Donauschwabs in Richland Co, Ohio

Name - [Age] - Spouse - [Entered US] - Census Year - [ ED ] - Village - Remarks

Adametz John [29], Spouse: Rosie, [>US 1901 ], Census: 1910-[ Sandusky ]
Angethin Mike [27], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Ansninger Adam [55], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Apple Christ [62], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Apple Ernst [49], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Apple Frank [34], Spouse: Mary Gross, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: D Palanka
Arnold John [49], Spouse: Helen, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Liebling
Bader Jacob [32], Spouse: Louisa Paff, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Neudorf/Slav
Bake Dale [38], Spouse: Hellen, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Baki Peter [28], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Baki Steve [54], Spouse: Theresia, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Baki Steve [30], Spouse: Margaret Bingert, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Bart Peter [26], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 190 ]
Barth Fred [34], Spouse: Katharine Metzger, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Franzfeld
Barth John [59], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1881 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Barth John [67], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1897 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Basting Anton [39], Spouse: Mary Ditschinger, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Setschan
Basting Lorence? [28], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Basting Nick [42], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Basting Vincent [40], Spouse: Mary Gartner, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Setschan
Bauer Georg [35], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Franklin ], Village: Franzfeld
Bauer John [36], Spouse: Julie, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Bauer Peter [42], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Bauer Peter [53], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ Jackson ], Village: Franzfeld
Bauer Sebastian [45], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Almas
Bauer Sophie [55], [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ], Village: Franz Joseffeld/Bosnia, Remarks: Widow of Johann Bauer.
Bauer Steven [21], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Bauer? Mathias [37], Spouse: Susie, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ]
Baumhauer Katharine [57], [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 190 ], Remarks: Widow
Bechtel Heinrich [37], Spouse: Margaret Mandel, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Schwarzenberg/Batschka
Bechtel Jacob [34], Spouse: Francis, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Beck Frank [35], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Beelo Josef [47], Spouse: Caroline, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Berenly Anna [39], [>US 1900 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 207 ], Remarks: Widow
Berger Josef [23], [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Torontal
Berges William [25], Spouse: Elisabeth Peter, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Bernhard Johann [49], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Bernhard John [54], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Bernhardt Carl [30], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Bernhardt? Martin [43], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Bild John [42], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Bill Thomas [35], Spouse: Marianna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Birk Peter [28], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ Franklin ], Village: N St Nikolaus
Bissmer Paul [28], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Bister Josef [45], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Bister Josef [48], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Bitner Peter [32], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Bittenbinder Johann [24], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Bittenbinder Johann [35], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Bitz Frank [29], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 176 ]
Bitz Martin [24], Spouse: Ethyl A, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 176 ]
Blumensheins Carl [39], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Bogner Frank [27], Spouse: Elisabeth Spies, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 195 ], Village: Brestowatz/Batschka
Bogner George [23], Spouse: Graner, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 178 ]
Bogner George [33], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 190 ], Village: Brestowatz/Batschka
Bogner Jacob [31], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Bogner Josef [29], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Bohland Anton [27], Spouse: Julie Harich, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ], Village: Mramorak
Bohland Jacob [29], Spouse: Kathy, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ]
Bohland Jacob [39], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Mramorak
Bohland Peter [33], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 188 ], Village: Mramorak
Bohland Philip [47], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Mramorak
Bohland Philipp [38], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ]
Bolesny Wenzel [34], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Bollinger Franz [55], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Brandt Elisabeth [63], [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 175 ], Village: Franzfeld, Remarks: Widow
Brandt Jacob [25], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Brandt Jacob [34], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Franzfeld
Brandt John [35], Spouse: Wilhelmina, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Brandt John [42], Spouse: Wilhelmina, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ], Village: Franzfeld
Brauchler John [41], Spouse: Margaret Weiss, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Cservenka/Batschka
Brauenfels Michael [56], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Brendle Christian [56], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 179 ]
Brendly Fritz [38], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Brick Carl [40], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Brick Carl [49], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setchan
Brik Eva [60], [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ], Remarks: Widow
Broker Josef [32], Spouse: Anna Schadeck, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Fibisch
Bruch John [37], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Bruck Steve [23], Spouse: Rosa, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ]
Brumenschenkel John [52], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1882 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ]
Brumenschenkel Joseph [41], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1881 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ]
Brumm Gotfried [26], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Brunhlier John [31], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Brunn Fred [41], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Mansfield ], Village: Franzfeld
