Story - Richard McRostie

The story of Richard McRostie

FATAL ACCIDENT AT TANTANOOLA (The Border Watch, 31st August, 1887)

A fatal accident, the circumstances connected with which were very distressing occurred near Tantanoola on Saturday afternoon. Four sons of Mr. James MacRostie, farmer of near Tantanoola, went out to the swamps in the Benara paddock duck-shooting. Reaching the paddock they separated to look for game, James and Fred going together in one direction, and Richard and William taking another course.

At about two o'clock. having gone but a short distance, the two latter observed some ducks flying in their direction, and it was arranged that they should fire at them as they passed near - Richard to shoot first and William immediately afterwards. They knelt down in the long grass, and as the ducks approached, within probably 60 or 70 yards, Richard fired. According to arrangement William, who was three or four yards behind, also fired. As he did so he was horrified to see his brother fall to the ground shot. Had the latter remained kneeling no injury would have happened to him, but he must have risen to his feet at the moment he fired and before his brother saw him he received the full charge fair in the back of the head. The charge made a wound as large as a florin.

Death was instantaneous; deceased never uttered a word after being shot. William at once called his brothers from the swamp to which they had gone, about half a mile distant, and, after a cart was procured, the body was carried to the Railway Hotel, Tantanoola, and information sent to the police at Millicent.

On Sunday afternoon an inquest was held at Tantanoola by Mr. A. F. Telfer, J.P., and a jury of twelve. The facts set forth as above were stated by the brothers William, James and Fredrick MacRostie, and the jury found - 'That Richard MacRostie was killed on Saturday afternoon, August 27, by a gun-shot wound accidentally inflicted by his brother William, while out duck shooting.'

Richard, the deceased, was 27 years of age, and was married. He leaves a wife and one child.
William MacRostie is about 19 years of age.

The parents of the young men were at the time absent on a visit to Adelaide, and Richard and his wife were taking charge of their residence during their absence. They were telegraphed for on Saturday evening, and leaving Adelaide on Monday morning, reached Tantanoola yesterday morning.

The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at Millicent. The cortege was a long one, the deceased and his brothers bring well known and respected throughout the drainage districts.

The Rev. Mr. Cunningham conducted the funeral obsequies.

General and genuine sympathy is felt in the district for the relatives of the deceased, and especially for the unfortunate young man who was the unwitting cause of the death of his brother. He feels the circumstances most deeply.