The DNA Project
The Bateman Surname DNA Project

Throughout the decades, descendants of our ancestors have tirelessly researched for the father of James Dunn.  And while our research has always been worthwhile, we have failed to stumble upon substantial evidence which would present us with answers. Answers that "many" of us have sought for years.... answers to questions which have kept some of us awake for many-a-nights.....

James Dunn & Margaret Elizabeth are buried in the old Bateman Cemetery, in Evansville, Arkansas.  However, this cemetery is currently falling into ruin as it has been neglected for many, many years.  I think we owe it to James & Margaret to tell their story.... our story...

We have started the Bateman DNA Project in an effort to further our family's current genealogical history, as well as the hope that we may soon discover our foreign lineage.  Our project is currently seeking "direct-line" male descendants to participate in the DNA project. Surnames open to our project include: Bateman, Pershall, Robinson, Wright, Patton, & Gardner.

Our surname project consists of the Y-chromosome 12-Marker Test,  made possible by a simple cheek swab. The Y chromosome is passed from father to son,  unchanged,  except for a mutation rate approximately every 500 generations.  Testing the Y chromosome will provide us with a genetic finger print consisting of 12 numbers.  In comparing this finger print with the tests of others,  we can determine if they are related.  

Although results may take up to 7 weeks, our DNA samples will be compared to 1) our project participants, and 2) other current surname projects in progress with Family Tree DNA.  Family Tree DNA currently has over 19,000 surname projects,  as well as over 35,000 test records in their database.

In order to aid current & future research efforts, and:

1)  You are a direct-line Bateman descendant willing to test for purposes of establishing benchmark DNA scores for other potential descendants to match against, please sign up at our Project website,

2)  You are a direct-line Bateman descendant willing to test, but cannot afford to do so, please email & let me know. We occasionally receive donations & our project may  be able to underwrite your test.

3)  You are a female descendant, or not interested in testing (but willing to support our Project with a donation), please go to
(indicating "Bateman" as the name of the Project).

Testing Kits from FTDNA are offered to our Project Participants at the discounted price
of $99. Our DNA markers are purely for establishing whether two/more participants have
common ancestors. Our testing is NOT for purposes of paternity, alimony, or legal situations.

In addition, marker analysis will not show whether or not you carry a problematic gene.
Your DNA will only be tested for looking at 12 specific Loci on the Y chromosome.

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