Brunn Johann [46], Spouse: Cartharine, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 210 ], Village: Franzfeld
Brunn Philipp [37], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Brutz Andrew [50], Spouse: Susan, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Bryine Anton [25], Spouse: Susie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Brynech Anton [34], Spouse: Susan, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Burket Michael [30], Spouse: Michael, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Cover Stefan [38], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Crouse Paul [39], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Darin Josef [36], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Dash Nik [52], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1901 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Dautermann Philipp [60], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ]
Dealsler Mike [57], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ]
Dech Adam [60], [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Pantschowa, Remarks: Widow
Degrell George [64], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Setschan
Degrell Pete [34], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Torontal
Deschner Henry [65], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1920-[ EC 200 ], Village: Mramorak
Deschner Henry [57], Spouse: Julianna, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 189 ]
Deschner Jacob [20], [>US 1892 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 189 ]
Deschner Peter [40], Spouse: Catharine Balliner, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Mramorak
Deschner Philip [36], Spouse: Eva Haich, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 175 ], Village: Mramorak
Deschner Philip [24], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 189 ]
Dewals Mike [24], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Dinger Friedrich [42], Spouse: Rose, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Franzfeld
Dinger Martin [51], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Franzfeld
Dingler Martin [42], Spouse: Martha, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Distl Joseph [40], Spouse: Philipina, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 195 ]
Distl Stephen [34], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Ditschinger Anton [51], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Ditschinger Anton [60], Spouse: Lizzie Mattler, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Gier
Ditschinger Dominick [31], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Ditschinger Dominick [60], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Ditschinger Josef [54], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Ditschinger Peter [30], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Ditschinger Stephen [27], Spouse: Katharine Schlitter, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Setschan
Doma Josef [56], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ]
Dorner Edward [25], Spouse: Regina, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ]
Dorner Frank [38], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 206 ], Village: Pantschowa
Dude Nick [28], Spouse: Christina, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Delebae?
Dude Stefan [42], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Dungteik Daniel [51], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 178 ]
Echter Andreas [45], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Temeswar
Eichacker Christian [46], Spouse: Louise, [>US 1899 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Franzfeld
Eichhof Nick [42], Spouse: Magdalena Eck, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 222 ], Village: Setschan
Eichinger Josef [55], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Panjowa
Enderle Caspar [52], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 206 ]
Enderle Henry [36], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Lenauheim
Enderle Jacob [27], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Torontal
Enderle John [29], Spouse: Amelia, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ]
Enderle Kasper [43], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 181 ], Village: Lenauheim
Enderle Nick [56], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Lenauheim
Enderle Nick [26], Spouse: Donche, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Enderle Nikolaus [47], Spouse: Eliabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Gilad(bro of Kaspar
Erces Josef [22], Spouse: Mary, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Neusatz
Erie Carl [46], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ], Village: Franzfeld
Erndt Anton [59], Spouse: Susanna Madler, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Setschan
Erndt Jacob [27], Spouse: Barbara Merschdorf, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Setschan
Ernst Mathias [26], Spouse: Susan Scholler, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Pantschowa
Ernst Peter [55], Spouse: Helen, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Erre Barbara [49], [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Esto Leo [29], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Neusetz
Etzel John [30], Spouse: Rosia Lieber, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Wein/Austria
Etzel Peter [56], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Fauel Frank [65], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Faugl Frank [53], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Fetter David [24], Spouse: Evelersa?, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Fetter David [60], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Fetter David [70], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Fetter Mike [19], Spouse: Katie Gross, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Franzfeld
Fisch John [31], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Stefansfeld
Fischer Christ [45], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Fischer John [42], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Torschau
Fisher Julius [67], Spouse: Ann, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Pantschowa
Foley John [76], Spouse: Sofia, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Folmer Frank [25], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 181 ]
Folmer Jacob [25], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Folmer Mike [23], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Folmer Nick [57], Spouse: Helen, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 201 ], Village: Setschan
Folmer Nikolaus [48], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 181 ]
Folmer Stefan [32], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 181 ]
Folmer Steve [44], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 201 ], Village: Rudolfsgnad
Fonmen Josef [46], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Forch Mike [48], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Frank John [28], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Frank John [30], Spouse: Sophia, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Franzen George [49], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Zichydorf
Frauenhoffer Adam [34], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Fredrich Frank [60], Spouse: Anna Basting, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Frei Peter [31], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Freund George [60], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 179 ]
