?).
KIRSCH Eva -[K620]- Age: 24m -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 18 Feb 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Going to join husband, Jakob Kirsch.
KIRSCH Jakob -[K620]- Age: 28 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 2 Feb 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Oldenburg
KIRSCH Josef -[K620]- Age: 40 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 11 Jul 1907 - To: Bernwick, PA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Born in Knees.
KLEIN Bernard -[K450]- Age: 29 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 23 Oct 1903 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Koeln
KLEIN Michael -[K450]- Age: 37 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 7 May 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Carpathia
-Note: Born in Knees. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Goschi.
KLINGLER Dominik -[K452 ]- Age: 45 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 9 Oct 1901 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Barbarossa
-Note: [Klingler, * Gr Jetscha]
KOCH Margaret -[K200]- Age: 34 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 4 May 1904 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Prinz Alice
KRAMP Anna -[K651]- Age: 32 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 26 Mar 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Accompanied by son, Johann 7 and cousin Josef 10. Going to join husband, Peter Kramp.
KRAMP Peter -[K651]- Age: 37 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 11 Nov 1904 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
-Note: Accompanied by son, Peter Kramp 15.
KRAUSER Agnes -[K626]- Age: 15 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Waldner.
KRAUSER Johann -[K626]- Age: 42 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 16 Jul 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
KRAUSER Margaret -[K626]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 6 Dec 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Koeln
-Note: Going to join father, Johann Krauser.
KRAUSER Margaret -[K626]- Age: 44 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 2 Jun 1904 - To: Salt Lake City, UT -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Accompanied by daughters, Barbara 9 and Margaret 4. Going to join husband, Johann Krauser.
KRIER Katharine -[K660]- Age: 15 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 21 Jun 1905 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Hannover
-Note: Going to join uncle, Josef Gross.
KRISET Adermna -[K623]- Age: 30Wd -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 10 Feb 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Weimar
KUBMANN Margaret -[K155]- Age: 41 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 28 Apr 1911 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Frankfurt
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Jacob 16, Magdalena 14 and Johann 10, all born in Knees. Brother, Jacob Kirch, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Adam Kubmann.
KULBURG Maria -[K416]- Age: 43 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Apr 1910 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Ultonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Brother Nikolaus Kulburg, lives in Temeswar. Going to join brother-in-law, Georg Hochscheidt. Last residence, Temeswar.
KUSMANN Adam -[K255]- Age: 35 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 22 Mar 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Wittekind
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Kramp [*12 Mar 1869, +16 Mar 1925 Cincinnati, son of Karl Kussmann and Katharina Holtzinger oo Margaret Kirsch *1870, +2 Dec 1934 Cincinnati, dau of Georg Kirsch and NN Petz] .
LAMBING Maria -[L515]- Age: 20 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 2 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Oldenburg
LAMBING Michael -[L515]- Age: 29 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 29 Dec 1907 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife lives in Knees.
LAMBING Michael -[L515]- Age: 29 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 29 Dec 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife lives in Knees.
LAUER Franz -[L600]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 6 Apr 1930 - To: Winnipeg, MB -Via: Ham/Hal -Ship: St Louis
-Note: Father, Adam Lauer, lives at Knees 77. Canadian passenger ship record.
LAUER Peter -[L600]- Age: 44 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 42 and kids, Martin 17 and Eva 9, all born in Knees. Goingto join brother, Jakob Lauer.
LAY Cecilie -[L000]- Age: 19 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 8 May 1908 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Born in Knees. Mother, Elisabeth Lay, lives in Knees. Going to join sister, Katharine Lay.
LAY Elisabeth -[L000]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 19 May 1909 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Main
-Note: Traveling with her sister, Maria Lay 16, both born in Knees. Mother, Elisabeth Lay, lives in Knees. Going to join sister, Cecilie Lay.
LAY Katharine -[L000]- Age: 20 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Nov 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Born in Knees. Mother, Elisabeth Lay, lives in Knees. Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Weismann.
LAZIN Laszlo -[L250]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 7 May 1907 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Carpathia
-Note: Born in Knees.
LEGO Nikolaus -[L200]- Age: 42 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 21 Apr 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Amerika
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Marianna 43 and son Nikolaus 15, all born in Knees. Going to join cousin, Peter Lego.
