Lynn and I went to Mt. Moriah today and straightened the Radue stone. It tilts forward very slightly now, but I expect it will settle backwards a little bit again. Here are some photos showing how it went. The first two photos are from three weeks ago. In 186 you can see the tilt of the stone, and in 184, you can see the complete lack of brush growth which now shows up in photo 208 (the line of green stuff back behind the stone at the level of the bottom of the name "Radue.") The entire back of our section, moving toward the houses, is now filled chest high with overgrowth that wasn't there on April 6th. Fortunately, there were no signs of it sprouting around our stone. I sprayed everything nearby with weed/brush killer. This will take constant vigilance to keep clear, assuming the road remains accessible. Any of you who liver closer than I do: perhaps you can stop in from time to time and keep me posted on the conditions. (By the way, by my calculation, the stone weighs about 1700 pounds. I'm going to use this as a lesson when we do levers in physical science class.)
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