Freund George [42], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ Jackson ]
Frisch Nikolaus [25], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 195 ], Village: Jarkowatz
Frisch Peter [32], Spouse: Elisabeth Menches, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Dolatz
Frisch Steve [45], Spouse: Katharine Hilsch, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Jarkowatz
Fromm Josef [55], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1900 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Gardener Sebastian [48], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Temeswar
Gardner Sebastian [59], Spouse: Gertrude, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Temeswar/Panjow
Gaspar John [29], [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Gaubatz Anton [27], Spouse: Hellen, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Mramorak
Gaubatz Conrad [31], Spouse: Abloney?, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Gergeny Andreas [37], Spouse: Theresia Baymer, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Debrecen
Gerhot Josef [49], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1882 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Gilda Jacob [39], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Torontal
Gildi Jacob [30], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Goettl Philip [51], Spouse: Lorenza, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ Franklin ]
Gona Johann [53], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ]
Gottas Frank [76], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1872 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Gottas Robert [36], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1872 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Weisskirchen
Gotter Frank [68], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1891 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 178 ]
Gottfried Andreas [26], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ], Village: Franzfeld
Gowatch Paul [33], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Gowolts Thomas [21], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Gowotts Mike [56], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Grasel John [33], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Grasel Nikolaus [30], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Grasser Fred [66], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Grauer Fred [56], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1888 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 201 ]
Grauer Johann [38], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ], Village: Franzfeld
Grauer John [61], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ]
Gresh Frank [27], Spouse: Martha, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Gretten John [31], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Grist Louis [22], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ]
Gross Anton [49], [>US 1884 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Gross Eva [40], [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ], Remarks: Widow b. Eva Vogel
Gross Eva [49], [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Gross Frank [25], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Gross Frank [35], Spouse: Katie Frisch, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Topolja/Giseladorf
Gross Thom [30], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Hager Mathias [29], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Hallabrin Carl [31], Spouse: Regina, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 176 ]
Hallabrin Fred [60], Spouse: Susanna Braun, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ]
Hallabrin Jacob [23], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Hallabrin Martin [28], Spouse: Katharine Brumm, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Hallabrin Mike [36], Spouse: Christina Guelle, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Franzfeld
Halleberger Peter [38], Spouse: Augusta, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Hammer Georg [30], Spouse: Anna Weinert, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Pubince/Serm
Hammer Mike [65], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ]
Hammer Mike [27], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Hammer Paul [23], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Harich Carl [56], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 175 ], Village: Mramorak
Harich Karl [46], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 178 ]
Haring Nikolaus [54], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Karansebesch
Hather? Steve [34], Spouse: Lena, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Heck Peter [40], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 188 ]
Heck Peter [56], [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Hegert Frank [27], Spouse: Margaret Biester, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Brestowatz
Heilmann Josef [42], Spouse: Susan, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 177 ]
Heitz Elisabeth [39], [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan, Remarks: Widow
Hekel Michael [33], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ Franklin ]
Henke Martin [46], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Hennse Anna [44], [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Herr Nick [68], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1893 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Herz Anton [35], Spouse: Tracey, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 188 ]
Hetter Stefan [25], Spouse: Rosa, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Hetter Steve [43], Spouse: Minnie, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Hetz John [30], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Hite Martin [26], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Hock Andy [55], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Hoff John [24], Spouse: Catharine Weigler, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Hoff Mike [59], Spouse: Sofia Koch, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Franklin ], Village: Gr Betschkerek
Hoffmann Jacob [48], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ]
Hoffmann Nikolaus [44], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ Franklin ]
Holdzer Nick [31], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Holerwarth George [39], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Holzmuller John [35], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Holzmuller John [45], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Holzworth Catharine [68], [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 201 ], Remarks: Widow
Holzworth Katharine [57], [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ], Remarks: Widow
Honning Carl [30], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Honobas Josef [48], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Hook Andreas [44], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Hopp George [32], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Horvath Carl [46], Spouse: Agnes, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Horvath Josef [29], Spouse: Mary Them, [>US Unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ], Village: Jahrmarkt
