David Dreyer's Census Extractions-Mansfield, Ohio

Emigration from the Banat
in the US Census


Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio

Extractions by David Dreyer - of San Mateo, California

© Copyright 2004 by David Dreyer; all rights reserved


Donauschwabs are usually easily detected in U. S. Federal census records since they are listed by nationality as Hungarian but their native language is German. In the immigrant wave of 1900-1914 these immigrants tended to settle in groups upon arrival in North America. Moreover, Donauschwabs from a given village tended to settle in a limited number of North American localities.

All Entries are from the US Census of 1910/1920

Information Listed: NAME, AGE, SPOUSE, Year Entered the US, Banat Village and Comments (References)

Adametz John.................. age 29 and spouse: Rosie
         Entered US: 1901

Ansninger Adam................ age 55 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1910

Apple Christ.................. age 62 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1908

Apple Ernst................... age 49 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1908

Apple Frank................... age 34 and spouse: Mary Gross
         Entered US: 1905 from: D Palanka

Arnold John................... age 49 and spouse: Helen
         Entered US: 1910 from: Liebling

Augustin Mike................. age 27 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1907 from: Aurelheim

Bader Jacob................... age 32 and spouse: Louisa Paff
         Entered US: 1912 from: Neudorf/Slav

Bake Dale..................... age 38 and spouse: Helen
         Entered US: 1910

Baki Peter.................... age 28 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1906 from: Setschan

Baki Steve.................... age 54 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: unk from: Setschan/Georghausen

Baki Steve.................... age 30 and spouse: Margaret Bingert
         Entered US: 1904 from: Setschan

Bart Peter.................... age 26 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1909

Barth Fred.................... age 34 and spouse: Katharine Metzger
         Entered US: 1910 from: Franzfeld

Barth John.................... age 67 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1897

Barth John.................... age 59 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1881

Basting Anton................. age 39 and spouse: Mary Ditzinger
         Entered US: 1904 from: Setschan

Basting Lorenz................ age 28 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1907

Basting Nick.................. age 42 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905

Basting Vincent............... age 40 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1907 from: Setschan/Werschetz

Bauer Georg................... age 35 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905 from: Franzfeld

Bauer John.................... age 36 and spouse: Julie
         Entered US: 1905

Bauer Peter................... age 53 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Bauer Peter................... age 42 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1908

Bauer Sebastian............... age 45 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1906 from: Almas

Bauer Sophie.................. age 55 and spouse: Wd of Johann
         Entered US: 1906 from: Franz Joseffeld/Bosnia

Bauer Steven.................. age 21 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1909

Bauer? Mathias................ age 37 and spouse: Susie
         Entered US: 1904

Baumharuer Katharine.......... age 57 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1907 from: Mramorak

Bechtel Heinrich.............. age 37 and spouse: Margaret Mandel
         Entered US: 1904 from: Schwarzenberg/Batschka

Bechtel Jacob................. age 34 and spouse: Francis
         Entered US: 1905

Beck Frank.................... age 35 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1912

Beelo Josef................... age 47 and spouse: Caroline
         Entered US: 1907

Berenly Anna.................. age 39 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1900

Berger Josef.................. age 23
         Entered US: 1907 from: Torontal

Berges William................ age 25 and spouse: Elisabeth Peter
         Entered US: unk from: Setschan

Bernard John.................. age 54 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1911

Bernhard Johann............... age 49 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1908

Bernhardt Carl................ age 30 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1907 from: Lenauheim

Bernhardt? Martin............. age 43 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1907

Bild John..................... age 42 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1907

Bill Thomas................... age 35 and spouse: Marianna
         Entered US: 1907

Birk Eva...................... age 60 and spouse: Wd of Franz
         Entered US: 1905 from: Serb St Nikolaus

Birk Peter.................... age 28 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1909 from: N St Nikolaus

Bissmer Paul.................. age 28 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1903

Bister Josef.................. age 48 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1907

Bister Josef.................. age 45 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1908

Bitner Peter.................. age 32 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1912 from: Fibisch

Bittenbinder Johann........... age 35 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1905

Bittenbinder Johann........... age 24 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1905

Bitz Frank.................... age 29 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1908 from: Winga

Bitz Martin................... age 24 and spouse: Ethyl A
         Entered US: 1908

Blumensheins Carl............. age 39 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1904

Bogner Frank.................. age 27 and spouse: Elisabeth Bauer
         Entered US: 1912 from: Brestowatz/Batschka

Bogner George................. age 33 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905 from: Brestowatz/Batschka

Bogner George................. age 23 and spouse: Graner
         Entered US: 1905

Bogner Jacob.................. age 31 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1904

Bogner Josef.................. age 29 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903

Bohland Anton................. age 27 and spouse: Julie Harich
         Entered US: 1906 from: Mramorak

Bohland Jacob................. age 39 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1904 from: Mramorak

Bohland Jacob................. age 29 and spouse: Kathy
         Entered US: 1905

Bohland Peter................. age 33 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1903 from: Mramorak

Bohland Philip................ age 47 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: unk from: Mramorak

Bohland Philipp............... age 38 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905

Bolesny Wenzel................ age 34 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1910

Bollinger Franz............... age 55 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1903

Brandt Elisabeth.............. age 63 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1904 from: Franzfeld

Brandt Jacob.................. age 34 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1904 from: Franzfeld

Brandt Jacob.................. age 25 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1904

Brandt John................... age 42 and spouse: Wilhelmina
         Entered US: 1903 from: T(s)erenzhalorn

Brandt John................... age 35 and spouse: Wilhelmina
         Entered US: 1903

Brauchler John................ age 41 and spouse: Margaret Weiss
         Entered US: 1909 from: Cservenka/Batschka

Brauenfeld Michael............ age 56 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1907

Brendle Christian............. age 56 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1910 from: Wekerleflava/Batschka