LENHARD Magdalena -[L563]- Age: 13 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 7 Feb 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Darmstadt
LENHARDT Johann -[L563]- Age: 19 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 May 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Dresden
-Note: Going to join sister, Magdalena Lenhardt.
LENHART Eva -[L563]- Age: 34 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 22 Sep 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Bremen
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Lambert 11, Eva 9 and Katharine 7. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Lenhart.
LIENERT Johann -[L563]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 27 Apr 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Main
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Katharine 2. Going to join wife, Katharine Lienert.
LOJBEL Josefa -[L214]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 19 Dec 1909 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Peter 2 and Elisabeth 9/12, all born in Knees. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Lajbel.
LOJBEL Nikolaus -[L214]- Age: 27 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 19 May 1909 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Main
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife, Josefa Lojbel, lives in Knees. Going to join sister-in-law, Cecilie Lay.
LUTZ Maria -[L320]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 15 Dec 1906 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Kroonland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Rosalia 2 and Johann 4/12, all born in Knees. Going to join husband, Joseph Lutz.
MARCHER Johann -[M626]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 27 Apr 1907 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Main
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 32 and son, Michael 6. all born in Knees except wife, Katharine who was born in Warjasch. Going to join bro-in-law, (?) Schosser.
MARKER Anton -[M626]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 22 Nov 1907 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Susanna 21, both born in Knees. Father-in-law, Johann Mann, lives at 94 Knees. Going to join a cousin, Peter Kramp.
MARKER Anton -[M626]- Age: 32 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 7 Apr 1914 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Geo Washington
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Susanna 28 and daughter, Anna 8, all born in Knees. Father-in-law, Johann Mann, lives at Knees 94. Going to join uncle, Peter Hahn. Previously lived in New Brunswick, 1908-1911.
MARKER Margaretha -[M626]- Age: 15 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 13 Nov 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Going to join father, Johann Marker.
MARTIN Hans -[M635]- Age: 59 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Feb 1911 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Amerika
-Note: Born in Knees. Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 55, born in Warjasch. Father-in-law, Jakob Pfaff, lives in Warjasch. Going to join son, Johann Martin. Previously lived in Detroit, 1902-1906.
MARTIN Johann -[M635]- Age: 45 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Feb 1906 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Accompanied by daughter(?), Magdalena 15. Going to join brother, Johann Martin.
MARTIN Johann -[M635]- Age: 59 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 25 Feb 1911 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Amerika
-Note: Born in Knees. Accompanied by wfie, Magdalena 55, born in Warjasch. Father-in-law, Ludwig Pfaff, lives in Warjasch. Going to join son, Johann Martin. Previously lived in Detroit, 1902-1906.
MARTIN Lambert -[M635]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 26 Mar 1905 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
MARTIN Margaret -[M635]- Age: 42 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Johann 15, Peter 9, Nikolaus 7 and Franz 3, all born in Knees. Going to join husband, Johann Martin.
MAUERER Nikolaus -[M660]- Age: 18 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 29 Oct 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Noordam
-Note: Born in Knees. Father(?), Nikolaus Mauerer, lives in Knees. Going to join cousin, Michael Helperk.
MAURER Johann -[M660]- Age: 33 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 7 Nov 1907 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margaret 28, and kids, Johann 11, Michael 9, Paul 6 and Barbara 4, all born in Knees. Father, Johann Maurer, lives at 16 Knees. Going to join cousin, Michael Klasz.
MAYER Nikolaus -[M600]- Age: 44 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 23 Oct 1903 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Koeln
-Note: Going to join uncle, Johann Mayer.
MUMBER Franz -[M516]- Age: 38 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Jun 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Angela 36 and daughters, Katharine 10 Maria 8, and Barbara 6. Going to join bro-in-law, Jacob Seibert.
MUMBER Peter -[M516]- Age: 15 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Jul 1902 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Neckar
NEUMANN Susanna -[N550]- Age: 27 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 31 Dec 1910 - To: Omro, WI -Via: Bre/Phi -Ship: Frankfurt
-Note: Born in Knees. Husband, Franz Neumann, lives at 684 Billed. Going to join brother-in-law, Peter Gross.
NIEDERKORN Johann -[N362]- Age: 36 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 23 Oct 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Koeln
OBERLE Jacob -[O164]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 3 Nov 1909 - To: Simpson, PA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Gr Kurfurst
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Anna 18, both born in Kneez. Father, Jakob Oberle, lives in Kneez. Going to join brother, Stefan Oberle. Previously lived in Simpson, 1894-1908.