Horvath Josef [56], [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Opova, Remarks: Widow
Horvath Mike [22], Spouse: Lena, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Huber Martin [30], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 186 ]
Huck Nikolaus [37], Spouse: Theresia Menrath, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Hungse Martin [35], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Hunimer Mike [56], Spouse: Martha, [>US 1900 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Hurly Stefan [38], Spouse: Tracy, [>US 1896 ], Census: 1910-[ Sandusky ]
Ikehof Nicholas [31], Spouse: Martha, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Iorna Josef [39], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Jahraus John [51], Spouse: Dorothea Wilking, [>US 1895 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Franzfeld
Jerger Paul [21], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Jung Elisabeth [25], [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Remarks: Widow
Kaiser ? [44], [>US 1901 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Kampf Johann [37], Spouse: Tracy, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Kampf John [46], Spouse: Josephine Quint, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Botschar
Kanz Christian [53], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Kanz Christian [63], Spouse: Katharine Deschner, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Mramorak
Kanz Christian [37], Spouse: Katharine Deschner, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Mramorak
Kanz Jacob [32], Spouse: Katie Deschner, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Mramorak
Kanz William [27], Spouse: Anna Hetler, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Mramorak
Kappel Francsis [34], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ Sandusky ], Village: Setschan
Kapuka Nik [31], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ]
Karbula Josef [32], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Kaschuba Friedrich [42], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1901 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 209 ], Village: Mramorak
Kathrein Blasi [22], Spouse: Maria A Ludwig, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Setschan
Kathrein George [47], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Kaufmann Josef [26], Spouse: Susie, [>US 1898 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan(ND)
Kaus Christian [27], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Kech Josef [42], Spouse: Agnes, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Keger Josef [32], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Keilman Josef [33], [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Kellete Andrew [30], [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ]
Kemle Fred [30], Spouse: Johanna Scholler, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Mramorak
Kerchner Nikolaus [37], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ Springfeld ]
Kichel John [40], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Kiefer Carl [39], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Kiefer Eva [44], [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Almas, Remarks: Widow
Kinkel Peter [23], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ EC 195 ]
Kittelberger Andreas [32], Spouse: Barbara Mueller, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Kittelberger Jacob [37], Spouse: Katharine Humm, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Franzfeld
Kittelberger Peter [46], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ], Village: Franzfeld
Kleer John [36], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Klein Henry [36], Spouse: Johanna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: D Bentschek
Knapp Kaspar [49], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Knapp Mike [47], Spouse: Clara, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ]
Knob Mike [35], Spouse: Clara, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Kobich Edward [32], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 201 ]
Kolleda George [50], Spouse: Maria, [>US 1887 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Kolling Frank [45], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ], Village: Pantschowa
Konig Mike [31], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Goldast
Kopcial Jacob [32], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Koppinger Martin [48], Spouse: Johanna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Korkujak Peter [25], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1897 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Korochick Josef [46], Spouse: Dorothy, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Korves? Mike [60], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Korworth Wilhelm [33], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Kovats Paul [36], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Botos
Kovics Josef [45], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ]
Kowach Josef [40], Spouse: Josefine, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Kramer John [30], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Palanka
Kramer Nick [67], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ]
Kramer Nik [41], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1901 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 208 ]
Kraner Josef [47], [>US 1900?], Census: 1910-[ ED 188 ]
Krebs John [24], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ], Village: Fibisch
Kreier Steve [54], Spouse: Johanna, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Krenier Josef [57], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1900 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 208 ]
Krknzak Peter [35], Spouse: Anna, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Kronberger? Friedrich [49], Spouse: Rose, [>US 1883 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Krssell Andrew [32], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Mramorak
Kuhn Josef [38], Spouse: Ethyl, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Palanka
Kupa Vincent [31], Spouse: Josefine, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Lafrank John [25], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Stefansfeld
Launch Andrew [31], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Lay Mike [55], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Leber Mary [66], [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Ledgler Nick [26], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Lehmann Lizzie [43], [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Lehr Johann [28], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Leibach Peter [44], Spouse: Emilia Jovanov, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Kudric
Leitenberger Conrad [29], Spouse: Elisabeth Mueller, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Leitenberger David [41], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Leitenberger Jacob [55], Spouse: Rosie, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Leitenberger Johann [41], Spouse: Susanna?, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Leitenberger John [30], Spouse: Susie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Franzfeld
Leitenberger Konrad [23], Spouse: Lizie, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Leitenburger David [31], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Lesch Johann [37], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Linster Peter [39], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Gier