Broker Josef.................. age 32 and spouse: Anna Schadeck
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Bruch John.................... age 37 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1909

Bruck Carl.................... age 49 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1906

Bruck Carl.................... age 40 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1904 from: Setschan

Bruck Steve................... age 23 and spouse: Rosa
         Entered US: 1906 from: Setschan

Brum Fritz.................... age 38 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1904

Brumenschenkel John........... age 52 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1882

Brumenschenkel Josef.......... age 41 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1881

Brumm Gotfried................ age 26 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Brunhlier John................ age 31 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1909

Brunn Fred.................... age 41 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1904 from: Franzfeld

Brunn Johann.................. age 46 and spouse: Cartharine
         Entered US: 1910 from: Franzfeld

Brunn Philipp................. age 37 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1903

Brutz Andrew.................. age 50 and spouse: Susan
         Entered US: 1904

Bryine Anton.................. age 25 and spouse: Susie
         Entered US: 1906

Brynech Anton................. age 34 and spouse: Susan
         Entered US: 1905

Burket Michael................ age 30 and spouse: Michael???????
         Entered US: 1906

Cover Stefan.................. age 38 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1903

Crouse Paul................... age 39 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1904

Darin Josef................... age 36 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1911

Dash Nik...................... age 52 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1901

Dautermann Philipp............ age 60 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1904

Dealsler Mike................. age 57 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1904

Dech Adam..................... age 60 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1906 from: Pantschowa

Degrell George................ age 64 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1906 from: Setschan

Degrell Pete.................. age 34 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1909 from: Torontal

Deschner Henry................ age 65 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1892 from: Mramorak

Deschner Henry................ age 57 and spouse: Julianna
         Entered US: 1892

Deschner Jacob................ age 20 and spouse: s
         Entered US: 1892

Deschner Peter................ age 40 and spouse: Catharine Balliner
         Entered US: 1892 from: Mramorak

Deschner Philip............... age 36 and spouse: Eva Haich
         Entered US: 1892 from: Mramorak

Deschner Philipp.............. age 24 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1892

Dewald Mike................... age 24 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1905 from: Franz Joseffeld

Dinger Friedrich.............. age 42 and spouse: Rose
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Dinger Martin................. age 51 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1903 from: Franzfeld

Dinger Martin................. age 42 and spouse: Magdalena Mayer
         Entered US: 1903

Distl Joseph.................. age 40 and spouse: Philipina
         Entered US: 1903

Distl Stephen................. age 34 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1905

Ditschinger Anton............. age 51 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1905

Ditschinger Anton............. age 60 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1907 from: Gier

Ditschinger Dominick.......... age 31 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1903 from: Setschan

Ditschinger Dominick.......... age 60 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1904

Ditschinger Josef............. age 54 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1904

Ditschinger Peter............. age 30 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907

Ditschinger Stephen........... age 27 and spouse: Katharine Schlitter
         Entered US: 1904 from: Setschan

Doma Josef.................... age 56 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1904

Dorner Edward................. age 25 and spouse: Regina
         Entered US: 1904

Dorner Frank.................. age 38 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1914 from: Pantschowa/Plosiicz/Panjowa

Dude Nick..................... age 28 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: unk from: Delebae?

Dude Stefan................... age 42 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1903

Dungteik Daniel............... age 51 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1903

Echter Andreas................ age 45 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1910 from: Temeswar

Eichacker Christian........... age 46 and spouse: Louise
         Entered US: 1899 from: Franzfeld

Eichhof Nick.................. age 42 and spouse: Magdalena Eck
         Entered US: 1903 from: Setschan

Eichhof Nik................... age 31 and spouse: Martha
         Entered US: 1903

Eichinger Josef............... age 55 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907 from: Panjowa

Enderle Caspar................ age 43 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1902 from: Lenauheim/Panjowa

Enderle Caspar................ age 52 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1892

Enderle Henry................. age 36 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907 from: Lenauheim

Enderle Jacob................. age 27 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1903 from: Torontal

Enderle John.................. age 29 and spouse: Amelia
         Entered US: 1904 from: Lenauheim

Enderle Nick.................. age 26 and spouse: Donche
         Entered US: 1902

Enderle Nick.................. age 56 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1904 from: Lenauheim

Enderle Nikolaus.............. age 47 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905 from: Gilad(bro of Kaspar)

Erces Josef................... age 22 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: unk from: Neusatz

Erie Carl..................... age 46 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Erndt Anton................... age 59 and spouse: Susanna Madler
         Entered US: 1903 from: Setachan

Erndt Jacob................... age 27 and spouse: Barbara Merschdorf
         Entered US: 1913 from: Setschan

Ernst Mathias................. age 26 and spouse: Susan Scholler
         Entered US: 1902 from: Pantschowa

Ernst Peter................... age 55 and spouse: Helen
         Entered US: unk from: Setschan

Erre Barbara.................. age 49 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1907

Esto Leo...................... age 29 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1908 from: Neusatz

Etzel John.................... age 30 and spouse: Rosia Lieber
         Entered US: 1913 from: Wein/Austria

Etzel Peter................... age 56 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1908

Fauel Frank................... age 65 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1902

Faugl Frank................... age 53 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1902

Fetter David.................. age 70 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1904 from: Franzfeld

Fetter David.................. age 24 and spouse: Evelersa?
         Entered US: 1903

Fetter David.................. age 60 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1904

Fetter Mike................... age 19 and spouse: Katie Gross
         Entered US: 1904 from: Franzfeld

Fisch John.................... age 31 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905 from: Stefansfeld

Fischer Christ................ age 45 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1914

Fischer John.................. age 42 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1906 from: Torschau

Fisher Julius................. age 67 and spouse: Ann
         Entered US: 1903 from: Pantschowa

Foley John.................... age 76 and spouse: Sofia
         Entered US: unk

Folmer Frank.................. age 25 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1908

Folmer Jacob.................. age 25 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1905

