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family history. Here you will find pages and pages of narrative history
on the Bolding, Callaway, Clayton, Hester, Kent, Mann, Peery, Toney and
related families including photographs and some old documents.
scroll thru the hyperlinked version of family group sheets from my Family
Tree Maker files go to My Surname Index with records of over 4900 individuals.
Some of the surnames in addition to Bolding, Callaway, Clayton, Hester,
Kent, Mann, and Toney are: Abernathy, Anderson, Arnold, Baldwin, Blythe,
Chamblee, Dorsey, Griffin, Loggins, Miller, Moore, and Peterson. [Note: Some of the information
contained here was included in GEDCOMs from other researchers and I cannot
verify this information. I have made every effort possible to document
the information I have but I'm sure I have made mistakes. I recommend that
you use these files as a starting place and try to find original data to
confirm or disprove it. I have not included my notes and source data in
these files. I will be happy to answer any questions and supply GEDCOM
files to anyone who request them.]
or fiction - or a little of both? Read all about Jep Clayton, the Gunman
King of Toyah.
I have included a blatant plug for my book Southern Heritage - a Clayton
family genealogy.
I almost forgot, you can click here to learn more about me than you ever
wanted to know.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions please send
Below you will find links to related sites.
Henry Fielding Peery's Photo Album
Mississippi in the War Between the States