Loch Josef [43], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 196 ], Village: Konigsdorf
Loris Mike [25], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Loris Mike [36], Spouse: Margaret Tesch, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Jahrmarkt
Loris Peter [22], Spouse: Caroline, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Loris Peter [34], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Louch(Bouch) Josef [31], Spouse: Louisa, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Lucas Edward [37], Spouse: Elisabeth Nagel, [>US 1900 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Pantschowa
Ludwig Nick [37], Spouse: Elisabeth Kathrein, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ], Village: Stefansfeld
Lumb Peter [33], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Lux Martin [43], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Maglovsky Andrew [31], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Mansfield Steve [49], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Marchley Adam [27], Spouse: Martha, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Marcy Martin [40], Spouse: Susan, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Marha Peter [61], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Markey Josefine [61], [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Markle Adam [40], Spouse: Lena Omazta, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Marks Peter [50], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Martin Frank [40], Spouse: Julia Kozma, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 201 ]
Masni Josef [39], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 208 ], Village: Kl St Nikolaus
Mathias Monrath [55], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Matuch Martin [49], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ]
Matz Fred [32], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Maurer John [28], Spouse: Katie Stefanz, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Jahrmarkt
Maurer Josef [26], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Maurer Josef [36], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Maurer Theodore [70], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
May Steven [45], Spouse: Marie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Mayer Anton [30], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Mayer Anton [39], Spouse: Katty Frass, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Zichydorf
Mayer Jacob [52], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 190 ], Village: Mramorak
Mayer John [27], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Grabatz
Mayer Katharine [87], [>US 1829?], Census: 1920-[ ED 190 ]
Mayer Michael [32], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Mayer Mike [28], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Mayer Mike [43], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Mayer Mike [49], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1901 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Mayer Peter [29], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1920 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Zichydorf
Menches George [55], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 181 ]
Meng Andrew [38], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Merschdorf Anna [47], [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Remarks: Widow
Mesling John [26], Spouse: Christina Schuster, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ], Village: Tschestereg nach ND
Metter William [42], [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Michels Peter [31], Spouse: Eva Klein, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 181 ], Village: Hatzfeld
Miller Andrew [27], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 171 ]
Miller Andy [38], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Franklin ], Village: Bawanischte
Miller Anna [96], [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ], Remarks: Widow
Miller Anton [33], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Miller Elisabeth [40], [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Miller George [46], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Miller Jacob [25], Spouse: Barbara Mayer, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Miller John [51], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Miller John [64], [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Miller John [61], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ Troy ], Village: Panjowa
Miller Matz [24], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Miller Michael [22], Spouse: Kathaine, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Miller Michael [32], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Mansfield ], Village: Franzfeld
Miller Modjes [44], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 188 ]
Miller Peter [64], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Miller Peter [32], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Fibisch
Mitsch Frank [32], Spouse: Margaret Halasz, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: D Bentschek
Mizey Henry [36], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Moretts Peter [50], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Morgenstern Henry [40], Spouse: Christine, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ Mifflin ], Village: Franzfeld
Morilu John [36], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Moritz Fred [34], Spouse: Mary Wietz, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Fibisch
Moritz Johann [28], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Moritz Peter [35], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Mormann Thomas [60], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Morris Martin [30], [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Morris Peter [44], [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Mosey Henry [47], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Mueller Adam [61], [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Hatzfeld, Remarks: Widow
Muller Adam [53], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Mutich Mathias [35], Spouse: Mary Parison, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Setschan
Mutsch Josef [28], Spouse: Pauline, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Myers Mary [57], [>US 1884 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 176 ], Remarks: Widow
Nagel Conrad [54], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Pardan
Nagel Dan [25], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ], Village: Tschawosch
Nagel Michael [42], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Nagel Nick [28], Spouse: Christina Schmidt, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ED 199 ], Village: Mramorak
Near Paul [45], Spouse: Marg, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Neder Josef [37], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Neder Josef [46], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Neupanat
Neisheimer Peter [37], Spouse: Louisa, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Ninzmer Ludwig [43], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1920 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Nippal Johann [23], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Novak Josef [40], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Almas