Folmer Mike................... age 23 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1910

Folmer Nick................... age 57 and spouse: Helen
         Entered US: 1906 from: Setschan

Folmer Nikolaus............... age 49 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1903 from: Setschan

Folmer Stefan................. age 32 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1906

Folmer Steve.................. age 44 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1905 from: Rudolfsgnad

Fonman Josef.................. age 46 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1907

Frank John.................... age 30 and spouse: Sophia
         Entered US: 1909

Frank John.................... age 28 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907

Franzen George................ age 49 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903 from: Zichydorf

Frauenhoffer Adam............. age 34 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1912 from: Tschawosch

Frech Michael................. age 48 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1903 from: Werschetz

Fredrich Frank................ age 60 and spouse: Anna Basting
         Entered US: 1904 from: Setschan

Frei Peter.................... age 31 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Freund George................. age 42 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1903

Freund George................. age 60 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1906

Frisch Nikolaus............... age 25 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1904 from: Jarkowatz

Frisch Peter.................. age 32 and spouse: Elisabeth Menches
         Entered US: 1892 from: Dolatz

Frisch Steve.................. age 45 and spouse: Katharine Hilsch
         Entered US: 1905 from: Jarkowatz/Setschan

Fromm Josef................... age 55 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1900

Gardner Sebastian............. age 48 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1906 from: Temeswar

Gardner Sebastian............. age 59 and spouse: Gertrude
         Entered US: 1906 from: Temeswar/Panjowa

Gaspar John................... age 29
         Entered US: 1908

Gaubatz Anton................. age 27 and spouse: Helen
         Entered US: 1903 from: Mramorak

Gaubatz Conrad................ age 31 and spouse: Abloney?
         Entered US: 1903

Gergeny Andreas............... age 37 and spouse: Theresia Baymer
         Entered US: 1907 from: Debrecen

Gerhot Josef.................. age 49 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1882

Gildi Jacob................... age 30 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1907

Gildi Jacob................... age 39 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1907 from: Setschan

Goettl Philip................. age 51 and spouse: Lorenza
         Entered US: 1914

Gona Johann................... age 53 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1905

Gottas Frank.................. age 76 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1872

Gottas Robert................. age 36 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1872 from: Weisskirchen

Gotter Frank.................. age 68 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1891

Gottfried Andreas............. age 26 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1906 from: Franzfeld

Gowatch Paul.................. age 33 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1907

Gowolts Thomas................ age 21 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903

Gowotts Mike.................. age 56 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1903

Grabatz Conrad................ age 31 and spouse: Abloney?
         Entered US: 1903

Grasel John................... age 33 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Setschan

Grasel Nikolaus............... age 30 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1911

Grasser Fred.................. age 66 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Grauer Fred................... age 56 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1888

Grauer Johann................. age 38 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905 from: Franzfeld

Grauer John................... age 61 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1906

Gresh Frank................... age 27 and spouse: Martha
         Entered US: 1910

Gretten John.................. age 31 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1911

Grist Louis................... age 22 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1913

Gross Anton................... age 49 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1884

Gross Eva..................... age 49
         Entered US: 1904

Gross Eva..................... age 40 and spouse: Wd geb Vogel
         Entered US: 1903 from: Franzfeld

Gross Frank................... age 35 and spouse: Katie Frisch
         Entered US: 1905 from: Topolja/Giseladorf

Gross Frank................... age 25 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1905

Gross Thom.................... age 30 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1902

Hager Mathias................. age 29 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907

Hallabrain Martin............. age 28 and spouse: Katharine Brumm
         Entered US: 1910 from: Franzfeld

Hallabrin Carl................ age 31 and spouse: Regina
         Entered US: 1910

Hallabrin Fred................ age 60 and spouse: Susanna Braun
         Entered US: 1910 from: Franzfeld

Hallabrin Jacob............... age 23 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1910 from: Franzfeld

Hallabrin Mike................ age 36 and spouse: Christina Guelle
         Entered US: 1908 from: Franzfeld

Halleberger Peter............. age 38 and spouse: Augusta
         Entered US: 1906

Hammer Georg.................. age 30 and spouse: Anna Weinert
         Entered US: 1906 from: Pubince/Serm

Hammer Mike................... age 27 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1904

Hammer Mike................... age 65 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1908

Hammer Paul................... age 23 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1913

Harich Carl................... age 56 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1903 from: Mramorak

Harich Karl................... age 46 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1904

Haring Nikolaus............... age 54 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Karansebesch

Hather? Steve................. age 34 and spouse: Lena
         Entered US: 1908

Heck Peter.................... age 56 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1907

Heck Peter.................... age 40 and spouse: Margaret Schuldner
         Entered US: 1905 from: Tschestereg/Ernsthausen

Hegert Frank.................. age 27 and spouse: Margaret Blester
         Entered US: 1910 from: Brestowatz

Heilmann Josef................ age 42 and spouse: Susan
         Entered US: 1902

Heitz Elisabeth............... age 39 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1910 from: Setschan

Heitz John.................... age 30 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Setschan

Heitz Martin.................. age 26 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1907 from: Setschan

Hekel Michael................. age 33 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1903

Henke Martin.................. age 46 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1905 from: Franzfeld

Hennse Anna................... age 44 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1911

Herr Nick..................... age 68 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1893

Herz Anton.................... age 35 and spouse: Tracey
         Entered US: 1903

Hetter Stefan................. age 25 and spouse: Rosa
         Entered US: 1910

Hetter Steve.................. age 43 and spouse: Minnie
         Entered US: 1908

Hock Andy..................... age 55 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1909

Hoff John..................... age 24 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1906

Hoff Mike..................... age 59 and spouse: Sofia
         Entered US: 1904 from: Gr Betschkerek

Hoffmann Jacob................ age 48 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1907 from: Zichydorf

Hoffmann Nikolaus............. age 44 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905

