The New York Times, May 21, 1927 COUZENS PUTS WEALTH AT DISPOSAL OF BATH Michigan Village Buries Victims of School Blast - Arrest Hinted by Police. Special to The New York Times. BATH, May 20. - Hearse followed hearse down the rutted street of Bath this afternoon, bearing the bodies of the victims of insane Andrew Kehoe's revenge, killed when he blew up the consolidated school here on Wednesday. The sun shone in all its glory of Spring, but the grief-stricken community paid no attention. Financial and other aid was offered throughout the country, but the numbed village heard of it with no show of Interest. In marked contrast to the elaborateness of the many funerals here today, was the burial of Kehoe, who was killed when he blew up his own automobile after dynamiting the school. There was no service. There were no mourners. Mrs. Kehoe, who is believed to have been murdered by her demented husband before he blew up their home and barns, was buried in Lansing. The outstanding gift to the relief fund today was that of Senator James Couzens. He telegraphed Governor Fred W. Green that his wealth was at the disposal of that village. The Senator offered to rebuild the wrecked school and also aid financially the stricken citizens. Money continued to pour in to John W. Haarer, Chairman of the Governor's relief committee. The State police tonight announced that new evidence had been uncovered which might lead to the arrest of a person as an aide in perpetrating the massacre. The nature of the evidence was not made known. However, it was learned authoritatively that the source of the explosive used had been traced through files at Washington. Many believe that the authorities have learned that Kehoe did not plant the explosives and complete the extensive system of wires and fuses alone. RDB note: no accomplice was ever found.