Novak Paul [26], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ Springfeld ]
Novotiny Victor [39], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1888 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Novotny Mary [43], Spouse: Div, [>US 1891 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 195 ]
Oberlander Michael [30], [>US 1892 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 190 ]
Orebin John [65], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ], Village: Fuenfkirchen
Paff Johann [35], Spouse: Katharine Mueller, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Novosella
Pasheslich Louis [29], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Pantschowa
Payne Johann [21], [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Pepes Mike [21], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Peter Egner [46], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Peters Elisabeth [50], [>US 1889 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 171 ], Remarks: Widow
Peters Ignatz [57], Spouse: Elisabeth Merle, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Sartscha
Peters John [29], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Phillip Martin [58], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1890 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 177 ]
Pilo Frank [35], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 195 ], Village: Pantschowa
Pitz John [51], Spouse: Marie, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Polenkos George [39], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 201 ]
Procker Josef [42], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Jahrmarkt/Fibisch
Pschierer Engelbert [35], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Jarkowatz
Rachel George [24], Spouse: Pauline, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Rath Frank [46], Spouse: Anna Werner, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Rebel Johann [35], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ]
Rech Charles [33], Spouse: Enne, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Reif Josef [24], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: D Bentschek
Reiter Peter [48], [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Reiter Philipp [42], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Mramorak
Remlong Nick [25], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Renard Jacob [60], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ]
Richard Carl [34], Spouse: Mary Merschdorf, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Apfeldorf
Rick Paul [43], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Ritter Peter [29], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Rittinger John [44], Spouse: Sophie Schmidt, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Karlsdorf
Rocke John [55], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Roese John [27], Spouse: Lena, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Rozer Thomas [23], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Russ Enery? [28], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905?], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Russ Josef [46], Spouse: Maria, [>US Unk ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Russ Josef [58], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Sarospatak/Borsod-Abauj Zemplen
Sabo Nikolaus [64], Spouse: Regina, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Sauer Mike [25], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ED 199 ], Village: Dapp(es)
Scaly Daniel [40], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Schad Adam [48], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Franz Joseffeld/Bosnia
Schad Friedrich [28], Spouse: Theresia?, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Mramorak
Schadek Anton [26], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Schadek John [33], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Schadek Peter [60], Spouse: Susanna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Schaening Nikolaus [33], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Schafer Anna [43], [>US 1899 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 181 ], Remarks: Widow
Schag Alexander [25], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Schauch Peter [25], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Scheets Josef [45], Spouse: Susie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 176 ]
Scheis George [54], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Schelyo John [30], Spouse: Clara, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Falso
Schemine Nick [39], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Setschan
Schester John [32], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Scheurer David [31], Spouse: Josefine, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Scheurer David [40], [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld, Remarks: Widow
Schier Philipp [26], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1900 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Schillinger Frank [32], Spouse: Elisabeth Kornek, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Schira Josef [24], Spouse: Daisy, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Schira Josef [35], Spouse: Daisy, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Schlez Georg [30], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Schmahl Carl [24], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ], Village: Mramorak
Schmahl Johann [36], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Mramorak
Schmahl Rosa [45], [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Mramorak, Remarks: Widow
Schmidt Henry [44], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Schmidt Henry [53], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Schmidt Jacob [24], Spouse: Edna, [>US 1899 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Franzfeld
Schmidt John [33], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ]
Schmidt John [32], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ Monroe ], Village: Aurelhausen
Schmidt Josef [25], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Schmidt Nikolaus [53], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ]
Schneider Jacob [37], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ]
Schneider Jacob [48], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Franzfeld
Schneider Johann [62], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 207 ], Village: Pardan
Schneider John [51], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ]
Schneider John [29], Spouse: Anna Mueller, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Jahrmarkt
Schneider Nikolaus [24], Spouse: Susanna, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ Sandusky ]
Schnurer Jacob [48], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Scholler Johann [42], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 210 ], Village: Mramorak
Schombera Sigmund [32], Spouse: Carolina, [>US 1892 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ]
Schouf Mike [30], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Schuetz Mike [37], Spouse: Minnie, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Schuff Adam [58], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Schuff Michael [41], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ Franklin ]