Holerwarth George............. age 39 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1906

Holzer Nik.................... age 31 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1904 from: Pantschowa

Holzmuller John............... age 45 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1906 from: Franzfeld

Holzmuller John............... age 35 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1906

Holzworth Catharine........... age 68 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1907

Holzworth Katharine........... age 57 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1906

Honning Carl.................. age 30 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907

Honobas Josef................. age 48 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907

Hook Andreas.................. age 32 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1908

Hopp George................... age 32 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906

Horvath Carl.................. age 46 and spouse: Agnes
         Entered US: 1904

Horvath Josef................. age 29 and spouse: Mary Them from: Jahrmarkt

Horvath Josef................. age 56 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1906 from: Oppova

Horvath Mike.................. age 22 and spouse: Lena
         Entered US: 1905

Huber Martin.................. age 30 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1904

Huck Nikolaus................. age 37 and spouse: Theresia Menrath
         Entered US: 1907 from: Fibisch

Hungse Martin................. age 35 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1905

Hunimer Mike.................. age 56 and spouse: Martha
         Entered US: 1900

Hurly Stefan.................. age 38 and spouse: Tracy
         Entered US: 1896

Iorna Josef................... age 39 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1905

Jahraus John.................. age 51 and spouse: Dorothea Wilking
         Entered US: 1895 from: Franzfeld

Jerger Paul................... age 21 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1910 from: Franzfeld

Kaiser ?...................... age 44
         Entered US: 1901

Kampf Johann.................. age 37 and spouse: Tracy
         Entered US: 1904 from: Botschar

Kampf John.................... age 46 and spouse: Josephine Quint
         Entered US: unk from: Botschar

Kans Christian................ age 27 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1903

Kanz Christian................ age 63 and spouse: Katharine Deschner
         Entered US: 1905 from: Mramorak

Kanz Christian................ age 37 and spouse: Katharine Deschner
         Entered US: 1903 from: Mramorak

Kanz Christian................ age 53 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1905

Kanz Jacob.................... age 32 and spouse: Katie Deschner
         Entered US: 1905 from: Mramorak

Kanz William.................. age 27 and spouse: Anna Hetler
         Entered US: 1905 from: Mramorak

Kappel Francsis............... age 34 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Setschan

Kapuka Nik.................... age 31 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1914

Karbula Josef................. age 32 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1913

Kaschuba Friedrich............ age 42 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1901 from: Mramorak

Kathrein Blasi................ age 22 and spouse: Maria A Ludwig
         Entered US: 1911 from: Setschan

Kathrein George............... age 47 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1903 from: Billings Mt

Kaufmann Josef................ age 26 and spouse: Susie
         Entered US: 1898 from: Setschan(ND)

Kech Josef.................... age 42 and spouse: Agnes
         Entered US: 1892

Keger Josef................... age 32 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1912

Keilman Josef................. age 33 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1902

Kellete Andrew................ age 30 and spouse: s
         Entered US: 1902

Kemle Fred.................... age 30 and spouse: Johanna Scholler
         Entered US: 1913 from: Mramorak

Kerchner Nikolaus............. age 37 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1905

Kichel John................... age 40 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906

Kiefer Carl................... age 39 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1910

Kiefer Eva.................... age 44 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1912 from: Almas

Kinkel Peter.................. age 23 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1913

Kittelberger Andreas.......... age 32 and spouse: Barbara Mueller
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Kittelberger Jacob............ age 37 and spouse: Katharine Humm
         Entered US: 1910 from: Franzfeld

Kittleberger Peter............ age 46 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1908 from: Franzfeld

Kleer John.................... age 36 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1904

Klein Henry................... age 36 and spouse: Johanna
         Entered US: 1907 from: D Bentschek

Knapp Kaspar.................. age 49 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1912

Knapp Mike.................... age 47 and spouse: Clara
         Entered US: 1914 from: Blumenthal

Knob Mike..................... age 35 and spouse: Clara
         Entered US: 1906

Kobich Edward................. age 32 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907

Kolleda George................ age 50 and spouse: Maria
         Entered US: 1887

Kolling Frank................. age 45 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1910 from: Pantschowa

Konig Mike.................... age 31 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907 from: Goldast

Kopcial Jacob................. age 32 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1906

Koppinger Martin.............. age 48 and spouse: Johanna
         Entered US: 1906

Korkujak Peter................ age 25 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1897

Korochick Josef............... age 46 and spouse: Dorothy
         Entered US: 1903

Korves? Mike.................. age 60 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1913

Korworth Wilhelm.............. age 33 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1906

Kovats Paul................... age 36 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907 from: Botos

Kovics Josef.................. age 45 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1904

Kowach Josef.................. age 40 and spouse: Josefine
         Entered US: 1907 from: Pantschowa

Kramer John................... age 30 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Palanka

Kramer Nick................... age 67 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1914

Kramer Nik.................... age 41 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1901

Kraner Josef.................. age 47 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1900

Krebs John.................... age 24 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Kreier Steve.................. age 54 and spouse: Johanna
         Entered US: 1909

Krenier Josef................. age 57 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1900

Krknzak Peter................. age 35 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: unk

Kronberger? Friedrich......... age 49 and spouse: Rosa
         Entered US: 1883

Krssell Andrew................ age 32 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1910 from: Mramorak

Kuhn Josef.................... age 38 and spouse: Ethyl
         Entered US: 1906 from: Palanka

Kupa Vincent.................. age 31 and spouse: Josefine
         Entered US: 1909

Lafrank John.................. age 25 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903 from: Stefansfeld

Launch andrew................. age 31 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1908

Lay Mike...................... age 55 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: unk from: Franzfeld

Leber Mary.................... age 66 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1914

Ledgler Nick.................. age 26 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1909

Lehmann Lizzie................ age 43 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: unk

Lehr Johann................... age 28 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1909

