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         Glenn Barbee's Story                                                            

Retirement Years             (1998-Present)

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Retirement is sometimes just a figure of speech.  I "retired" from the Navy in 1975, but I didn't stop working.  However, when I retired again in 1998, it was a different story.  This marked the end of my professional working life and the start of relaxing, low stress time for me.

I'm in charge of the five acres that surround our home here beside Lake Hartwell, and that keeps me busy.  I spent the first year acquiring all the necessary tools (not toys, as my wife calls them) to do the job.  The "necessary" list includes my lawn tractor, a chipper/shredder, a field and brush mower, plus a pressure washer and other assorted goodies.  You can't expect a guy to work without tools!

Ayako's passion is duplicate bridge.  It's something she started during our years in Japan and she has now become established here in both Georgia and South Carolina.  She has prodded me into getting into it since retirement.  I've taken some lessons and am now a passable novice.  It's an interesting game, but I find it awfully complex.

I still like to play my guitar and sing (when I can get someone to listen). I've always been a cowboy at heart.

One thing I really enjoy is going out to dinner each week with my friends here at the lake.  Thanks a lot, especially to Ernie, Don, and Nigel (pictured below).


Three stooges

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Man in hammock

Contact:  Glenn Barbeeemail

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