OCHSENWALD Peter -[O225]- Age: 35 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 13 Jun 1905 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Gr Kurfurst
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Apolonia 26 and sons, Peter 2 and Georg 11/12. Going to join sister-in-law, Anna Pfeifer, who is the sister of Apolonia.
OLLINGER Johann -[O452]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Born in Knees.
PAPP Ludwig Mrs -[P100]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 6 May 1908 - To: Newark, NJ -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Karl Bodner, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Ludwig Papp. Previously lived in Newark, 1904-1907.
PEATRI Nikolaus -[P360]- Age: 37 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 4 May 1904 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Prinz Alice
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 38, and kids Elisabeth 17 and Peter 7. Going to join son-in-law, Heinrich Gross.
PETER Johann -[P360]- Age: 28 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 3 Sep 1907 - To: College Point, NY -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Ultonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife lives in Knees.
PETER Peter -[P360]- Age: 22 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 29 Dec 1907 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 24, both born in Knees. Father, Johann Pfeiffer, lives in Knees. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Ochsenfeld.
PETRE Franz -[P360]- Age: 36 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Jun 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Koenigin Luise
-Note: Going to join son-in-law, Conrad Gross.
PETRI Josef -[P360]- Age: 18 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 1 Jun 1905 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Barbarossa
-Note: Traveling with his brother, Mathias 16 and sister, Barbara 15. Going to join their uncle, Franz Petry.
PETRI Katharine -[P360]- Age: 35 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 22 Sep 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Bremen
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Katharine 16, Eva 11, Franz 9, Maria 7 and Elisabeth 3. Going to join husband, Franz Petri.
PETRI Peter -[P360]- Age: 22 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 29 Dec 1907 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 24, both born in Knees. Father, Johann Pfeiffer, lives in Knees. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Ochsenfeld.
PETRIE Maria -[P360]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 9 Oct 1910 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Cleveland
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Franz Petrie, lives in Knees. Previously lived in Chicago, 1905-1909.
PETZ Margaret -[P320]- Age: 15 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 May 1907 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: K Wilhelm Ii
-Note: Born in Knees. Going to join brother, Mathias Petz.
PFEIFFER Katharine -[P160]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 2 May 1906 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Ultonia
-Note: Going to join brother, Peter Pfeiffer.
PFEIFFER Maria -[P160]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 6 May 1908 - To: New York, NY -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Peter Pfeiffer, lives in Knees. Going to join uncle, Nikolaus Gross.
PLENNERT Mathias -[P456 ]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Aug 1911 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Geo Washington
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Johann Plennert, lives in Knees. Going to join brother-in-law, Peter Klein.
PROHASZKA Maria -[P620]- Age: 28 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 22 Sep 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Bremen
-Note: Going to join husband, Nikolaus Prohaszka.
QUGOMOS Nikolaus -[Q252]- Age: 22 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Monday, 9 Feb 1903 - To: Stapleton, NY -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Zieten
QUITTER Barbara -[Q360]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Monday, 7 Dec 1908 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Main
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Mathias Gengler, lives at 111 Knees. Going to join husband, Johann Quitter [*20 Mar 1889, dau of Mathias Gengler and Theresia Tuzsel].
REBHOLZ Barbara -[R142]- Age: 32 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 29 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Noordam
-Note: Born in Knees. Accompanied by kids, Elisabeth 11 and Franz 4/12. Kids born in Hodon. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Rebholz. Last residence, Hodon.
RESBL Valentin -[R214]- Age: 18 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 26 Nov 1903 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Frankfurt
-Note: Going to join cousin, Anton Gravas.
RIDER Johann -[R360]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 18 Feb 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
RIEDER Elisabeth -[R360]- Age: 37 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 21 Dec 1907 - To: Great Neck, NY -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Kronprinz Wilhelm
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Nikolaus 11 and Adam 8, all born in Knees. Father, Josef Schroder, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Adam Rieder.
ROTH Johann -[R300]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 26 Mar 1905 - To: Wheatland, PA -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Going to join brother, Michael Roth.
ROTHGERBER Nikolaus -[R326]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 29 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Noordam
-Note: Traveling with Magdalena Rothgerber 16 both born in Knees. Father(?), Johann Rothgerber, lives in Knees. Going to join bro-in-law, Nikolaus Rebholz. Last residence, Hodon.