Leibach Peter................. age 44 and spouse: Emilia Jovanov
         Entered US: 1904 from: Kudric

Leitenberger David............ age 41 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Leitenberger David............ age 31 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1903

Leitenberger Jacob............ age 55 and spouse: Rosie
         Entered US: 1913 from: Franzfeld

Leitenberger Johann........... age 41 and spouse: Susanna?
         Entered US: 1906

Leitenberger John............. age 30 and spouse: Susie
         Entered US: 1906 from: Franzfeld

Leitenberger Konrad........... age 29 and spouse: Elisabeth Mueller
         Entered US: 1906 from: Franzfeld

Leitenberger Konrad........... age 23 and spouse: Lizie
         Entered US: 1905

Lesch Johann.................. age 37 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1914

Linster Peter................. age 39 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907 from: Gier

Loch Josef.................... age 43 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1903 from: Konigsdorf

Loris Mike.................... age 36 and spouse: Margaret Tesch
         Entered US: 1912 from: Jahrmarkt

Loris Mike.................... age 25 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1905

Loris Peter................... age 34 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1912

Loris Peter................... age 22 and spouse: Caroline
         Entered US: 1908

Louch(Bouch) Josef............ age 31 and spouse: Louisa
         Entered US: 1905

Lucas Edward.................. age 37 and spouse: Elisabeth Nagel
         Entered US: 1900 from: Pantschowa

Ludwig Nick................... age 37 and spouse: Elisabeth Kathrein
         Entered US: 1903 from: Stefansfeld

Lumb Peter.................... age 33 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Lux Martin.................... age 43 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903 from: Botschar

Maglovsky Andrew.............. age 31 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1907

Mansfield Steve............... age 49 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1908

Marchley Adam................. age 27 and spouse: Martha
         Entered US: 1907

Marcy Martin.................. age 40 and spouse: Susan
         Entered US: 1907

Marha Peter................... age 61 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1906

Markey Josefine............... age 61 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1906

Markle Adam................... age 40 and spouse: Lena
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Marks Peter................... age 50 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1905

Martin Frank.................. age 40 and spouse: Julia Kozma
         Entered US: 1906 from: Perjamosch

Masey Johann.................. age 33 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1906

Masni Josef................... age 39 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1907 from: Kl St Nikolaus

Mathias Monrath............... age 55 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: unk

Matuch Martin................. age 49 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1892

Matz Fred..................... age 32 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906

Maurer John................... age 28 and spouse: Katie Stefanz
         Entered US: 1911 from: Jahrmarkt

Maurer Josef.................. age 36 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1906

Maurer Josef.................. age 26 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1906

Maurer Theodore............... age 70 and spouse: Elisabeth Them
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

May Steven.................... age 45 and spouse: Marie
         Entered US: 1906

Mayer Anton................... age 39 and spouse: Katty Frass
         Entered US: 1907 from: Zichydorf

Mayer Anton................... age 30 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1907

Mayer Jacob................... age 52 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1905 from: Mramorak

Mayer John.................... age 27 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905 from: Grabatz

Mayer Katharine............... age 87 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1829

Mayer Michael................. age 32 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Margitfalva

Mayer Mike.................... age 49 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1901

Mayer Mike.................... age 28 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1904

Mayer Mike.................... age 43 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906

Mayer Peter................... age 29 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1920 from: Zichydorf

Menches George................ age 55 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903

Meng Andrew................... age 38 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1908 from: Franzfeld

Merschdorf Anna............... age 47 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1909 from: Alt Letz

Mesling John.................. age 26 and spouse: Christina Schuster
         Entered US: 1906 from: Tschestereg nach ND

Metter William................ age 42 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1910

Michels Peter................. age 31 and spouse: Eva Klein
         Entered US: 1907 from: Hatzfeld

Miller Andrew................. age 27 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1906

Miller Andy................... age 38 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1906 from: Bawanischte

Miller Anna................... age 96 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1903

Miller Anton.................. age 33 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1903 from: Fibisch

Miller Elisabeth.............. age 40 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1906

Miller George................. age 46 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1914

Miller Jacob.................. age 25 and spouse: Barbara Mayer
         Entered US: 1909 from: Franzfeld

Miller John................... age 61 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903 from: Panjowa

Miller John................... age 64 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1908

Miller John................... age 51 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903

Miller Matz................... age 24 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1911 from: Franzfeld

Miller Michael................ age 32 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1905 from: Franzfeld

Miller Michael................ age 22 and spouse: Kathaine
         Entered US: 1909 from: Franzfeld

Miller Modjes................. age 44 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1906

Miller Peter.................. age 64 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1903

Miller Peter.................. age 32 and spouse: Catjarome
         Entered US: 1902 from: Fibisch

Mitsch Frank.................. age 32 and spouse: Margaret Halasz
         Entered US: 1909 from: D Bentschek

Mizey Henry................... age 36 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1906

Moretts Peter................. age 50 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1906

Morgenstern Henry............. age 40 and spouse: Christine
         Entered US: 1902 from: Franzfeld

Morilu John................... age 36 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1909

Moritz Fred................... age 34 and spouse: Mary Wietz
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Moritz Johann................. age 28 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1905

Moritz Peter.................. age 35 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Mormann Thomas................ age 60 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1910

Morris Martin................. age 30
         Entered US: 1910

Morris Peter.................. age 44
         Entered US: 1906

Mosey Henry................... age 47 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1906

Mueller Adam.................. age 61 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1910 from: Hatzfeld

Mueller Adam.................. age 53 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1902

Mutich Mathias................ age 35 and spouse: Mary Parison
         Entered US: 1908 from: Setschan

Mutsch Josef.................. age 28 and spouse: Pauline
         Entered US: 1911

Myers Mary.................... age 57 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1884

Nagel Conrad.................. age 54 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1911 from: Pardan

Nagel Dan..................... age 25 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1911 from: Tschawosch

Nagel Michael................. age 42 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1905

