Hetherington and Eaton genealogy page

Hetherington and Eaton genealogy page

Eddie and Alice c. 1905

My grandmother Eleanor Margaret Hetherington was the elder daughter of Rev. Edward Charles Hetherington and Alice Margaret Eaton. The highlighted links will bring you to my genealogy of Eatons, but I have not yet added all the notes specifying my sources. As some are word-of-mouth, be warned that what is listed here may not be correct. Here is a link to Alice's diary, written in 1891, when she was 17 and at finishing school in Paris.

I compiled the notes to Alice's diary with help from the following sources:

Eddie Hetherington was priest at Silchester until 1925. Here is a link to a List of Parishioners who contributed to his farewell gift

You can see photos of the Eatons and Hetheringtons on this page.

This page is in memory of Betty Ramsay (19 November 1911 - 25 December 1999), who brought our family tree to life for me.

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