SCHEBBER Gaspar -[S160]- Age: 26 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 29 Jul 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Barbarossa
-Note: Going to join uncle, Michael Glass.
SCHEER Peter -[S600]- Age: 43 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 16 Mar 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Carpathia
-Note: Born in Knees. Accompanied by wife, Katharine 45 and daughter. Susanna 13, both born in Billed. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Steiner. Last residence, Billed [Susanna *15 Sep 1893].
SCHINK Franz -[S520]- Age: 28 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Jun 1903 - To: Martins Ferry, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
SCHIPPER Elisabeth -[S160]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 21 Sep 1904 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Vaderland
-Note: Accompaned by son, Nikolaus 9/12 and sister-in-law, Catharine Schipper 22. Going to join husband , Kaspar Schipper.
SCHLIPPER Elisabeth -[S416]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 21 Sep 1904 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Vaderland
-Note: Accompanied by son, Nikolaus 9/12 and sister-in-law, Catharine Schlipper 22. Going to join husband, Kaspar Schlipper.
SCHNEIDER Johann -[S536]- Age: 27 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 4 Jan 1908 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Liv/NY -Ship: Lusitania
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 26 and son, Lambert 1, all born in Knees. Father-in-law, Mathias Petz, lives in Knees.
SCHNEIDER Margaret -[S536]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Jun 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
SCHRAKER Margaret -[S626]- Age: 26 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 2 Jun 1904 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Going to join husband, Michael Straker.
SCHROTER Katharina -[S636]- Age: 19 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 3 Mar 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Chemnitz
SCHWARZ Anton -[S620]- Age: 28 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 May 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Dresden
-Note: Going to join sister-in-law, Magdalena Lenhardt.
SCHWARZ Katharine -[S620]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 17 Sep 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Willehad
SCHWICKER Margaret -[S260]- Age: 26 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 9 Jun 1904 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
-Note: Going to join husband, Michael Schwicker.
SCHWIEGER Michael -[S260]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 24 May 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Gr Kurfurst
-Note: Going to join cousin, Johann Krauser.
SEIVERTH Johann -[S163]- Age: 26 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 27 Apr 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Main
-Note: Going to join cousin, Katharine Leinert.
SKOVCINECZ Katharine -[S125]- Age: 49 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Apr 1912 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Kronprinz Wilhelm
-Note: Born in Knees. Brother, Josef Sebastian, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Konrad Skovancz.
SPRINGER Elisabeth -[S165]- Age: 35wd -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 5 May 1905 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Gneisenau
STUMBILICH Peter -[S351]- Age: 31 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Apr 1929 - To: Winnipeg, MB -Via: Ham/Sj -Ship: Metagama
-Note: Wife, Wilma Stumbilich, lives in Knees. Canadian passenger ship record.
SZKOVANECZ Katharine -[S152]- Age: 44 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 13 Jun 1907 - To: N Adams, MA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Going to join husband, Wendel Skovanecz. Was previously in the U. S., 1900-1907.
THESER Magdalean -[T260]- Age: 55Wd -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 Jun 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Koenigin Luise
-Note: Going to join son-in-law, Michael Glass.
TILG Josef -[T420]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Clara 26, both born in Knees. Going to join brother, Johann Tilg.
TILG Josef -[T420]- Age: 33 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 9 Oct 1910 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Cleveland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Margaret 9 and Nikoalus 6, all born in Knees. Father, Nikoluas Tilg, lives in Knees. Going to join wife, Klara Tilg. Prevuously lived in New Brunswick, 1907-1910.
TILG Nikolaus -[T420]- Age: 42 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Eva 43 and kids, Maria 20, Katharine 18, Anton 11 and Elisabeth 9, all borin in Knees. Going to join brother, Johann Tilg.
TILGER Susanna -[T426]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 5 May 1904 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Breslau
TRAPP Susanna -[T610]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 20 May 1908 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Neckar
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Johann Rothgeber, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Johann Drapp.
TUFEL Margaret -[T140]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 20 Jul 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Nikolaus Tufel, lives at 51 Knees.
TUSSEL Maria -[T240]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 25 Dec 1904 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Frankfurt
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Mathias Jung.
VETTER Johann -[V360]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 May 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Dresden
-Note: Going to join sister, Katharine Vetter.