Nagel Nick.................... age 28 and spouse: Christina Schmidt
         Entered US: 1910 from: Mramorak

Near Paul..................... age 45 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1903

Neder Josef................... age 46 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1906 from: Neupanat

Neder Josef................... age 37 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1906

Ninzmer Ludwig................ age 43 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1920

Nippal Johann................. age 23 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1914

Nosheimer Peter............... age 37 and spouse: Louisa
         Entered US: 1905

Novak Josef................... age 40 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1907 from: Almas

Novak Paul.................... age 26 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907

Novotiny Victor............... age 39 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1888

Novotny Mary.................. age 43 and spouse: Div
         Entered US: 1891

Oberlander Michael............ age 30 and spouse: s
         Entered US: 1892

Orebin John................... age 65 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1902 from: Fuenfkirchen

Paff Johann................... age 35 and spouse: Katharine Mueller
         Entered US: 1912 from: Novosella

Pasheslich Louis.............. age 29 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1910 from: Pantschowa

Payne Johann.................. age 21
         Entered US: 1910

Pepes Mike.................... age 21 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1903

Peters Elisabeth.............. age 50 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1889

Peters Ignatz................. age 57 and spouse: Elisabeth Merle
         Entered US: 1907 from: Sartscha

Peters Ignatz................. age 46 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907

Peters John................... age 29 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1912

Philipp Martin................ age 58 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1890

Pilo Frank.................... age 35 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1907 from: Pantschowa

Pitz John..................... age 51 and spouse: Marie
         Entered US: 1913

Polenkos George............... age 39 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1913

Procker Josef................. age 42 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1905 from: Jahrmarkt/Fibisch

Pschierer Engelbert........... age 35 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1904 from: Jarkowatz

Rachel George................. age 24 and spouse: Pauline
         Entered US: 1904

Rath Frank.................... age 46 and spouse: Anna Werner
         Entered US: 1913

Rebel Johann.................. age 35 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1910

Rech Charles.................. age 33 and spouse: Enne
         Entered US: 1911

Reif Josef.................... age 24 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: D Bentschek

Reiter Peter.................. age 48 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1907

Reiter Philipp................ age 42 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1903 from: Mramorak

Remlong Nick.................. age 25 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1910

Renard Jacob.................. age 60 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1913

Richard Carl.................. age 34 and spouse: Mary Merschdorf
         Entered US: 1910 from: Apfeldorf

Rick Paul..................... age 43 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1902

Ritter Peter.................. age 29 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1904

Rittinger John................ age 44 and spouse: Sophie Schmidt
         Entered US: 1910 from: Karlsdorf

Roche John.................... age 55 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1907

Roese John.................... age 27 and spouse: Lena
         Entered US: 1903

Rozer Thomas.................. age 23 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1905

Russ Enery?................... age 28 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905

Russ Josef.................... age 58 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1908 from: Sarospatak/Borsod-Abauj Zemplen

Russ Josef.................... age 46 and spouse: Maria

Sabo Nikolaus................. age 64 and spouse: Regina
         Entered US: 1906

Sauer Mike.................... age 25 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1913 from: Dapp(es)

Scaly Daniel.................. age 40 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1909

Schad Adam.................... age 48 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905 from: Franz Joseffeld/Bosnia

Schad Friedrich............... age 28 and spouse: Theresia ?
         Entered US: 1903 from: Mramorak

Schadek Anton................. age 26 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907

Schadek John.................. age 33 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Schadek Peter................. age 60 and spouse: Susanna
         Entered US: 1906 from: Fibisch

Schaening Nikolaus............ age 33 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907

Schafer Anna.................. age 43 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1899

Schag Alexander............... age 25 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1914

Scheets Josef................. age 45 and spouse: Susie
         Entered US: 1906

Scheis George................. age 54 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1905

Schelyo John.................. age 30 and spouse: Clara
         Entered US: 1908 from: Falso

Schemine Nick................. age 39 and spouse: Anna Friedrich
         Entered US: 1907 from: Setschan

Schester John................. age 32 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1906

Scheuer David................. age 31 and spouse: Josefine
         Entered US: 1907

Scheurer David................ age 40 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Schier Philipp................ age 26 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1900

Schillinger Frank............. age 32 and spouse: Elisabeth Kornek
         Entered US: 1904 from: Fibisch

Schira Josef.................. age 24 and spouse: Daisy
         Entered US: 1904

Schlauch Peter................ age 25 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1909 from: Bruckenau

Schmahl Carl.................. age 24 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1906 from: Mramorak

Schmahl Johann................ age 36 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1907 from: Mramorak

Schmahl Rosa.................. age 45 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1902 from: Mramorak

Schmidt Henry................. age 53 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Schmidt Henry................. age 44 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1905

Schmidt Jacob................. age 24 and spouse: Edna
         Entered US: 1899 from: Franzfeld

Schmidt John.................. age 32 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1911 from: Aurelhausen

Schmidt John.................. age 33 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1904 from: Klek

Schmidt Josef................. age 25 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1914

Schmidt Nikolaus.............. age 53 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1907 from: Palanka

Schneider Jacob............... age 48 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Franzfeld

Schneider Jacob............... age 37 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907

Schneider Johann.............. age 62 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1909 from: Pardan

Schneider John................ age 29 and spouse: Anna Mueller
         Entered US: 1909 from: Jahrmarkt

Schneider John................ age 51 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1909

Schneider Nikolaus............ age 24 and spouse: Susanna
         Entered US: 1908

Schnurer Jacob................ age 48 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1905 from: Franzfeld

Scholler Johann............... age 42 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1906 from: Mramorak

Schombera Sigmund............. age 32 and spouse: Carolina
         Entered US: 1892

Schrer? Josef................. age 35 and spouse: Daisy
         Entered US: 1904

Schueltz Georg................ age 30 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1902