Schuff Wilhelm [33], Spouse: Wilma, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Schuller Albert [47], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Schultz George [39], Spouse: Barbara Loch, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Schuster Frank [38], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 206 ]
Schuster Peter [35], Spouse: Katharine Stuhlmiller, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ]
Schuster Peter [33], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Schuster Sophia [53], [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Weisskirchen, Remarks: Widow of Franz Schuster
Schutz Conrad [42], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 226 ], Village: Franzfeld
Schwaner John [40], Spouse: Rosa Schwaner, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Franzfeld
Schwauer Ferdinand [28], Spouse: Minnie Kittelberger, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Franzfeld
Schweitzer Anton [30], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Sebastian John [28], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Serb Pardan
Seeburger Charles [31], Spouse: Minnie, [>US 1888 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Sensler Peter [28], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 183 ]
Seueck Frank [29], Spouse: Magdalena, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Shalroni Frank [31], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Shothe Peter [50], Spouse: Susie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Siger Johann [53], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ]
Simon Daniel Jr [30], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1890 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ]
Simon Daniel Sr [65], Spouse: Amelia, [>US 1890 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ]
Simon Daniel [40], Spouse: Anna Ether, [>US 1890 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 195 ], Village: Weisskirchen
Simon Martin [31], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Simon Peter [34], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ]
Simons Josef [29], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Simons Peter [32], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Sing John [30], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Slitz Josef [36], Spouse: Susie, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Slitz Konrad [33], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Smith Johann [24], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Smonch John [21], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Sohl Henry [27], [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 182 ], Village: Mramorak, Remarks: Widow
Sohl Jacob [55], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ], Village: Mramorak
Sohl Josef [30], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Spartrel John [36], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Sperzel John [46], Spouse: Katharine Weigle, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Mramorak
Speye Frank [50], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Spies Frank [61], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1901 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 201 ], Village: Palanka
Stagram Georg [51], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Staveuck Victor [49], Spouse: Bertha, [>US 1879 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 194 ], Village: Temeswar
Stean John [37], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1898 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Stear John [25], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Stefan Josef [56], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Stehle Daniel [49], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Mramorak
Stehle Philip [28], Spouse: Julia Ihre, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Mramorak
Steir Johanna [60], [>US 1901 ], Census: 1920-[ Mansfield ], Remarks: Widow
Steir Philip [34], Spouse: Emma, [>US 1901 ], Census: 1920-[ Mansfield ], Village: Franzfeld
Stetz Johann [29], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Stetzmeyer John [33], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910
Stier Johann [47], Spouse: Eva, [>US 1890 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 206 ], Village: Franzfeld
Stier John [55], Spouse: Johanna, [>US 1901 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 188 ]
Stirizinger Josef [56], Spouse: Elisabeth Scheurer, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Franzfeld
Stirtzinger Anton [37], Spouse: Kathy, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ]
Stirtzinger Josef [35], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ]
Stirzinger Anton [64], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Franzfeld
Stoll Philip [49], Spouse: Kath Gilde, [>US 1920 ], Census: Boka-[ ED 202 ]
Strambe John [31], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920
Stransky Josef [32], Spouse: Lena, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Temeswar
Streitmater John [46], Spouse: Anna Ditschinger, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Setschan
Stromple John [30], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Stromple Peter [42], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Sturia Anna [39], [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ], Remarks: Widow
Subich Josef [27], Spouse: Susanna, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Setschan
Szirki Steve [34], Spouse: Barbara Oster, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ], Village: Gyoemroe
Szollas Edward [40], [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ], Remarks: Widow
Szollas Katharine [69], [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ], Remarks: Widow
Tans Josef [36], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1898 ], Census: 1910-[ Franklin ]
Taus Josef [46], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1920-[ Franklin ]
Teschler Johann [31], Spouse: Margaret?, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Teschler John [47], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Teschler Josef [32], Spouse: Lena, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Tesh Nikolaus [24], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Jahrmarkt
Them Anton [61], Spouse: Louise, [>US 1882 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 210 ]
Them Fred [63], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Them Friedrich [53], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Them Johann [25], Spouse: Helen, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Them John [55], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1881 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 178 ]
Them John [38], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Them John [65], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1881 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 195 ]
Them Michael [56], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Them Mike [46], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Them Nick [64], Spouse: Angelia Knolz, [>US 1911 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Them Peter [51], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ]
Them Samual [40], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Them Sebastian [29], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ], Village: Fibisch
Thoma Henry [28], Spouse: Susanna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Thoma Stefan [29], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 210 ], Village: Jarcovy?
