Historical and genealogical researcher.
Studioso di storia e genealogia.
e-mail address: [email protected]
In these pages you will find a brief demonstration of my Database Marcorengo 1673-1923 © and my Metodo Ferro ©.
Above you can see a portion of my family data and my family tree.
All my ancestors named Ferro are chronologically shown.
This file as been created in a special way called Metodo Ferro © (method);
from the data available, here enclosed, you will understand the work done.
Here below two Excel files of the genealogy of my
family are shown in two versions:
In the next future I wish to public the Metodo Ferro ©: it will
give you the possibility to create a
database such as mine just following a few basic rules.
If you are interested in publishing my Metodo
Ferro © (book, floppy disk, Internet, CD, etc.) and in selling it through
commercial channels, you can contact me at the following e-mail address:
List of Italian genealogist Genealogia
List of my
publications |
My visit to Family Search. |
Professor and Surgeon Enrico Martini’s photo, my very important ancestor,
founder of two hospitals in Turin. |
The death
act of August 2, 1679 of my ancestor
Pietro Ferro, (Latin text: "1679 2
augusti obiit Petrinus de Ferris incola huius loci et sepultus fuit die
tertia eiusdem in Parrochiali Sancti Petri Marcorengi"). |
Enrico Martini’s publications. |
Part of testament of July 29, 1679, of my
ancestor Pietro Ferro (jpg file). |
Father Giuseppe Ferro’s photo, another important ancestor of mine, missionary of S. Vincent de Paul, headmaster of the Scuola Apostolica) |
Part of testament of July 29, 1679, of my ancestor Pietro Ferro (word
file). |
A few notes on Database
Marcorengo 1673-1923 © and Metodo
Ferro ©
In order to create my database, the activities have been input of data,
check out and partial and total addition.
Directly from the original documents.
I have checked all the records with reference to the same person
starting from the correct origin family, with any kind of control, when
possible, also from different archives.
Please find here below a few cases of compatibility and actions:
control with birth, marriage, death
dates of the person, of his sons, of the correct attribution of parents and
compatibility to their birth, marriage and death dates; the same for the
compatibility of the death age
indicated on the original document with his birth date;
for the correct attribution of the
sons I took into consideration the widowhood cases and possible 2nd
and 3rd marriages;
age range to the attribution of
children: 15-65 years for men; 14-45 years for women;
child attribution to the father died
prior to his son’s birth; the attribution is valid when the son is born no
longer than 8 months after the father’s death;
surnames standardization (from Latin
to Italian, if declined to plural or to feminine);
names standardization i. e. from Battista, Gio Batta, Giovan
Battista to Giovanni Battista;
standardization of the different
kind of recording of parish priest, (same person indicated in three different
ways): i.e.:
On birth record:
Rossi Giovanni Carlo Antonio Giuseppe
On marriage record:
Rossi Antonio Giuseppe
On death record: Rossi Giuseppe
same name given to more sons;
control of the sons dead previously;
overcoming and correction, in the
focussed cases, of some errors made at time of recording;
the above activities, when possible,
have been validated by other documents found.
Whenever the recognition of a person or the attribution in the family is
not found or uncertain I have indicated the symbol "?". The same
thing for the name of surname not indicated on the document in origin or
indicated with an incomprehensible writing.
All dates are indicated in day/month, but ordered by month/day.
There are several information added by me to the simple transcription of
the original document, the major points of my database and they deserve a
particular attention.
The partial o total additions are the added value of the process of
validation, the brick upon which I have built my database.
For this reason I ask the protection for my Copyright.
Technically, once found the correct person, his available data (i.e. 2nd,
3rd, 4th name, father, mother, consort, etc.) has been reported in
all the boxes of the database referred to himself.
Partial addition if on the original
document the uncompleted name is reported. I.e:
Person |
Father |
Mother |
Rossi Carlo |
Rossi Mario |
Clara |
Rossi Carlo Francesco Antonio Pietro |
Rossi Mario Eugenio Giovanni |
Neri Clara Maria Benedetta Orsola |
Total addition if on the original document no name is shown. i.e.:
Person |
Father |
Mother |
Neri Filippo Claudio Antonio |
Neri Mario Carlo Gaspare |
Neri Filippo Claudio Antonio |
Neri Mario Carlo Gaspare |
Bianchi Lucia Maria Carlotta |
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