Schuetz Mike.................. age 37 and spouse: Minnie
         Entered US: 1914 from: Franzfeld

Schuff Adam................... age 58 and spouse: Elisaeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Marienfeld

Schuff Michael................ age 41 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1909

Schuff Mike................... age 30 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1908 from: Sartscha, son of Adam

Schuff Wilhelm................ age 33 and spouse: Wilma
         Entered US: 1905 from: Wojlowitz

Schuller Albert............... age 47 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1910

Schultz George................ age 39 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1905 from: Setschan

Schuster Frank................ age 38 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1911

Schuster Peter................ age 33 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1906

Schuster Peter................ age 35 and spouse: Katharine Studhlmiller
         Entered US: 1907 from: Botschar

Schuster Sophia............... age 53 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1907 from: Weisskirchen

Schutz Conrad................. age 42 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Schwaner John................. age 40 and spouse: Rosa Schwaner
         Entered US: 1909 from: Franzfeld

Schwauer Ferdinand............ age 28 and spouse: Minnie Kittelberger
         Entered US: 1911 from: Franzfeld

Schweitzer Anton.............. age 30 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907 from: Sartscha ?

Sebastian John................ age 28 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1910 from: Serb Pardan

Seeburger Charles............. age 31 and spouse: Minnie
         Entered US: 1888

Sensler Peter................. age 28 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1906

Seueck Frank.................. age 29 and spouse: Magdalena
         Entered US: 1905

Shaironi Frank................ age 31 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1907

Shothe Peter.................. age 50 and spouse: Susie
         Entered US: 1906

Siger Johann.................. age 53 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1910

Simon Daniel.................. age 40 and spouse: Anna Ether
         Entered US: 1890 from: Weisskirchen

Simon Daniel Jr............... age 30 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1890

Simon Daniel Sr............... age 65 and spouse: Amelia
         Entered US: 1890

Simon Martin.................. age 31 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1907

Simon Peter................... age 34 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1906

Simon Peter................... age 32 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1906 from: Fibisch

Simonis Josef................. age 29 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1910 from: Liebling

Sing John..................... age 30 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907

Slitz Josef................... age 36 and spouse: Susie
         Entered US: 1907

Slitz Konrad.................. age 33 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1907

Smith Johann.................. age 24 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1907

Smonch John................... age 21 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1909

Sohl Henry.................... age 27 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1902 from: Mramorak

Sohl Jacob.................... age 55 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1902 from: Mramorak

Sohl Josef.................... age 30 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1908

Sperzel John.................. age 46 and spouse: Katharine Weigle
         Entered US: 1903 from: Mramorak

Sperzel John.................. age 36 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1903

Spies Frank................... age 61 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1901 from: Palanka

Spies Frank................... age 50 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1902

Stagram Georg................. age 51 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1908

Staveuck Victor............... age 49 and spouse: Bertha
         Entered US: 1879 from: Temeswar

Stear John.................... age 25 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1914

Stefan Josef.................. age 56 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1909

Stehle Daniel................. age 49 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1909 from: Mramorak

Stehle Philip................. age 28 and spouse: Julia Ihre
         Entered US: 1907 from: Mramorak

Steir Johanna................. age 60 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1901

Steir Philip.................. age 34 and spouse: Emma
         Entered US: 1901 from: Franzfeld

Stetz Johann.................. age 29 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1902

Stetzmeyer John............... age 33 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1904

Stier Johann.................. age 47 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1890 from: Franzfeld

Stier John.................... age 37 and spouse: Eva
         Entered US: 1898

Stier John.................... age 55 and spouse: Johanna
         Entered US: 1901 from: Franzfeld

Stirizinger Josef............. age 56 and spouse: Elisabeth Scheurer
         Entered US: 1908 from: Franzfeld

Stirtzinger Anton............. age 37 and spouse: Kathy
         Entered US: 1905 from: Franzfeld

Stirtzinger Josef............. age 35 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Franzfeld

Stirzinger Anton.............. age 64 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1903 from: Franzfeld

Stoll Philip.................. age 49 and spouse: Kath Gilde from: Boka

Strambe John.................. age 31 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907

Stransky Josef................ age 32 and spouse: Lena
         Entered US: 1906 from: Temeswar

Streitmater John.............. age 46 and spouse: Anna Ditschinger
         Entered US: 1902 from: Setschan

Strmple Peter................. age 42 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1914

Stromple John................. age 30 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1910

Sturia Anna.................. age 39 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1910

Subich Josef.................. age 27 and spouse: Susanna
         Entered US: unk from: Setschan

Szirki Steve.................. age 34 and spouse: Barbara Oster
         Entered US: 1914 from: Gyoemroe

Szollas Edward................ age 40 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1902

Szollas Katharine............. age 69 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1909 from: Budapest

Tans Josef.................... age 36 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1898 from: Sekitsch/Batschka

Tans Josef.................... age 46 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1903

Teschler Johann............... age 31 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1904

Teschler John................. age 47 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1910

Teschler Josef................ age 32 and spouse: Lena
         Entered US: 1907

Tesh Nikolaus................. age 24 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1904 from: Jahrmarkt

Them Anton.................... age 61 and spouse: Louise
         Entered US: 1882

Them Fred..................... age 63 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Them Friedrich................ age 53 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1906

Them Johann................... age 25 and spouse: Helen
         Entered US: 1908 from: Fibisch

Them John..................... age 65 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1881 from: Fibisch

Them John..................... age 55 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1881

Them John..................... age 38 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1908

Them Michael.................. age 56 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Them Mike..................... age 46 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1905

Them Nick..................... age 64 and spouse: Angelia Knolz
         Entered US: 1911 from: Fibisch

Them Peter.................... age 51 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1908 from: Fibisch

Them Samuel................... age 40 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1908

Them Sebastian................ age 29 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Thoma Henry................... age 28 and spouse: Susanna
         Entered US: 1906

Thoma Stefan.................. age 29 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1906 from: Jarcovy?