Thomas Charles [46], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1888 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Thomas Peter [30], Spouse: Ruth, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ]
Till John [60], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Trepka Paul [39], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 179 ]
Twasna Josef [28], Spouse: Maria, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 170 ]
Urban John [52], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ]
Urschel Peter [38], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Uyner William [62], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Vogel Anton [41], Spouse: Sofie, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Mifflin ], Village: Brestowatz/Batschka
Vogel John [29], Spouse: Rosa, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ]
Vogel John [67], Spouse: Sophie, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Vogel John [38], Spouse: Rosa, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Vogel Mike [62], Spouse: Katie Decker, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Kreuzstaetten
Vogel Nick [24], Spouse: Ella, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 209 ], Village: Temeswar
Wachter Josef [30], Spouse: Mathalda Potuesck, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 211 ], Village: Sartscha
Wagenhals Josef [28], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Franzfeld
Wagenhals Josef [40], Spouse: Elisabeth Dem, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Franzfeld
Wagner Frank [47], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Wagner John [44], Spouse: Agnes, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Wagner Josef [32], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Wagner Laurance [41], Spouse: Karoline, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Wagner Leo [26], Spouse: Minnie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Wagner William [40], Spouse: Katharine, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 180 ]
Wald Philip [43], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1900 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 208 ]
Warga Frank [23], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ]
Warga Johann [53], Spouse: Agnes, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 208 ], Village: Almas
Warge Anton [36], Spouse: Rosa, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Almas
Washing Henry H [41], [>US Unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 195 ]
Weber John [27], Spouse: Elisabeth Zimmermann, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Borschad/Hung
Weigler William [22], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Weigler William [50], Spouse: Catharine Sheets, [>US Unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Weigler William [71], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US Unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Weiner Peter [42], Spouse: Susanna, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 206 ], Village: Hova?
Weinert Martin [24], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 202 ], Village: Torontal
Weinerth Anton [45], Spouse: Caroline, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ], Village: Pantschowa
Weingartner Jacob [27], Spouse: Kathie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 177 ]
Weingartner Jacob [36], Spouse: Katrina, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Weisenberger Andy [24], Spouse: Anna Pitz, [>US 1912 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: St Anna
Wentz George [28], Spouse: Rosa, [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ]
Wentz Theresia [48], [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Remarks: Widow
Wentz Valentine [37], Spouse: Catharine, [>US 1914 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ], Village: Franzfeld
Weyer John [30], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Wilbert John [35], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Wile Frank [56], Spouse: Anna, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ]
Wilging Rosa [29], [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 179 ]
Wilhelm Nikolaus [31], Spouse: Johanna Vogel, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ Madison ], Village: Setschan
Wiparena Martin [39], Spouse: Johanna, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 179 ]
Wissinger Jacob [73], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1883 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ]
Yergert Laurance [32], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1910 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Yoner Jon [38], Spouse: Kathy, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 187 ]
Zander George [56], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ], Village: Sartscha
Zander Peter [25], Spouse: Theresia, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 173 ], Village: Sartscha
Zeides Peter [30], Spouse: Katie Ziegler, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 199 ], Village: Siebenburgen
Zeitler Ethyl [26], [>US 1909 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 176 ], Remarks: Widow
Ziegler Johann [32], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 210 ]
Zimmer Martin [36], Spouse: Margaret, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ]
Zimmermann Andreas [29], Spouse: Lizzie, [>US 1903 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ], Village: Mramorak
Zimmermann Elisabeth [35], [>US 1902 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Mramorak, Remarks: Widow b. Kanz
Zimmermann Josef [43], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Zimmermann Josef [45], Spouse: Elisabeth Zuber, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Blumenthal
Zimmermann Josef [54], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1905 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Zimmermann Lawrence [61], Spouse: Katie, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Fibisch
Zimmermann Peter [26], Spouse: Lena, [>US 1907 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 205 ]
Zinianot Anna [38], [>US unk ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Remarks: Widow
Zirkel Valentine [35], Spouse: Rosalia, [>US 1913 ], Census: 1920-[ Washington ], Village: Pantschowa
Ziway Andreas [24], Spouse: Julia, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]
Ziway Andreas [34], Spouse: Julia Schmidt, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 204 ], Village: Stefansfeld
Ziway Mathias [33], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 185 ]
Ziway Mathias [43], Spouse: Barbara, [>US 1904 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 207 ]
Zoll Andrew Jr [27], Spouse: Christina, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Zoll Andrew [65], Spouse: Mary, [>US 1908 ], Census: 1920-[ ED 200 ]
Zuman Josef [36], Spouse: Elisabeth, [>US 1906 ], Census: 1910-[ ED 184 ]