VETTER Katharine -[V360]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 7 Feb 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Darmstadt
WAGNER Johann -[W256]- Age: 32 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 27 Apr 1907 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Main
WALDNER Nikolaus -[W435]- Age: 38 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 23 May 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Slavonia
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margaret 38, and daughters, Margaret 11 and Elisabeth 9, all born in Knees. Going to join son, Nikolaus Waldner.
WALTER Nikolaus -[W436]- Age: 34 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 24 May 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Gr Kurfurst
-Note: Accompanied by son, Nikolaus 11. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Krauser.
WALTRICH Johann -[W436]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 9 Nov 1907 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Nikoalus Waltrich, lives in Knees. Going to join uncle, Johann Bleisser.
WAMBACH Katharina -[W512]- Age: 42 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Nov 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Cassel
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Alexander 11 and Martin 5. Going to join husband, Michael Wambach.
WAMBACH Katharine -[W512]- Age: 31 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Sep 1907 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Friedrich D Gr
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Margaret 10, Nikolaus 7, Wilhelm 5 1/2, Albert 4 and Johann 3, all born in Knees. Father, Nikolaus Klein, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Wilhelm Wambach.
WAMBACH Margaret -[W512]- Age: 58Wd -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Sep 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Friedrich D Gr
-Note: Born in knees. Bro-in-law, Alexander Wambach, lives in Knees. Going to join son, Nikolaus Wambach.
WAMBACH Wilhelm -[W512]- Age: 47 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 21 Jun 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Hannover
-Note: Going to join son, Mathias Wambach.
WAMBACH Wilhelm -[W512]- Age: 26 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 14 Jun 1904 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Neckar
-Note: Going to join brother, Albert Wambach.
WEBER Anna -[W160]- Age: 44 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 22 Mar 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Wittekind
-Note: Going to join husband, Peter Weber.
WEBER Peter -[W160]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 3 Mar 1905 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Chemnitz
WEBER Peter -[W160]- Age: 30 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 9 Nov 1907 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Pannonia
-Note: Born in Knees. Wife, Margaret Weber, lives at 566 Knees. Going to join brother, Johann Weber.
WEINERT Eva -[W563]- Age: 17 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 19 Mar 1911 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Geo Washington
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Nikolaus Weiner, lives at Knees 68. Going to join uncle, Georg Dehmar.
WEISER Anton -[W260]- Age: 45 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 2 Aug 1929 - To: Winnipeg, MB -Via: Bre/Hal -Ship: Seydlitz
-Note: Wife, Susanna 39, kids, Margaret ?, Elisabeth 14, Barbara 11 and Susanna 7, lives at Knees 25. Canadian passenger ship record.
WELTER Josef -[W436]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Friday, 19 Oct 1906 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Koeln
-Note: Born in Knees. Going to join brother, Johann Welter.
WELTER Katharine -[W436]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 4 Feb 1902 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Darmstadt
WENDEL Heinrich -[W534]- Age: 24 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Jul 1903 - To: Adams, MA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: K Wilhelm D Gr
WIENER Peter -[W560]- Age: 16 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Saturday, 20 Jul 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Born in Knees. Father, Anton Wiener, lives at 25 Knees. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Tilz.
WIENER Susanna -[W560]- Age: 33 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Sunday, 23 Mar 1930 - To: Montreal Canada, QC -Via: Che/Hal -Ship: Ascania
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Margaret 15, Elisabeth 13, Barbara 11 and Susanna 7. Father-in-law, A Wiener, lives in Knees. Going to join husband, Anton Wiener. Canadian passenger ship record.
WINGEL Johann -[W524]- Age: 43 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 11 May 1911 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 35 and daughters, Elisabeth 14 and Eva 10, all born in Knees. Father-in-law, Johann Lenhard, lives in Knees. Was previously in the U. S., 1903-1908. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Burghard.
WINGEL Johann -[W524]- Age: 34 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Thursday, 4 Jun 1903 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Brandenburg
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Jacob Seibert.
WIRTZ Jakob -[W632]- Age: 23 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Tuesday, 11 Aug 1903 - To: Parryville, PA -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Bremen
-Note: Going to join cousin, Andreas Burdcsar.
ZIMMER Mathias -[Z560]- Age: 25 -From: Knees
-DtAr: Monday, 4 Jun 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Amerika
-Note: Going to join brother, Jacob Zimmer.
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