Thomas Charles................ age 46 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1888

Thomas Peter.................. age 30 and spouse: Ruth
         Entered US: 1909

Till John..................... age 60 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905

Trepka Paul................... age 39 and spouse: anna
         Entered US: 1909

Twasna Josef.................. age 28 and spouse: Maria
         Entered US: 1907

Urban John.................... age 52 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1902

Urschel Peter................. age 38 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1912

Uyner Wilhelm................. age 62 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1902

Vogel Anton................... age 41 and spouse: Sofie
         Entered US: 1905 from: Brestowatz/Batschka

Vogel John.................... age 38 and spouse: Rosa
         Entered US: 1906

Vogel John.................... age 29 and spouse: Rosa
         Entered US: 1905 from: Baumgarten

Vogel John.................... age 67 and spouse: Sophie
         Entered US: 1907 from: Franzfeld

Vogel Mike.................... age 62 and spouse: Katie Decker
         Entered US: 1905 from: Kreuzstaetten/Wiesenhaid

Vogel Nick.................... age 24 and spouse: Ella
         Entered US: 1902 from: Temeswar

Wachter Josef................. age 30 and spouse: Mathalda Potuesck
         Entered US: 1906 from: Sartscha

Wagenhals Josef............... age 28 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1910 from: Franzfeld

Wagenhels Josef............... age 40 and spouse: Elisabeth Dem
         Entered US: 1913 from: Franzfeld

Wagner Frank.................. age 47 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1914

Wagner John................... age 44 and spouse: Agnes
         Entered US: 1907

Wagner Josef.................. age 32 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1904 from: Jahrmarkt

Wagner Laurance............... age 41 and spouse: Karoline
         Entered US: 1906

Wagner Leo.................... age 26 and spouse: Minnie
         Entered US: 1906

Wagner William................ age 40 and spouse: Katharine
         Entered US: 1908

Wald Philip................... age 43 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1900

Warga Anton................... age 36 and spouse: Rosa
         Entered US: 1907 from: Almas

Warga Frank................... age 23 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907 from: Almas

Warga Johann.................. age 53 and spouse: Agnes
         Entered US: 1907 from: Almas

Washing Henry H............... age 41

Weber John.................... age 27 and spouse: Elisabeth Zimmermann
         Entered US: 1910 from: Borschad/Hung

Weigler William............... age 22 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1908

Weigler William............... age 50 and spouse: Catharine

Weigler William............... age 71 and spouse: Elisabeth

Weiner Peter.................. age 42 and spouse: Susanna
         Entered US: 1904 from: Hova?

Weinert Martin................ age 24 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906 from: Torontal

Weinerth Anton................ age 45 and spouse: Caroline
         Entered US: 1906 from: Pantschowa

Weingartner Jacob............. age 27 and spouse: Kathie
         Entered US: 1906

Weingartner Jacob............. age 36 and spouse: Katrina
         Entered US: 1905

Weisenberger Andy............. age 24 and spouse: Anna Pitz
         Entered US: 1912 from: St Anna

Wentz George.................. age 28 and spouse: Rosa
         Entered US: 1902

Wentz Theresia................ age 48 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: 1903

Wentz Valentine............... age 37 and spouse: Catharine
         Entered US: 1914 from: Franzfeld

Weyer John.................... age 30 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1907

Wilbert John.................. age 35 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: unk

Wile Frank.................... age 56 and spouse: Anna
         Entered US: 1907

Wilging Rosa.................. age 29 and spouse: s
         Entered US: 1904

Wilhelm Nikolaus.............. age 31 and spouse: Johanna Vogel
         Entered US: 1905 from: Setschan

Wiparena Martin............... age 39 and spouse: Johanna
         Entered US: 1906

Wissinger Jacob............... age 73 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1883

Yergert Laurance.............. age 32 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1910

Yoner Jon..................... age 38 and spouse: Kathy
         Entered US: 1907

Young Elisabeth............... age 25 and spouse: Ed
         Entered US: 1903

Zander George................. age 56 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1903 from: Sartscha

Zander Peter.................. age 25 and spouse: Theresia
         Entered US: 1904 from: Sartscha

Zeides Peter.................. age 30 and spouse: Katie Ziegler
         Entered US: 1913 from: Siebenburgen

Ziegler Johann................ age 32 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1913

Zimmer Martin................. age 36 and spouse: Margaret
         Entered US: 1907

Zimmermann Andreas............ age 29 and spouse: Lizzie
         Entered US: 1903 from: Mramorak

Zimmermann Elisabeth.......... age 35 and spouse: Wd b Kanz
         Entered US: 1902 from: Mramorak

Zimmermann Josef.............. age 45 and spouse: Elisabeth Zuber
         Entered US: 1907 from: Blumenthal

Zimmermann Josef.............. age 54 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905 from: Fibisch

Zimmermann Josef.............. age 43 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1905

Zimmermann Lawrence........... age 61 and spouse: Katie
         Entered US: 1906 from: Fibisch

Zimmermann Peter.............. age 26 and spouse: Lena
         Entered US: 1907

Zinianot Anna................. age 38 and spouse: Wd
         Entered US: unk

Zirkel Valentine.............. age 35 and spouse: Rosalia
         Entered US: 1913 from: Pantschowa

Ziway Andreas................. age 34 and spouse: Julia Schmidt
         Entered US: 1904 from: Stefansfeld

Ziway Andreas................. age 24 and spouse: Julia
         Entered US: 1904

Ziway Mathias................. age 43 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1904

Ziway Mathias................. age 33 and spouse: Barbara
         Entered US: 1904

Zoll Andrew................... age 65 and spouse: Mary
         Entered US: 1908

Zoll Andrew Jr................ age 27 and spouse: Christina
         Entered US: 1908

Zuman Josef................... age 36 and spouse: Elisabeth
         Entered US: 1906


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